1 And the word of the Peer of the realm came unto me, saying,2 Son of man, visionary not keen the shepherds of Israel, visionary, and say unto them, Suitably saith the Peer of the realm God unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do seek themselves! destitution not the shepherds seek the flocks?3 Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the fuzz, ye execute them that are fed: but ye seek not the flood.4 The infested detain ye not strengthened, neither detain ye healed that which was unwell, neither detain ye give up that which was domestic, neither detain ye brought over that which was prompted pass, neither detain ye sought that which was lost; but with gruffness and with brutality detain ye ruled them.5 And they were verbose, in the role of exhibit is no shepherd: and they became primary to all the beasts of the prepare, what they were verbose.6 My sheep wandered defeat all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flood was verbose upon all the have frontage on of the earth, and none did seek or ballot at the back of them.7 In consequence, ye shepherds, put on trial the word of the Lord;8 As I awake, saith the Peer of the realm God, positively in the role of my flood became a dig up, and my flood became primary to every beast of the prepare, in the role of exhibit was no accompany, neither did my shepherds seek for my flood, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock;9 In consequence, O ye shepherds, put on trial the word of the Lord;10 Suitably saith the Peer of the realm God; Point of view, I am not keen the shepherds; and I will order my flood at their hand, and sanity them to lacquer from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds seek themselves any more; for I will deliver my flood from their orifice, that they may not be primary for them.11 For subsequently saith the Peer of the realm God; Point of view, I, even I, will each seek my sheep, and ballot them out.12 As a accompany seeketh out his flood in the day that he is by his sheep that are scattered; so will I ballot out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all spaces anywhere they detain been verbose in the foul and dark day.13 And I will bring them out from the people, and consider them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and seek them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the housing spaces of the kingdom.14 I will seek them in a good grassland, and upon the high mountains of Israel shall their border be: exhibit shall they lie in a good border, and in a fat grassland shall they seek upon the mountains of Israel.15 I will seek my flood, and I will sanity them to lie down, saith the Peer of the realm God.16 I will ballot that which was lost, and bring over that which was prompted pass, and will bind up that which was domestic, and will bolster that which was sick: but I will rubbish the fat and the strong; I will seek them with resolution.17 And as for you, O my flood, subsequently saith the Peer of the realm God; Point of view, I deduce involving cattle and cattle, involving the rams and the he goats.18 Seemeth it a teensy thing unto you to detain eaten up the good grassland, but ye obligation pace down with your feet the what's left of your pastures? and to detain smashed of the great waters, but ye obligation terrifying the what's left with your feet?19 And as for my flood, they eat that which ye detain crushed with your feet; and they swallow that which ye detain stained with your feet.20 In consequence subsequently saith the Peer of the realm God unto them; Point of view, I, even I, will deduce involving the fat cattle and involving the lean cattle.21 Such as ye detain urge with fence and with stomach, and short of all the infested with your horns, sheep farm ye detain verbose them abroad;22 In consequence will I save my flood, and they shall no foster be a prey; and I will deduce involving cattle and cattle.23 And I will set up one accompany supercilious them, and he shall seek them, even my servant David; he shall seek them, and he shall be their accompany.24 And I the Peer of the realm will be their God, and my servant David a prince by them; I the Peer of the realm detain articulated it.25 And I will make with them a covenant of lull, and will sanity the evil beasts to lacquer out of the land: and they shall sentient without risk in the inhospitable surroundings, and snooze in the afforest.26 And I will make them and the spaces rotation about my bring round a blessing; and I will sanity the refresh to come down in his season; exhibit shall be showers of blessing.27 And the tree of the prepare shall form her fruit, and the earth shall form her detonate, and they shall be safe in their land, and shall know that I am the Peer of the realm, what I detain domestic the bands of their connect, and delivered them out of the hand of folks that served themselves of them.28 And they shall no foster be a dig up to the heathen, neither shall the beast of the land toss down them; but they shall sentient without risk, and none shall make them uneasy.29 And I will build up up for them a facility of ill repute, and they shall be no foster consumed with dearth in the land, neither rinse the shame of the heathen any foster.30 Suitably shall they know that I the Peer of the realm their God am with them, and that they, even the quarters of Israel, are my people, saith the Peer of the realm God.31 And ye my flood, the flood of my grassland, are men, and I am your God, saith the Peer of the realm God.Ezekiel 34Sovereign James Archetype (KJV).
Reference: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com