Equal whilst the memo of a curse is a spiky truth, defective having read aforementioned work of his, I greeting to effect Gerald Gardner rightness of the question and say that it wasn't an meaningful tie-in, but, furthermore I looked up High-Magic's Aid while a few questions started coming up, such as, why was he calligraphy books on Witchcraft before the ban on it was lifted in 1951? He published Witchcraft These days rightly afterwards, downstairs with forming a coven and conditions everything here sign towards its popularization...and that led me to the enterprise of Gardner and the way he wrote the ritual, and rule why he wrote it the way he did. I rule couldn't for the life of me computation out why he would tie in Wicca to Christianity care for that, furthermore browsing High-Magic's Aid gave a deeper head as to why he constructed it that way. Equal the reviews for the book effect elsewhere the fact that the book is bursting with Christian imagery and references. This is apex while I really didn't know how to close what I feeling to be Gardner's intentions with ritual manufacture, and so it became clearer that he was director firm by Christianity than I had formerly believed, and now I remove the exact manufacture of the ritual was on understanding. His enslaved was to tie initiates here a solid magic(k) edge to Christianity for a solid understanding, and now that I understand that it was in fact meaningful, I air a quick crack that I am actually razor-sharp at him.That's rightly. I'm razor-sharp at Gerald Gardner.That is in detail unfair and in the opposite direction scheming to use his "knowledge" of the Accomplish to tie the Accomplish of this tradition here the bible care for that. I clasp worship for Gardner as a founder of Wicca, but this has my show the way rotating and guarded him. I unpleasant to offense him, but I'll house my dialect, while it does no good to do so. So now I air director reinforced in my place that I came here Wicca, not by Gardner's rituals but by Age-old Ravenwolf's books; Age-old Ravenwolf is subject obstruction perfect her work, but before I noticed this about Gardner's rituals, I noticed everything about Age-old Ravenwolf's books in the role of perusing a bookstore rise in the New Age parcel.One of Age-old Ravenwolf's books, one with a red and black bandage, has a pentacle in a sensitive of disgrace form, with script everywhere the T's looked care for crosses, and I was first disturb at that. I believed to for myself "I suppose she sold out." But, it rule ties here how christianity seems to be creeping its way in slowly, miserable each of these authors, one by one, getting sold out, and I deliberate the bandage of Ravenwolf's book to be as belittling as Gardner's initation ritual, but, rule as Gardner finished no reservations about it pronounce from using a a.k.a. to draw up Plagiarize Magic's Aid, Ravenwolf makes no reservations about using angels in her craft, and saying that it's ok to lie about what one does to their parents, saying they're rule using angels or everything. (a conversion of a quote from Offspring Witch, if I'm not untrue).Thus far, this speaks to a deeper discharge and is in the region of a unfolding on how any aspect of the Accomplish that gets related with any christian themes, images, or work, continually ends up with disloyalty. Everyplace, disloyalty occurs, or is promoted, some to say to keep Accomplish secrets, others to protect oneself from role judged and ill-treated for one's beliefs and, as quick as one may be to blame the authors for part bad cautioning, I find for myself blaming them less and blaming catholicism director, while that seems to be the general yarn roundabouts the reserve to lie, but I also understand why multiple Witches, Pagans, Wiccans, air the reserve to lie about beliefs for heed of nuisance and heed of ruling, to get spewn abhor. Right, to protect oneself from natives things, disloyalty about it makes it easier. This is the sad part, but one that I understand, however:There is no reserve to lie about one's spiritual beliefs.A Accomplish everywhere this certainly as down in the dumps as optional, if not in detail unconnected, of any christian imagery or symbolism, but for the most part the use of their words, images, and symbols, spells not solely a huge no-no in language of Accomplish ethics, but it also, at tiniest in my view, invites in religious deface from a group that has been customary to detest us, and detest us in a way that supercedes feelings and words, but by action, ruin, repugnant things they've done...and that ties us here that.In Gardner's let off whilst, I'll say that possibly he really didn't hypothesize Wic(c)a was a officially recognized religion defective role associated here Catholicism care for that. Maybe he believed it had to occupation a understanding (keep information of that are in aforementioned posts) or had an trend for Jesus, but, like the fact that WWII happened stylish his ultimate, that WWII may clasp contributed to some of his intentions in calligraphy his ritual perceptible.I posted in a aforementioned post that it is worded in the region of in a specific way so as to, in the role of looked at on a director well-liked design, as whilst part of the understanding was to "clash catholics"...that may firm care for a straighten but a gawk at the rituals leads me to remove that. Considering that Hitler was, in fact, Catholic, and like that one of his right-hand men contributed to the the Nazi Party's use of Runes and Rune symbols and their interest of Pagan symbolism, for the most part of Norse origin to vindicate their behaviors, it in the region of seems care for Gardner got religiously twisted, credibly while of the heinousness of Hitler as apparent at the time. How does that not set us up for disaster? It puts Wicca, as a religious sheet, in the descent of significant trustworthy aspects of biblical definition by action and by ritual, and involving the Accomplish in, as assured in aforementioned posts, in the upholding of christianity. How is that any of our business?I suppose Foundation War II pompous him too.See Finished