Friday, November 7, 2014

Taliesin Was Reborn Of A Goddess Cerridwen

Taliesin Was Reborn Of A Goddess Cerridwen


"The grove is yours by oak, ash, and thorn"

"For all that has passed and all that is born"

"Are part of each other, connected as one"

"As all that is lost and all that is won."


"Taliesin, the famous bard, was a man very much in touch with the concept of oneness. Oneness is a belief that we are not only connected to everything, we are actually part of everything on a very deep level. Previously known as Gwion Bach, Taliesin was reborn of a goddess Cerridwen after a shapeshifting battle of wits and born with the knowledge of everything in the world and his place in it. As an infant he spoke in verse, proclaiming that knowledge. He also spoke that he remembered having been a blue salmon, a dog, a stag, a roebuck on the mountain, a stock, a spade, an axe in the hand, a stallion, a buck, a bull, and a grain of the fields. In this card, Taliesin rejoices in the oneness of the universe and takes his place within the magical, sacred grove of trees."

"Groves were the temples of the druids and of many other people of earth-based faiths. A grove is a gathering of trees with a clearing in the center; many of the trees in the druids' sacred groves were the faerie triad of oak, ash, and hawthorn. Apple, willow, beech, and yew were trees often traditionally associated with the sacred grove as well. In fact, there are as many sacred groves as there are forests, all trees being sacred. This was a place where all knowledge came together - a place of peace and justice. A sacred grove would have been a place specifically consecrated as a temple, a place simultaneously of the material world and the spirit world. It was magically protected as a place to worship, to raise and send energy, and to gather for council meetings and other judicial events.


"This card represents Oneness and Consciousness. Wisdom is readily available to you; you need only to look within. There are connections between events that you may not have seen before, but those connections are very important in helping you to see through the illusions that are at hand. The situation may be more complicated that you realize; try to see the situation as a whole rather than focusing on the individual aspects. Also don't forget that the decisions you make will ripple out to others, so act responsibly and teach others by your example. Things may seem very complex, so be careful not to miss the forest for the trees. Otherwise, you may be involved in resolving a conflict, which will be difficult because of the complexity of the situation. There is a lot of confusion; try to back up and see the whole picture. Don't get bogged down in the details."


"So how do you locate a sacred grove? Well, there are many sacred sites to visit in the British Isles and Celtic Regions, such as the Fairy Glen at Rosemarkie on the Black Isle or the Druid Oaks of Avalon at Glastonbury. Sadly, when the Romans invaded, they burned most of the druids' groves and ceremonial sites. Of course, the land that the sacred groves once stood on can still be visited. There, under the gentle hand of the Green Man, the offspring of the original trees of the druids' sacred groves may now populate those areas. Some of the groves that were in secret places may still exist."

"To find a sacred grove, go into the wild places anywhere in the world and feel with your heart; when you find your grove, you will know. Or better yet, plant one of your own. You could plant an apple orchard or oak, ash, and hawthorn trees in your own yard. Or, perhaps ogham trees if they might grow in your region. REMEMBER, A SACRED SPACE IS WHERE YOU MAKE IT.

Today's inspirational message is from Voice of the Trees: A Celtic Divination Oracle by Mickie Mueller.

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