Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Religion Is Sincere Advice Religion Is Nasihah

The Religion Is Sincere Advice Religion Is Nasihah
On the mandate of Tamim Al-Dari that the Soothsayer, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said:"Religious studies is nasihah." We said: "To whom?" The Soothsayer, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said: "To Allah and His Sticker album, and His agent, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their gap folk." [Muslim]The word "nasihah" cannot be exactly translated to English such as it is a bursting opinion which cannot be traced in the English chat. At all use the term "straightforward manner" but this is now part of the opinion - to disapprove deception/cheating. According to Imam Ibnu al-Salah, nasihah is "impartial seeking the best, in conditions of gist and action, for the one whom he is making nasihah to".This hadith is a technical demonstration as Sheikh Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo says that in this one hasty demonstration the Soothsayer, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, described the guts of Islam. Nasihah in this fashion forms the bulk and the upper limit burial place aid of Islam commencing it encompasses Islam, Iman and Ihsan. NASIHAH TO ALLAHThe nasihah have to be to Allah ahead of schedule. This includes the grasp of the obligations in the best way budding (Ihsan).This have to be the figure for every Muslim. This next includes striving to get as in a straight line to Allah as budding by play a part not now the obligations but next the preferable good accomplishments, by glacial the dishonest and avoiding the unpopular acts.Nasihah to Allah next involves:. believing in Allah and denying any associates with Him.. believing in His attributes.. obeying Him.. sustaining His guidelines and refraining from what He has dishonest.. play a part what is best to take up again Him, under all casing.. dear doesn't matter what He loves and hating doesn't matter what He hates, be it substance, population, tricks, sayings, etc.. recognising the blessings He has bestowed upon us and brim thanking Him for these blessings.To do nasihah to Allah one have to have the cautionary gist in one's establish to carry out the job of Allah, even on one occasion one is excused and it is forgotten one's manufacture to perform these obligations. Sometimes a character may not be polite to perform an faithfulness but at smallest he has good intentions in his establish to carry out it in the ahead of schedule place.The tricks of the establish (i.e. to have think in Allah's pity, to anticipation Him, to foreboding Him and to probability move away in Him), and the tricks of the limbs (prayers, Zakah, etc.) next fall under nasihah to Allah.Integrity is next substitute aspect of this astonishing opinion. In doesn't matter what we do we have to always be good with Allah, similarly with ikhlas (straightforward manner). In fact ikhlas have to be the ahead of schedule thing that a Muslim have to retrieve on one occasion we treatise about nasihah to Allah.NASIHAH TO HIS BOOKThis includes:-. Believing that the Qur'an is from Allah, that it is the Forewarning of Allah and that it is not like the word of man.. According to one's manufacture, to read and deliver the Qur'an and to practice it.. To study it's admonitions, lessons and parables.. Aptitude others to agree to in the Qur'an.. To defend and protect it from any civilized of satire or misunderstanding.. Defending the Qur'an on imaginary claims ended on it.. Having honorable be an enthusiast of and treating the Qur'an in a honorable way of thinking - e.g. to be complete not to drive prevented a contribute to of paper which has an ayat marked on it (magazine craze, etc.) as it may be stepped on - we have to next be attentive if we see such a contribute to of paper on the instance to option it up and shield it prevented inoffensively or ransack it by blazing it so that it is not arise to disapproval.NASIHAH TO HIS MESSENGERThis includes:-. Believing the Prophet's, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, send a reply to.. Believing in all that he brought as one divinely stirred.. Affectionate him better than we love ourselves and our families - it is the jiffy level of love after the love of Allah.. Our love for him have to lead to other obligations like obeying him.. Allot him and defending him (for population who were alive over and done with his time) - defending his honour and respecting his recognition.. For the empire who came after the Prophet's, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, life, we have to be an enthusiast of and love his Sunnah which is an implication of dear him.. To say "sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam" whenever his name is mentioned.. To fling his Sunnah as a breadth by which we decree substance, tricks and sayings.. To fling him as the true aristocratic and now human's last word with be an enthusiast of to the religion - he is the now true mortal mandate and one and all else's statements/opinions come after his.. To love population who love him and dislike population who dislike him.. Brisk his Sunnah by learning, understanding, teaching and thinning out it. Still, on one occasion we attract empire to the Sunnah - as advised by Imam Ahmad - we have to do it in a skillful and honorable way and not to end up clash about it. One fly over today is that different Muslims are unaware of the Sunnah and the recognition of the Sunnah - so one of the substance we have to do is to make these empire love the Sunnah, and we have to not do so in an surly or hostile way as this right lead to the empire one confused, invasion and rejecting the Sunnah.. Submit are so different bid'ah one adept today and the way to remove bid'ah between the empire is to keep the Sunnah (The Salaf said: "Bid'ah now arises on one occasion the Sunnan is not standard or adept."). To keep the Sunnah, we have to not start with the unfair criticism of bid'ah but rather with the introduction/presentation of the Sunnah. We have to set good role models of population who love, and indication the Sunnah and we have to teach others in a skillful, honorable way so that others too can understand, love and be familiar with the Sunnah. Plus they mettle use the Sunnah as a breadth to decree substance. Slowly, insha Allah, bid'ah mettle be destitute and minimized.. While we try to refine empire about the Sunnah, we have to be complete not to murky them by focusing on negligible issues. Sunnan can be demoralized fashionable assorted levels and we have to start from the witness level. We have to not teach empire about the mediocre levels (chronicle) on one occasion they haven't been taught the bigger levels (basic concepts). We have to let the empire understand and love the bigger level Sunnan ahead of schedule at the forefront we go walk by walk fashionable the mediocre levels, indolently veil better chronicle. This, insha Allah, mettle lead to the revitalization of the Sunnah.. To love also his motherland and his companions. Furthermost Islamic sects love one or the other and not also. Submit are some deviated Islamic sects who are propagating their imaginary beliefs by creating suspicions about the Sahabahs (Companions) with the gist of making empire dislike them. This mettle lead to the forswearing of the Sunnah. At all sects now agree to the Sunnah that comes unequivocal their imams, e.g. the Shi'ah. We have to be attentive of the sources of narrations about the Sahabah as some of these narrations are imaginary and may find out suspicions.. To love population who indication, defend and dispute to keep the Sunnah of the Soothsayer, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam.NASIHAH TO THE MUSLIM LEADERSThe word aristocratic stands for also 'ulama and population in mandate (at all levels). Nasihah have to be answer to all leaders, no item how high or what the rank is. No one is choice the law in Islam and no one is choice needing urging. Nasihah is for the stop of any person who is in mandate. This track that a emperor, aristocratic or scholar have to be the ahead of schedule to fling actual urging.Making nasihah to Muslim leaders have to include:-. Allot them in doesn't matter what is good or ready to lend a hand.. Obeying them in what is accusation.. Reminding them if they have to err or avoid.. Guise determined with them if they do substance which we hate - we try to do the nasihah and at the fantastically time we work the aristocratic such as previously it may lead to irregularity in the Muslim community.. Making jihad with them and not adverse on their honorable mandate.. One have to pray for their objective and enthusiasm.. Choosing the accusation way, way of thinking and highway in advising them. The Scholars say role nasihah to leaders have to be done according to important rules: i. One must have good intentions (ikhlas). ii. It have to be done mildly, work on them with be an enthusiast of. iii. Avoiding simplicity and not to mortify them - our aim is to command and cautionary them and not to train in off. iv. Not to inform or inform others about their wrong-doings as this may lead to better snag in the society. v. Imagine the nasihah in private and not publicly.. If one is asked by the aristocratic to do a maksiah or whatever thing which contradicts with Shariah, one shouldn't curb. Still, we have to disclose in a nice/assertive way of thinking and not in an surly way such as our aim is to remind them that this is unfitting so that they mettle inverse and not ask us to do the maksiah.. For the Scholars, our nasihah is seeking knowledge from them.. We curb them if their psyche is based on fine verify and indication.. Not to probability or point out their mistakes. Submit are some empire who derivation for the mistakes of Scholars - we shouldn't do this such as Scholars are devout empire and this act may cause Allah to be incensed with us. It may next find out chaos in the community.. Not to indication them blindly.. Not to hollow them.NASIHAH TO THE Regular FOLK OF THE MUSLIMSThis includes:-. To inspection the job of other Muslims - sustaining our obligations towards other Muslims. These obligations resist depending on the group of Muslims (e.g. our parents, children, relations, neighbours, etc.) - e.g. admission them, visiting them on one occasion they are poorly, making du'a for them, role urging if they ask for it, praying solat ul janazah for the one who dies, etc.. To inspection the opinion of wala' which means: i. to love every Muslim. ii. to organization for all Muslims. iii. to help other Muslims. iv. to defend/protect other Muslims.If you do not love, you mettle not organization. If you do not organization, you mettle not help. If you do not help, you mettle not protect.The release why so different Muslims today do not organization or help others is such as exhibit is whatever thing unfitting with the wala' aspect of love. We have to have love for other Muslims, very population who are examine, so we mettle organization and help them. The Scholars say one way to help and the smallest we can do is to make du'a (pray for them).Submit is a memory chip opinion to al-wala' which is al-bara or disassociation with (for the objective of leading others from play a part evil). Still we have to not do it: i. for our own bustle. ii. if it mettle not lead the other character to inverse his ways - we have to not start with disassociation, we have to start with role urging and cultivating.We have to train in love and carefulness and represent nasihah in the honorable way. If all extremely fails, next we can use the opinion of disassociation (if it mettle lead to the character varying).1. The Soothsayer, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, thought that "he is a real Muslim if he is the one who the other Muslims are saved from his tongue and his hand" - the true Muslim is one who mettle not harm others in words or biologically, in any way or by any track.2. Having pity for the fresh and fair be an enthusiast of to the elders - it is part of glorifying Allah that we be an enthusiast of the outstanding Muslims.3. Sacrificing one's time, strain, money, etc. for the betterment of the Muslim community.4. If we are the ones in mandate, next we have to act easily towards the rest of the Muslims and do doesn't matter what is in their best bustle. We have to represent nasihah to the empire by, e.g. play a part what is best for the ummah, defending the community, putting the accusation and skilled empire in the accusation rest and job. Any civilized of conduct or mandate, doesn't matter what the level or position, is answerable for the empire one lead - e.g. supervisors, managers, teachers, ethics, etc.From exploring all the obligations mentioned choice, we can see that nasihah encompasses everything in Islam, Iman and Ihsan."Cupid Noor"