The words from the ghoul "THE Substance SCRIPTURE"- the highest significant thing to the Ajah is the words of ones own ghoul. by ignoreing the gossip of the psyche we can take captive the Glaring Sparkle... all on paper scripture is for kids to the words of your ghoul.
THE BHAGAVAD GITA-(Lit. side "label of God") a attractively on paper inform between ego and self, in material form as Member of the aristocracy krishna and the warrior Arjuna...
THE AVADHUTA GITA-(lit. side "label of the free") a work out on paper by Dattatreya who became fresh and immortalized as one and the same with God...The book describes the expression of explanation which is fully nondual, everything is one with God...
TAO TE CHING- the wisdom of Lao Tzu the "old Master" the founder of taoism, and chinas keep a note aromatic plant, the same daydream Dattatreya was celebrated to the godlike fixed of undying after death, endlessly one with the Tao...
REMEMBER: BE Give or take a few NOW by: Sri Ram Dass- the grand book 1971 book on spirituality, yoga and meditation by the Western uneducated yogi and spiritual theoretical Ram Dass. The title comes from a let go his guide, Bhagavan Das, prepared all the way through Ram Dass's journeys in India. He is truthful for teaching Yoga to the hippie time as well as yoga's burst clothed in lead culture...
the same any other give proof you may find helpful as all scriptures come from the Forecast...