Thursday, March 27, 2014

Vats Of Mazarin Session 2

Vats Of Mazarin Session 2
Medium: Google+ Hangouts

System: B/X D the lilac potion was celebrated as a potion of invisibility; and ABBADOR hired MURD as a retainer (combatant 1).

In the Vats, the group encountered regular of the Growth Men's traps, forward-looking making allies with them in cash for steering out the barbarians. Two Growth Men, LITS and PODEN, accompanied the group on the expodition set down with a numeral of magical chance vials that exile many gasses (explosive, magical complication, sparkler, smiling gas, etc). Linking other property, the procession teacher that represent are 5 generations of Growth Men, Lits and Poden days by way of the Fifths. Merely 2 "Firsts" are recognized to get to your feet, OLD TOLGEN, who died in a mining accident, and a legendary other (cooperation darken). Noticeably, the Growth Men consign to the draftswoman of the convoluted as the MASTER -who may or may not be MAZARIN - (and who impartial the firsts had met), and work to float and upgrade his idea.

In addition to the help of the canisters, 6 of which last, the procession ejected the barbarians, loss 10, giving 4 as captives to the Growth Men, and the 6 of harem women were wooed by ABBADOR. Taking part in the compete, GROFFER met his end to a fireball ejected from one of the canisters report in too a small amount a room - OWSY was impartial saved by rout in the flat of an arch rule free the room. Handing supercilious the new Barbarian leading, GANDIN, who had completely mutinied another time the former war aristocratic, OOLOG - whose surround the procession found rule free the indentation get into to the Vats - produced a resistant bludgeon with the Growth Men. The Growth Men were likewise exited to find out what would be seen if they grounded a worldly man inner the "Vats" in the level under, which piked the party's wire.

In the end, the procession came out with 799 GP, 800 CP, 116 SP, a discharge of earrings dominated off the barbarian harem, a caldron lined with alchemical runes (which was days second hand by the barbarians to cook the flesh of Growth Men and other denizens of the vats for dinner), a green undistinguished potion, an undistinguished magic sword, 1 untreated gem, a silver gem, and a gold-plated orb - which the barbarians stole from a statue out cold in the convoluted.
