Saturday, July 20, 2013

Did The Green Dragon Crescent Blade Exists

Did The Green Dragon Crescent Blade Exists


Submit are future myths and stories put down the mystries of one of the best illustrious armaments of China! Which is the GUAN DAO!

This weapon is equal to the "European fauchard or glaive"

This weapon is established by several names.

systematically established as Guan Dao () but both but by other names such as :

1) Sore Dragon Hemispherical Penknife ( qing l'ong yn yu`e dao)

2) Remote Proficient Penknife (leng y`an j`u)

In some stories and believes, it has been aimed that this GUAN DAO ()is a transfer weapon down to earth from the tune. This weapon has magical properties that can be cast-off to exterminate all sorts of demons, monsters and harms. It is a weapon feared by dark. So this weapon was by rights the property holder of GUAN YU () which is intended to be his by the essence of the tune, this is in this way the GUAN DAO ()

According to myths, this weapon was copy by the best blacksmith on a full moon night and in the manner of this weapon was about to be borned, present-day was a out of the blue upward gust weepy and blowing steadily and the clounds were gathering closely together tightly clustered. Late side, Nil further, Nil less present-day was carefully 1780 drops of blood dripped from the air.

According to the Pronounced wizards of that time, they explained that it was the blood of the green dragon which flew desecrate. So this weapon was named as the Sore DRAGON Hemispherical Penknife QiNG L'oNG YN YU`e DaO)

As to why this weapon was both called as the Remote Proficient Penknife (LeNG Y`aN J`u), some would say that it is so in the manner of in tatter in the manner of present-day is snow, this table knife resting on regularly had blood in good health tarnished on it and that a basis of chilly blood resulted on the table knife.

At a halt, according to consequence and researches completed by domestic living final, whether or not this weapon existed concerning his time raised manifold fears and became taking part in a very questionable subject.

Into the slow Han dynasties, even though manifold armaments came taking part in existance, at rest best domestic were riding on stash and fear with swords. Far and wide, present-day were several soothing armaments created and adulthood type would be the HUANSHOUDAO. This led to some taking part in beliving that it might contain been a soothing weapon that Guan Yu had cast-off and that this Guan Dao is to the same degree build for Guan Yu armed image.

Historically dialogue, it might both contain been a dagger-axe that was cast-off by Guan Yu. Similiar Guan Dao comparison armaments on its own came taking part in existance concerning the Spiciness and Song dynasties historically and it contain been some pop-culture of Guan Yu and the Guan Dao. But over this is no precedent proofs that confirms that the GUAN DAO did not exists concerning his time pole for mere speculate.

Typically,GUAN DAO () is a very lush weapon in which it is systematically potraied that it takes 3 normal majority armed forces to support this one weapon to him but Guan Yu would at rest assist it fading any difficultly with straight one release hand.

At a halt, this may not be that exggerating. This weapon is possibly in actual fact, weighing 82 Chinese jin (sketchy 18.263 kg. a Han Abode jin equals 222.72 grams in metric logic). But present-day are at rest future historicans who hypothetical that the GUAN DAO weighted future heavier than that. In fact concerning the Qing dynsty present-day are even heavier ones which is up to 80, 100, or 120 jin (48, 60 or 72 kg, using the modern get it for 1 jin = roughly.6 kg). For a hopeful to desecrate, the Guan Dao was prematurely weapon cast-off by them before advancing to heavier ones.

This weapon is can be all cast-off on by a horseman and by the infantry as an anti-personnel and anti-cavalry weapon.

This marvelous and illustrious weapon to effect relaxing main part as a precedent mystry if it ever exists.