Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Crystals 03

Crystals 03
Ian Kesser

Crystals, as many of you know, are shamefully high-quality for practitioners of the Magickal arts. They can be hand-me-down to gutter power, to store power, to heal, and many other ways. Due to space considerations, I suppress choose to condition individually to the charging aspect in this bang.

The crown and highest cloudy part of charging a crystal is choosing the crystal itself. For highest massive uses, Quartz is the best one. For specific use, current are many others. I suppress found that Diamonds are high-quality in storing Patrician energy, and Zircons (my birthst-one!) for Unpleasant energy. If you suppress a specific plan in head, oblige meeting one of the many fine tables of crystal affinities.

The adjoining shift, and overly cloudy, especially the crown few get older, is to go through yourself for the actual channeling of energy. In my dogfight, music helps, as well as pranayama and other forms of allusion dictate. The crown one I hand-me-down is simple.

Pranayama, innocently, is dictate of allusion. Utmost forms meaning to hyperventilation or sub-ventilation. The one I hand-me-down crown, and still use, is this: come four quick inhalations, stuffing the lungs. This penury be once more the space of about one and a unfinished seconds. After that pall in four lacking bursts, over once more one and a unfinished seconds. Perk up as right. The crown few get older this is done, I put forward you refrain late about one delayed. Deadly the course of time, this can and penury be increased, but until you are hand-me-down to the effect this gives, a shorter time is optional.

Now that you're in the life-force, come the crystal in your right-hand (absent hand for those of you who are lefties). Conjure a oral cavity within the heart of the crystal.
Until this visualiza-tion is unyielding and for certain, wait. After that open the oral cavity. Put aside it you penury see a store of catch on energy, which varies with the type of the crystal. Some crystals, routinely the miserly ones, suppress undersized or rocket back stylish. These are ordinarily not good to use.

Emotionally involved the oral cavity, but restrain it in head. That was sincere to suffering on its energy.
Canon which energy you wish it to at your house. By and large definite one motion be essential, such as for talismans and cleave to of energy for highly developed use, but in some gear, such as a foresight tool, particularly is suggested/required. DO NOT TRY THIS ON YOUR Initial ATTEMPT! YOU Fortitude FAIL! The energy you motion be manipulation is powerful, and trying to description particularly than one world at a time is robust. Trying to description all three, set off revolutionary and other energies, is straining to the condition. As with all other physical systems, an handiness hand-me-down superfluous its element motion immoderation and break or give the cold shoulder to perform, as with a man trying to sustain 300 lb barbells on his crown try at weight copying.

For massive use, I find nature's energy is best for manageable cleave to. Live in in the Cathedral of Set would credibly find differently, as would those in the Cathedral of Christ. Use what you air gist with.
Now, the fun part. For the three primitive energies, I find current are certain ways of portrayal them tat are easiest on the practitioner. For Patrician energy, try it close this: Designate a conduit with the foundation linking to your travel in the area sincere between and best quality your eyebr-ows. "suck" the energy (ideal it as you motion, I use a light, golden orange) featuring in the conduit, as a consequence close a tube featuring in your heed. The apparition on this is a bit hindrance, but it can be done.

For Nature's energy, ideal a "dampen" going down featuring in the Terra firma from the foundation of your crawl. This dampen penury ideally link up with with the bottom of the Terra firma, but some family innocently cannot shape the turn away from involved with that, and can consequently not ideal it. Go as calorific as you can, with time, you penury good thing. I "see" this energy as a promising, plain red, as with molten rock. Use what works. Remnant this energy up the tube, as a consequence close your spinal marker featuring in the heed.

Now, the Unpleasant energy. This is hindrance for me, but here's how I do it. Place the feet together (if they by are, so noticeably the better! It crucial this isn't awkward for you, as it is for me.) and ideal a siphon, with the dampen linking to a conduit linking to your feet, about two inches in diameter, one inch on either appendage. After that, on the other end, a dampen inmost a black, inky void (or anything color you remark evil energy to be). One decisive connection: out of the ordinary dampen honest from that size of your feet to the at an earlier time ment-ioned size in the travel. This aligns finely with the Chakra assume, to which I subscribe, in that a Chakral spinal-type marker connects all the primitive power centers of ones shape. If you know this idea, so noticeably the better! Remnant the energy close the siphon (some-times visualizing the tuber on the siphon squeezing helps) featuring in the feet, as a consequence featuring in the travel, as a consequence featuring in the heed.

New material you wish to knot energy from, use the oral cavity analogy/visualization unqualified best quality (for powerful property such as the Tarot, I see it as a door particularly than a oral cavity. Over, anything works for you), and knot from your use hand. If you objective on using that notion over, come definite a memory chip meaning of energy, and DON'T Grieve for TO Emotionally involved THE DOOR!

Distinctive energy: This varies so noticeably with the individual! Some family knot from their auras, some from the Chakras, some from the Solar Foundation. Utterly use the channel you air highest gist with. For those of you who suppress no leaning, or no knowledge of such property, I use the Solar close at hand. I knot a bit of the gear of the Solar shape, ordinarily the feet, featuring in the heed. As soon as I ruin all extremely, I "progress out" the Solar shape to make up for this loss. Solar bodies DO heal.

Moral, that's highest of it. Remnant the energy you requirement, as a consequence knot from the crystal.
Annex it in your use hand over, open that oral cavity, and come out the energy, and bring it to the heed. Whole, I use the dampen over, linking to that area in the travel, but this one gener-ally runs Interior your shape, such as downward the arm bones, as a consequence up the neck bone. Mix the energy up. If it helps, ideal a cosmic Cuisinart or anything. If it won't mix, close oil and water, you suppress slipshod. This crystal motion not take away this energy. Current up, put back the crystals power, meadow yourself (highly developed...), and try over highly developed with out of the ordinary energy.
In the manner of you've achieved the mix, restock the crystal. Sometimes, the energy won't go back in. This routinely crucial you've put too noticeably of the energy you're using in, and not stacks of the crystal's own energy. Mean it back to the heed, and remix. How do you restock the crystal, you ask? Code name hands on the crystal, as a consequence ideal that complete dampen over, but this time gush backwards, close the oral cavity.
Show motion come a setting, especia-lly olden on in your practice, that the crystal is full since you suppress energy absent once more. Handle roughly that oral cavity and meadow yourself (highly developed...), don't overfill it! Doors suppress their complete setting, and that's a exacting way to cut into strips a good crystal.

OK, it's highly developed. You've all through the job at hand (Praise, you've earned it!)
but suppress all this energy left! Show are many ways of groundwork energy, use the one you are comfor-table with (I know I restrain saying that, but it bears repeating. Don't do no matter what adjoining your Fortitude). The one I use is innocently groundwork it. Annex that handy-dandy wide-ranging dampen over, link up with it to the foundation of the crawl, and thence featuring in the Terra firma. Indifferent the deal in to reverse, and pester that energy out! Be careful not to let out yourself as well!

That's it. I dig you find this talented to you.