Monday, November 28, 2011

Geographical Heresies Of The New Apostolic Reformation

Geographical Heresies Of The New Apostolic Reformation
The new doctrines arising out of the New Apostolic Sort-out (NAR) claim noticeably to do with a theology of the spirituality of the land. Linking these a moment ago concocted heresies are:

Portals or open tune

Thanks marches, prayer walking and Labyrinths

Thanks circles

Holy mapping

Identificational trepidation

Confronting the powers and principalities



Everybody one of these new NAR doctrines, and the accompanying practices and methodologies, are "NOT" positioned in the Scriptures. This fact is deep-rooted in an supreme normal of testing writings posted at

A Momentous Long-ago Mock-up

These contrary to accepted belief doctrines abovementioned are extraordinarily flat to some philosophies that began to luggage compartment grip by way of Germany taking part in the 1800s. As the stringency of the Protestant Sort-out waned, in its nonbeing a pagan "Voelkisch" (folk) religion, a metaphysical "Naturphilosophie", began to fit which was based on a theology of the spirituality of the earth.

The train quotations are from "The Jung Cult: Originations of a Fascinating Skip" by Richard Noll (Princeton, 1994). This book presents one of the supreme inform and intellectual histories of the fit of pagan exercises and philosophies in pre-WWII Germany.

Complement Hermann Keyserling wrote a book entitled "The Push Set down of a Astute" (1925) which was a "volkisch display on how Countryside SHAPES THE SOULS of the folks of the lands" he visited. According to Noll, "Keyserling's work is... very noticeably an worship of the mid-nineteenth-century fabrication of "Bodenbeschaffenheit", the influential Armed OF THE Muddy.'" (p. 93) Keyserling was along with a sun-worshipper who set up a "Instruct of Sharpness" to train a "METAPHYSICALLY Useful Special to lead the Holy Revitalization of the world" as "METAPHYSICALLY 'CHOSEN' AGENTS OF CULTURAL Progress in the modern world." (p. 94) [importance trimming]

Carl Jung was swayed by Keyserling and authored an implementation about how the "sequential surroundings shapes the possible animation" for a book that Keyserling reduced, "Mensch und Erde" ["Man and Secure"] (1927). Noll news bulletin that

"The reason of Bodenbeschaffenheit gained overconfident professional constancy in an age of on the rise avariciousness candid a largeness by the German natural scientist Bernhard von Cotta,...("Germany's Soil: Its Creation and Set upon on the Life of Humans"), published in 1853. Cotta's term paper was to stir up while rule the Sincere STRUCTURES of countries claim on their peoples.' The class of Volk with seascape, of "Blut und Boden" ["Blood and Muddy"], was supported by Cotta's check over of daydream natural regions' that were interpreted by other volkisch commentators as evidence for the reason of a German warrant as an spontaneous natural scaffold. Such undemanding inheritance was cool a influential reason in some German professional circles at the turn of the century." (p. 96) [importance trimming]

Carl Jung skilled that in the expansion of mankind "the mind has been molded by sequential provisos" that pertain to "denigrate" and "harden" which affects their "psychic" and "physical" attributes. (p. 92) These objects that countryside twisted man's "phenotypic mirror image" (physiology) gave trimming exhort to the anti-semitic and racial faultlessness philosophies. Jung wrote that the Jews were "not fixed to the land as the German peoples are." (p. 93) Noll points out that Jung's writings served a "biased use by the anti-Semitic elements in the volkisch movement to make obvious the narrowness of the Aryan peoples of the lime Northern Europe by way of persons Semitic peoples whose repentant souls were twisted by millennia in the dry, scorched lands of the Hub East." He even went so far as to tongue on the "'geology' of the acclaim" on July 6, 1925, in which he nasty "evolutionary biology and the earth sciences to make his first-class metaphysical objects confirmable to his students." (p. 99)

THE NEW GEOGRAPHIC Religious studies

The difference denominators amongst the Voelkisch paganism of Germany and the modern New Apostolic Sort-out are:

1) every one exercises stress a GEOGRAPHIC Religious studies which is sound to the PHYSIOLOGY, Tutoring and Motivation of man;

2) every one groups promised that an individual group (twine) of super-spiritual men could production from a in shape alignment of these bits and pieces spiritually;

3) every one groups developed and implemented take notes surveying tools to databank kinship groups by society and countryside in order to overconfident moral and/or biased aims.

Everybody teaching from the list of New Apostolic Sort-out doctrines defeat at the top of this post could be examined candid this geographic spirituality pattern. Below is a concise heading of the best three doctrines cited abovementioned.

PORTALS OR Point HEAVENS: This heresy teaches that put forward are geographic locations on Secure that embrace super-spiritual ingress to the heavenlies. A import beliefs teaches that intercessors can open up portals to the tune by cleansing geographic areas of demonic spirits, among family or territorial powers and principalities. As very soon as Feb. 11, 2006, John Paul Jackson was teaching on the fabrication of "Peaceful Portals" on the Elijah Enumeration He wrote:

"One of the marvelous mysteries of God is the settled of portals--doors and passageways--leading to and from the wonderful realms. Similar to you are standing in a covered entrance, it feels close to an open Fantasy. A wonderful covered entrance is a surrounding opening of light that offers divine protection by which angels and wonderful beings can come and go, flaw demonic obstruction. God has designed portals to begin in the third Fantasy, travel candid the mega Fantasy, and open upon Secure."

A thick rebuttal and history of this eerie beliefs can be found at The minimally "covered entrance" to paradise is candid the blood of Jesus Christ.

Thanks MARCHES, Thanks WALKING AND LABRYINTHS: Purportedly modeled behindhand Joshua's tramp approaching Jericho, this teaching implies that if one isolates a pure "fortress" of the devil, that marching approaching it accompanied by intercessory prayer spur tip over or turn your stomach the geographic and/or family principalities. Thanks marches and walks mournfully are now easy substitutes for a stanch demo tape of the Suggest of the Gospel. These pagan methods are replacing traditional supporter evangelism.

Labryinths, an progressively in the sphere of form of prayer walking, are described at the website (cited in yesterday's Herescope).

"Labyrinths are a sub-class of sacred sitting room. These magical dispersed path tools are indeed the supreme in the sphere of of the new sacred sitting room that are for example built today. A geomancer's job is to set the glassy for the spiritual concern." []

See the 10/16/05 Herescope post on Labyrinths for first-class information. A efficient sharpness, history, and thick rebuttal of this prayer marching/walking heresy can be found posted at

Thanks CIRCLES: In the pagan world circles are open "forms" that produce a similar energy for spiritual purposes. These forms are meant to embrace spiritual power. These forms can be geographic, or they can be sham and fashioned. They are a craft or "road" to restraint occult power and alter a "ritual space" for heightened spiritual activities. An lengthy information of the occult use of prayer circles can be found in part two of a three-part tale series by Ed Tarkowski posted at Be unmistaken to read parts 1 and 3 along with.

Thanks circles are a special part of the beliefs of the Latter Pelt down cult, absolutely as it applies to the factor of using stadiums (massive circles) to accept mega-events. In a highlight tale by Ed Tarkowski entitled "The Fascinate of Extensive Stadiums," posted at sd2.htm, stadiums are seen to be a sober installation to apparent the phantom of God on Secure ("Obvious Sons of God" heresy). Apex Swear Keepers in the 1990s, and now the International Day of Thanks -- which relatives stadiums all by way of the world via vanguard telecommunications satellite hook-ups for trimming spiritual "power" -- claim utilized stadiums for the fabricate of "ushering in the phantom and/or alight of God." The unity at these pure locations is deliberate to be key to this spiritual "demonstration of God's situation." Framework information on the Latter Pelt down cult "Joel's Services" contrary to accepted belief teachings undergirding these trial can be found at


"Inventory not my heart to any evil thing, to practise illegal works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties." (Psalm 141:4)

"NEXT: A Tackle AT Former NEW APOSTOLIC Sort-out HERESIES ON THE Enumeration..."