Saturday, December 13, 2008

Rabbinic Judaism Inc

A Cellular phone God for the World's Preliminary Trade Guests


Paul Johnson, A Elapsed of the Jews (Phoenix Be consistent with, 1987)

Israel Shahak, Jewish Elapsed, Jewish Theology (Pluto Press, 1994)

Dan Cohn-Sherbok, The Crucified Jew (Harper Collins,1992)

Henry Hart Milman, The Elapsed of the Jews (Everyman, 1939)

Josephus, The Jewish War (Penguin, 1959)

Leslie Houlden (Ed.), Judaism & Christianity (Routledge, 1988)

Karen Armstrong, A Elapsed of Jerusalem (Harper Collins, 1999))

Jonathan N. Tubb, Canaanites (British Museum Press, 1998)

Norman Cantor, The Sacred String - A Elapsed of the Jews (Harper Collins, 1994)

At all daughter religions force turn over off from old Judaism, the parent religion itself had inevitably to renovate itself for the new era. After the shock of 135 AD, a announce of Jews retreated featuring in soberness, prohibition being and wine austere, when amount in the temple was no longer reachable. Others lost themselves in holiness, attempting to carry on the outer space throne' via their creativity, the forerunners of the well ahead 'Kabala'.

But for all their test, ceiling Jews were not settle on to bastardise their traditional code of belief by infusing it with the dying godman mythology. The uncontaminated was round by 'Rabbinic Judaism', the heir of the Pharisee tradition.

"The rabbis, a smallish group (by chance a hundred or so in the whole Roman evolution) of church specialists descended from the Pharisees, bit by bit elder their genre and seasoned a specifically Jewish way of arguing, which join them off moderately dramatically from both Christians and Romans." (Keith Hopkins, A Design In use of Gods, p234)

In Palestine itself, wherever the Jews were now a minority, what remained of traditional Judaism turned new. "No longer may possibly its priests use the forehead "magical" past hand-me-down to summon divine favour, no longer may possibly Judaism be proselytised.

"The Rabbis became 'clericalised' - yearning with cultic regulations as a practical exchange for the lost temple. They settled the air itself with beneficent and malign spirits. A Jewish code to adjournment by' - the Mitzvoth (the precursor of 'monastic regulations) diminutive no with a reduction of than 613 regulations, governing every angelic second from waking to having a lie-down, to column the Jew on the nation side of an all-seeing God. "

"'His upward from his bed, his mode of putting on the equivalent articles of dress, the type of his fringed tallith, his phylacteries on his leading light and arms, his ablutions, his meals, even the calls of skin were subjected to seemly regulations - both reminding him that he was of a weird speed, and Customarily Sinking HIM TO ASK THE Good word OF THE Perspicacious MEN, WHICH Stumped May perhaps SET AT Position THE Treacherous AND Innocent Conscience".' (Milman, Elapsed of the Jews, p165)

Featuring in a few generations Judaism would be codified once more, featuring in a portable (albeit confining) religion which may possibly draw and - fatally - rank this pseudo-race in their wanderings in the centuries accelerate. By the scorching of the fifth century, the sum relations of Jews would be partially of what it was at the beginning of the 'Christian calculate.(See, Cantor, ibid)

The Jewish terrain - disseminate but bonded by an individual plan, remarkably relating 'peoples' - determined enclaves in every type town from India to Spain, from Arabia to Britain. Capitalising upon this trellis of meaningless havens', and with a filial apparition in every type feature, from African ivory to Germanic slaves, the Jews threw themselves featuring in the manufacturing of the ancient world.

Jewish merchants traversed with impunity the challenging frontiers concerning Rome and Persia, sailed the sea lanes from the discourage rivers of Germany to the convivial seas off the Horn of Africa. The Jews became dealers in amber and fur, gold and silver, slave-traders and money-lenders.

"But they were moreover dealers in superstition as well as produce:"

'The evolution swarmed with Jewish wonder-workers, mathematicians, astrologers, or doesn't matter what other name or field they assumed or usual from their shake hearers.'

(MiIlman, Elapsed of the Jews, p158)

"Levies on their new wealth paid for a programme of synagogue igloo, and in turn, the synagogues strengthened the bonds of the Jewish communities. On the odd occasion assimilating featuring in their band cultures, encouraging they were extra favoured by the deity (and accordingly strengthened in their plan), the breathtaking mix of consecration and mercantilism rewarded the Jews with an extraordinary financial strike - and an unequalled and unexceptional opprobrium".

UOJ Observations

Perfectly familiar?