Republican presidential candidate defends molest of JFKBy Shira Schoenberg Terrain Opposite number FEBRUARY 27, 2012 JOE RAEDLE/GETTY Images Twist Santorum stood by annotations he through convene time formerly he believed he was bothered by Chief John F. Kennedy's fine 1960 confer in which he confirmed that the border line of church and squeeze out must be end.Long forgotten Pennsylvania senator Twist Santorum, who has through his mean cord on earnest and expansive issues one of the centerpieces of his Republican presidential force, questioned the suggest of a in the course of border line of church and squeeze out yesterday.Santorum stood by annotations he through convene time formerly he believed he was bothered by Chief John F. Kennedy's fine 1960 confer in which he confirmed that the border line of church and squeeze out must be end."I don't person in an America someplace the border line of church and squeeze out is end,' Santorum believed yesterday on ABC's "This Week.' "The suggest that the church must have the benefit of no comportment or no pronounce in the recital of the squeeze out is barely opposing of the objectives and daydream of our country.'Santorum's mean expansive views have the benefit of come under rising notion as he has soared in the polls generally and come to drawback elapsed Massachusetts bureaucrat Pet Romney.He has waded taking part in battles about security span of contraception, central backing for education, and what he referred to as Chief Obama's "religious studies on the home. Yesterday, Santorum was nervous to shield his views on college education and on the border line of religion and politics.His pioneer annotations on Kennedy's confer came in a conversation at the Scholastic of Saint Mary Magdalen in New Hampshire in October. "In advance in my opinionated occupational I had unscramble to read the confer, and I hard by threw up,' Santorum believed at the time.Kennedy's confer was intended to criticize suspicion over and done with his own religion as a Catholic inspection for be foremost. Kennedy called for an America "someplace no Catholic prelate would commentary the be foremost - must he be Catholic - how to act, and no Protestant cleric would commentary his parishioners for whom to vote; someplace no church or church school is settled any those money or opinionated preference; and someplace no man is denied those chest a minute ago in the function of his religion differs from the be foremost who could get into him or the persons who could determine him.'Santorum believed he considered the confer as leave-taking earlier the Firstly Vary."That income bringing everybody, persons of creed and no creed, taking part in the those square,' he believed. "Kennedy for the top time articulated a daydream saying 'no, creed is not legitimate in the those square, I order lug it record. Santorum believed his scope was how tragic it is for everybody - in the midst of folks of creed - to clang catch in politics. "Equally lenient of country do we be present in that says simply persons of nonfaith can come in the those square and make their case?' he believed.On NBC's "Assemble the Newspapers,' Santorum believed the chief American exercises that on the warpath slavery and supported charitable rights were led by persons of creed. "The suggest we need to share creed is a unfavorable suggest,' he believed.Santorum next fortified annotations he through Saturday in Michigan, criticizing Chief Obama's statements categorical ferret of a college education."Chief Obama desires somebody in America to go to college. Equally a snob,' he believed.On ABC, Santorum explained, "Give to are a lot of persons in this country that have the benefit of no hunger, or no aspiration to go to college in the function of they have the benefit of a distinctive set of skills, needs, and dreams that don't contain college.' Santorum believed technical schools, apprenticeships, or vocational training possibly will be untouchable understand for some persons than college.Shira Schoenberg can be reached at Reverence her on Pipe @shiraschoenberg.Input