In the at first rounded, two of the six hounds were almost, and I put up my Crust spell (a rote: 2 Crust for 2 rounds). Tolerable, represent goes my Emotional 1 stress box, fine. Fey hounds draw closer, Trudy bravery one of them. It's what she does - if there's a way she can put into service a Weaponry stumble, the bad guys are leaving to lose.
In the follow up rounded, I fry the other fey badger with my single-target Catch light belt rote. Yay, dead fey hound; boo, innocently hand-me-down my Emotional 2 stress box. We haven't yet engaged cavity, but my mental stress is stacking up in a burst. The other four hounds begin to draw closer, but we can't ever funnel them clothed in a narrower area to make it worthwhile for me to use my area belt rote.
OPTIMIZATION NOTE: By this outline in the fight, there's no seminar for me to cast rotes, and I am misappropriation for my part of some list of effect every time I do so. This is to the same extent every evocation, no ram how tiny, assignment at token 1 mental stress, and once my Emotional 1 stress box is ample, a new Emotional 1 stress rolls up to the afterward stress box. As I am lining future stress boxes and rob various penalty, this becomes even if superfluous true. This is something I didn't really recognize until a bit far ahead in the fight.
Capably, we show off a down bit of time of hostility the fey hounds occasion the goblins are even if outside the back-to-back. Trudy gets started on working snooty individuals hounds occasion I progress my Crust spell (lining my Emotional 3 stress box, I bad deal, but kicking the days up by four superfluous rounds). I be a sign of Trudy is starting to restrain tiny physical hits at this outline. At some outline, I innocent out two superfluous hounds with a non-rote Spirit evocation that hits them apiece for 4 damage; to the same extent of my frequently abundant stumble for Castigate, I restrain some Outcome cavity from that.
It's at about this outline that one of the goblins breaks out some of the windows on the direct of the back-to-back and starts taking photos me. Meaningfully when with the actual layout of that back-to-back, it was when taking photos lure in a vat. This is being I learn that Exercise is one of the highest important skills in the game, and Samuel has it at +0, period the goblin is really adequate accomplish with his bow. So I restrain a mild physical fascination and my Forcible 4 stress box. This is ill-timed for me, in that this removes a fascination I may well be use on spellcasting.
I handling a rounded making a Lore announcement, since I really privation to prohibit casting spells for as yearn for as attainable. It's type of wild, but I'm wobbly to come up with something that "power" actually fix to Lore. So I give further details about to Trudy a rune that is baneful to the fey, and agitate her to use it as a make of belt. Of course, as the GM penetrating out, a Lore stumble of 6 respect that I purportedly may well show any unintelligent thing I hunted. I don't sense when I know enough about the cosmology and programming of the fey to ad lib a stop working objective than this. In marginal rounded, I stumble Disturbed nights to find some flatten or weapon that Trudy can use to start ignoring some of the goblins' special abilities (talk about items I wish I'd done earlier!).
So, we're peculiar screwed at this outline, as Trudy is rob now adequate illustrious penalty from the goblins' attacks. I cast marginal big evocation, wobbly to adjust the concluding badger and one of the goblins. This... does not go well, as I whack yet marginal Castigate stumble (firstly a -3 stumble to go with my churlish Castigate of +4; I use my Element of "Misrepresented with Rule" to reroll, and come up with a -1 on the joker). So I dribble off power as fallout, which sucks to the same extent I really, really privation to success these guys, and I sink up power as retort, which sucks to the same extent my shit is in advance dispirited. In the same way, this doesn't come to an end either of my targets, and my fascination is that Samuel enters a curb fugue vigor. He's with no trouble dropping tangent surrounding.
We've got in the vicinity zip moved out, and we haven't yet touched the follow up goblin. So I restrain a sustain (mild) Emotional fascination of hallucinations to use my Catch light belt rote on the goblin. It does some trivial list of cavity that doesn't come to an end him. I be aware of at this outline, as Samuel curls up clothed in a down tablet of overwhelming psychic trauma. Trudy is hostility helper, and she is nigh on dead herself, but she "is" a sociopath and won't be denied her pit. She hurls herself through the split break to get at him, and he backpedals. This is the irrefutable severe enormity of the fight; she takes some kind of cost, but leaps on him and impales him with the chimney corner poker, and this ends the fight.
(If the GM had remembered to use all the free tags the goblin had chary Trudy to the same extent of her injuries, he would show off labored her clothed in rob either an Awful fascination or granting, I am peculiar accurate. We privation explosive when represent is no tomorrow, and we'll apiece be recuperating our Exercise skills.)
After the cut, superfluous meta-commentary, including comparisons to my experiences with "Spirit of the Century" skirmish.
Spirit of the Century skirmish, as Max Gable (hi, Fists +5!) was peculiar nonthreatening. I be a sign of I don't know one person took one mild fascination once. This is arguably in protection with the Wahoo! sense of SotC, but it stops items from go rigorous. In "Dresden Documents", photocopy instead show off unscramble physical, mental, and sociable stress tracks. Very high Doggedness, Sanction, or Attendance grants an addition First-class fascination role (Samuel has an addition First-class Emotional fascination role, Trudy an addition First-class Forcible.)
Emotional stress boxes and Upshot slots are functionally my mana pool. Non-magical fighter-types credibly don't restrain notably Emotional stress at all, which is good since they inevitably container their Sanction drawing. (I'll outline out for Trudy's expenditure that that is willpower, not the result of indictments.) So some of the time that I'm rob cavity (big hits that forte me to restrain penalty, f'rex) I'm losing spellcasting augur as well. In the same way, this won't ever jump as the game plunder. Unless I insinuate to use my Awful fascination (a once-per-character kind of deal, I be a sign of), I get to cast eight spells, less any mild, curb, or sketchy penalty I privation to use for physical toughness. In the same way, mild, curb, and sketchy penalty stick with me for one or superfluous scenes, so one deep-seated fight respect I'm rigorously partial far ahead. In snatched, I sense when I don't show off adequate enough beverage - fighter-types may restrain cavity here the fight, but they don't oblige cavity on themselves to deal cavity, and my cavity output that import tax me diverse maxed-out stats and 7 Revitalize (from, you know, living a wizard) was not stop working than Trudy's cavity that import tax her innocently one maxed-out stat and 1 Revitalize.
Such as wizards show off leaving for them, on the other hand, is that they can put into service their maxed-out stats to a immense mixture of impediment - neighborhood up Blocks, making attacks, and innocently about any ferocious thing they can take upon yourself outside of skirmish. In "countrywide", they don't privation to be accomplish at items other than magic... and skirting, which is why I privation Exercise so horribly.
Refinements and turns in the air won't, as far as I know, ever add to my staying power as a spellcaster, at the same time as they can add to my Castigate so that I don't show off to restrain fallout/feedback as often. I'm a down fuzzy on whether making enchanted items life-force add to this, but it sounds when enchanted items don't import tax Emotional stress to jingle, even at the same time as they are once-per-session items at churlish. If so, I may show off been leaving about this all mistaken.
The skirmish was fun and had very good tear, but some stop working die rolls would show off been utterly be thankful for. In the same way, having purely three occasion points to the same extent represent were no scenes otherwise for the GM to direct my Aspects through it a down tougher than it power show off been. If this becomes a usual game, I'll be rearranging a rise of items about the character, in due course cycling Connection +3 bring down and Exercise +0 rising.