Alcyone is the Kingfisher goddess. She nests every winter for two weeks, and seeing that she does, the abandoned seas become cool, calm and collected and settle down.
In feudal Japan, people attending worship highly praised the return of Ameratasu, the sun goddess, who slept in a wounding, remote cavern. For example the the other gods woke her with a talkative celebration, she looked out of the cavern and saw an image of herself in a mirror. The other gods known her to get to your feet from her seclusion and return beam of light to the breathing space.
BALDUR (NORSE) Baldur is joined with the tale of the mistletoe. His mother, Frigga, venerated Baldur and asked all of manipulate to responsibility not to harm him. Sorrowfully, in her swiftness, Frigga overlooked the mistletoe afforest, so Loki - the restricted practical joker - took principal of the coincidental and fooled Baldur's screen twofold, Hod, trendy carnage him with a switch prepared of mistletoe. Baldur was end restored to life.
BONA DEA (ROMAN) This fruitfulness goddess was worshipped in a secret temple on the Aventine development in Rome, and only women were agreed to lead her rites. Her almanac carnival was immersed obsolete in December.
CAILLEACH BHEUR (CELTIC) In Scotland, she is further called Beira, the Queen of Cool. She is the hag aspect of the Triple Idol, and secret language the dark days along with Samhain and Beltaine.
DEMETER (GREEK) In her spawn, Persephone, Demeter is connected forcefully to the undecided of the seasons and is recurrently connected to the image of the Gloomy Close relative in winter. For example Persephone was abducted by Hades, Demeter's bereavement caused the earth to die for six months, until her daughter's return.
DIONYSUS (GREEK) A carnival called Brumalia was immersed every December in limpidness of Dionysus and his fermented grape wine. The understanding proved so manual that the Romans adopted it as well in their partying of Bacchus.
Frau Holle appears in host marked forms in Scandinavian mythology and tale. She is joined with also the evergreen plants of the Yule jazz up, and with snow flurry, which is alleged to be Frau Holle shaking out her feathery mattresses.
FRIGGA (NORSE) Frigga venerated her son, Baldur, by asking all of manipulate not to harm him, but in her swiftness overlooked the mistletoe afforest. Loki fooled Baldur's screen twofold, Hod, trendy carnage him with a switch prepared of mistletoe but Odin end restored him to life. As charm, Frigga declared that mistletoe need be regarded as a afforest of love, fairly than death.
HOLLY Emperor (BRITISH/CELTIC) The Holly Emperor is a characteristic found in British tales and mythology. He is love to the Moist Man, the standard of the forest. In modern Pagan religion, the Holly Emperor battles the Oak Emperor for right during the engagement. At the winter solstice, the Holly Emperor is busted.
HORUS (EGYPTIAN) Horus was one of the planetary deities of the ancient Egyptians. He rose and set every day, and is recurrently joined with Nut, the sky god. Horus end became connected with complementary sun god, Ra.
This appoint from Italian mythology is love to St. Nicholas, in that she flies forcibly delivering candy to respectable children in obsolete January. She is depicted as an old human being on a broomstick, very tiring a black shroud.
Lady OF MISRULE (BRITISH) The convention of appointing a Lady of Misrule to perform official duties frozen winter holiday celebrations actually has its family tree in antiquity, stylish the Roman week of Saturnalia.
MITHRAS (ROMAN) Mithras was highly praised as part of a mystery religion in ancient Rome. He was a god of the sun, who was natural forcibly the time of the winter solstice and subsequently veteran a renaissance forcibly the draw from equinox.
In some myths, Odin bestowed gifts at Yuletide upon his country, riding a magical in the air foal creatively the sky. This tale may stand sum with that of St. Nicholas to come into being the modern Santa Claus.
Every December, the Romans threw a week-long celebration of depravity and fun, called Saturnalia in limpidness of their unindustrialized god, Saturn. Roles were overturned, and slaves became the masters, at smallest amount of as an interim measure. This is where the tradition of the Lady of Misrule originated.
SPIDER Human being (HOPI) Soyal is the Hopi carnival of the winter solstice. It honors the Spider Human being and the Hawk Maiden, and celebrates the sun's winner frozen winter's fogginess.