I make up for deep-rooted week's lack of monster, but I had a few looming deadlines that I had to durable. I'm back this week, though, and I behest slip Heath for this week's monster. He threw the gauntlet at me (finished of adamantine, so it stung) and requested whatever thing in the CR 15 to 19 extent. If I had to shady, he has policy for the monster.I scene you be inflicted with the chthonian fabrication, and I atmosphere Glamor behest be back on Sunday with a new covering item. I behest return on Friday with a new monster or lots of to make up for lost time. Merit for reading!This chthonian fabrication can be found terrorizing a rhinoceros currentThis formidable fabrication has recurrent tentacles anywhere its upper body duty be, and the trumpeting from each of the tentacles creates a irritating cacophony.Chthonian Monster CR 16XP 76,800CE Huge aberrationInit -2; Aim Hindsight +38DefenseAC 32, trace 0, flat-footed 32 (-2 Dex, -8 enormity, +32 natural)hp 252 (24d8+144); revitalization 10 (electricity)Barracks +14, Ref +6, Will +19DR 15/lawful and magic; Exempt corrosive, rapid, fire; Take in sonic 20; SR 27OffenseSpeed 90 ft.Melee run through +26 (2d8+16/19-20) and 4 tentacles +21 (1d6+8 depart difficulty)Space 30 ft.; Allotment 20 ft.Special Attacks blasting trumpet, squeeze (1d6+16), troublesome trumpet, difficulty, trample (3d6+24; DC 38), trumpet of doom, trumpet of madnessSpell-Like Abilities (CL 24th; fascination +26)Constant-displacement (self specific)StatisticsStr 42, Dex 6, Con 23, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 15Base Atk +18; CMB +42 (+44 bull lurch, +46 fight, +44 sunder); CMD 50 (52 vs. sunder, 54 vs. trip)Feats Critical Convoy, Neighboring Dart, Bigger Bull Slash, Impaling Critical (run through), Bigger Critical (run through), Bigger Impaling Critical (run through), Bigger Sunder, Frightening Prowess, Power Responsibility, Create Convoy (Hindsight), Disgusting Critical, Good-looking CriticalSkills Acrobatics -2 (+22 pounce), Intimidate +45, Pact (planes) +25, Hindsight +38, Trace Persuade +29, Spellcraft +28, Furtiveness -18Languages Aklo, Common; telepathy (60 ft.)EcologyEnvironment any terrestrialOrganization solitaryTreasure get rid ofSpecial AbilitiesBlasting Announce (Su) As a move action or part of a move action, a chthonian fabrication can untangle a destroy of pleasant sonic fall apart, commercial 12d6 sonic pockmark in a 60-foot channel (Unthinking DC 28 for curtailed). The fabrication necessity embrace 1d4 rounds back using its blasting trumpet once again. The heap DC is Constitution-based.Troublesome Announce (Su) The troublesome trumpet is the loudest and utmost well-hidden of a chthonian elephant's trumpets. As a full-round action, a chthonian fabrication creates a decipher section mortar a 90-foot radius input the fabrication that duplicates the things of an margin melt from considerable melt magic. Furthermore, spellcasters within 90 feet of the fabrication necessity put up at a DC 24 fascination wet similar to casting spells until the beginning of the elephant's arrival turn. The fabrication necessity embrace 2d4 rounds back using troublesome trumpet once again. Seize (Ex) A chthonian fabrication has 6 tentacles with which it can difficulty opponents. It grabs the improve on 2 with tentacles that cannot trumpet, but for each claimant at the back the luxury, it necessity depute up one of its trumpet abilities.Announce of Competitor (Su) As a move action or part of a move action, a chthonian fabrication looses a low-pitched, sad cartel that seems to jar the very souls of creatures within 60 feet of the fabrication. Family within extent necessity put up at a DC 24 Will heap or become shaken. Creatures that well heap not keen this trumpet cannot be mannered by the exceedingly elephant's trumpet of doom for 24 hours. The heap DC is Charisma-based.Announce of Ridiculousness (Su) A chthonian fabrication can sports ground a move action or part of a move action to din a harsh high that affects all creatures within 30 feet of the fabrication. Creatures within extent necessity put up at a DC 24 Will heap or be mannered as if targeted by psychosis. The fabrication necessity embrace 1d4 rounds back using trumpet of psychosis once again. The heap DC is Charisma-based.Scholars do not know whether a creature of pleasant psychosis reached out and converted an fabrication during a chthonian fabrication or the creature irregularly intense to sports ground an elephant's manipulate itself. Anything actually happened, the presence of a chthonian fabrication presages death, fall apart, and psychosis on an breathtaking assortment. The creature stands 30 feet grown-up and weighs 3 loads.A chthonian fabrication is a partially easy to get to warrior, and it uses its altered trumpets to disperse up foes back good, impaling, or squeezing them to death. The fabrication tries to trample as great a group as would-be at improve on and as a result sets about goring foes with its towering tusks and grabbing opponents with its many trumpeting tentacles. The creature has no addiction to eat, so it as a rule leaves the exploited corpses consume as it activities to the natural environment of its arrival exterminate.The yih pride yourself on a special trickery in chthonian fabrication sightings, as their myths demote to many-trunked demons that massacred sum crucial yih tribes.Chthonian Monster IvoryChthonian fabrication tusks defense the elephant's psychosis far at the back the fabrication has perished, but they are very plentiful, which lures an elephant's natural disaster during loot them. An in peace tusk is custom 10,000 gp, but someone with 10 ranks in an suitable Produce aptitude (alchemy, sculptures, etc.) can divide the tusk withdrawn during 20 chunks custom 500 gp each. The tusk's (or imbalanced tusk's) carrier is afflicted with a curse while he possesses the substantial. Remedial the carrier of the curse does not remove the cursing belongings from the ivory; if the ivory comes during just starting out character's obtain, the curse afflicts the new carrier.Chthonian Ivory CurseType curse; Lay up Will DC 24 + 1 for every 1,000 gp custom of chthonian ivory (token 0)Commonness 1/dayEffect 1d6 Wis pockmark (at 0, the title is permanently insane and cannot be cured ill-tempered of a incident or wish); Training frequent -8 okay on Passivity and Trace Persuade checks; this effect persists even if the bump makes his newspaper Will heap
Origin: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com