The fixed part of Thurber's post-modern fairy book sees the end of the Duke of Tomb Retreat, who gives us one of the most witticism motivations for a mischief maker ever to progress in print:"We all pin down flaws," he believed, and haul out is underlying cruel." Present-day are some astonishing military protection, and the purple dialect is in full bloom:He gave them all a representation of hostile joyfulnessThe Golux, who had never tittered, tittered"The book is much too honest for my taste"And totally, does it end fortunately ever after? In a way, and gift is moreover an epilogue, which sees the return of the Todal.The Thirteen Clocks - by James Thurber: Clause 8The black oak room was fun with bright torches, but brighter with the light of Saralinda. The hard eye of the Duke was dazzled by the flickering of a thousand rings that sparkled on the stage. His ears were complete with chiming as the clocks began to chuck."One!" believed Hark."Two!" cried Zorn of Zorna."Three!" the Duke's express touch on assumed."Four!" sighed Saralinda."Five!" the Golux crowed, and spiky at the stage. "The development is done, the vocabulary are met," he believed.The Duke's hard eye drearily encouraged display the room. "Where are my guards?" he croaked, "and anyplace is Krang, the file of them all?""I lured them to the mutiny," believed Zorn, "and locked them in. The one that's together in knots is Krang."The Duke glared at the rings on the stage. "They're false!" he believed. "They ought be colored pebbles!" He picked one up, and saw that it was real, and put it down once again."The development is done," believed Hark, "the vocabulary are met.""Not until I check them," believed the Duke. "If gift be moral one that isn't featuring in, I wed the Princess Saralinda on the morrow." The facts in the room were flat and he may well get snarled their vivacious."Since a gruesome way to assistance one's niece," the Golux cried."She's not my niece," the lame man sneered. "I scarf her from a king." He showed his degrade teeth. "We all pin down flaws," he believed, and haul out is underlying cruel." He sat down at thetable and began to check the gems."Who is my mother then?" the Princess cried.The spy's black eyebrows rose. "I study the Golux told you, but for that reason, of course, he never may well remember fill.""Especially," the Golux believed, "the names of kings.""Your mother," believed the spy, "is good Ruler Gwain of Yarrow.""I know that as soon as," the Golux believed, "but I forgot it." He turned to Saralinda. "After that the gift your mother gave to Hagga has operated in the end to make you graceful."The Duke looked up and bared his teeth. "The book is much too honest for my taste," he intricate. "I repugnance it." He went on with. "It's sorted out," believed Hark, "and, to my taste, brisk. He removed his doubtful. His eyes were fun and good company. "If I may gift for my part," he believed, "I am a servant of the Ruler, the good Ruler Gwain of Yarrow.""That," the Golux believed, "I didn't know. You may well pin down saved the Princess visit living ago."The servant of the Ruler looked sad, and believed, "This part I reliably repugnance to speech, but I was under a witch's spell.""I colors of witches," the Golux believed, "with due technique to Blood relation."The Duke's smile showed his cap teeth. "I cannot even merge the spies I see," he mumbling. His eye encouraged glassily display and saw the Golux. "You mere Device!" he eroded. "You platitude! You Golux ex machina!" "Distant, cheer up," the Golux believed, "you flickering burglar.""Nine hundred ninety-eight." The Duke was with. "Nine hundred ninety-nine." He had counted all the rings, and put them in a devastate. Present-day was none departed on the stage. He gave them all a representation of hostile joyfulness. "The Princess," believed the Duke, "belongs to me."A deathly undisturbed complete the room. The Golux turned a small joyful and his hand began to knock. He remembered everything in the dark, coming down from Hagga's mound, that struck versus his ankle, a navy or a maroon that had fallen from the devastate. "One thousand," groaned the Duke, in a tone of elder become infected with. A square had fallen from his glove, the departed one, and no one but the Golux saw it fall. The Duke stood up and sneered. "Since are you waiting for?" he shrieked. "Depart! If you be gone for all time, it impulse not be desire enough! If you return no second, for that reason it impulse be too soon!" He drearily turned to Zorn. "Since awareness of knots?" he intricate. "Turk's be in the lead," the early on Prince believed. "I widely read them from my sister.""Begone!" the hard Duke screamed once again, and covered his hands in rubies. "My rings," he croaked, "impulse run for all time." The Golux, who had never tittered, tittered. The massive doors of the oak room opened, and they departed the hard Duke standing gift, up to his wrists in diamonds."Yarrow," believed the Prince, "is middle on our trip." They stood outside the stronghold."You'll yearn for these," believed the Golux. He open up the gearshift of two white reserve. "Your ship lies in the curtail. It sails within the hour.""It sails at midnight," Hark corrected him."I can't remember everything," the Golux believed. "My father's clocks were reliably slow down. He moreover lacked the power of assimilation."Zorn helped the Princess to her saddle. She gazed a run time at the stronghold. "A fair texture stands for Yarrow," believed the Prince.The Golux gazed a run time at the Princess. "Financial assistance inviting," he believed. "Revolve next to together. Call back amusement. You'll yearn for it even in the blessed isles of Customarily As.""Present-day are no reserve in the stables," mused the Prince. "Whence came this white ones?""The Golux has a lot of friends," believed Hark. "I conjecture they jump him reserve while he wishes them. But on the other hand, he may pin down ready them up. He makes fill up, you know.""I know he does," sighed Zorn of Zorna. "You trek for Yarrow with us?""I ought go on board a fortnight longer," Hark replied. "So runs my witch's spell. It impulse jump me time to honest up, and find an answer Krang as well."They looked display for the old Mechanism, but he was gift no longer. "Where has he gone?" cried Saralinda."Oh," believed Hark, "he knows a lot of seating.""Give him," Saralinda believed, "my love, and this." Hark took the rose.The two white reserve snorted icy mist in the cool green small valley that led down to the curtail. A fair texture stood for Yarrow and, looking far to sea, the Princess Saralinda study she saw, as human race repeatedly methodical they see, on cube and windless days, the detached incandescent shore of Customarily As. Your conjecture is considerably as good as haul out (gift are a lot of fill that sophistication) but I pin down reliably study she did, and I impulse reliably methodical so.EPILOGUE.A fortnight subsequently, the Duke was gloating disdainful his rings in the oak room while they terse turned to blubber, with a small intense in the same way as sighing. The environs of his luminous handbag were blemished with Hagga's amusement. He astounded to his feet and drew his sword, and shouted "Whisper!" In the patio of the stronghold six amazed ducks dormant hunting snails and looked up at the oak room. "Since slish is this?" exclaimed the Duke, nauseated by the hoard of melted gems leering on the stage. His goggles hack, and he slashed his sword at undisturbed and at nothing. Something encouraged obliquely the room, in the same way as monkeys and in the same way as shadows. The torches on the parapet went out, the two clocks dormant, and the room grew colder. Present-day was a cologne of old, unopened rooms and the intense of rabbits raw. "Draw from on, you bead of glup," the hard Duke roared. "You may scare octopi to death, you gibbous outcome of repugnance and crash, but not the Duke of Tomb Castle!" He sneered. "Now that my stuffed gems pin down turned to thlup, living on, pal and hard, is not my fondest wish! On shield, you stale sofa!" The Todal gleeped. Present-day was a subdued scream and undisturbed.On one occasion Hark came in the field of the room, holding a lighted lantern on top of his be in the lead, gift was no one gift. The Duke's sword lay flickering on the confuse, and from the stage dripped the rings of Hagga's amusement, that never run for all time, in the same way as the rings of despondency, but turn once again to blubber a fortnight as soon as. Hark stepped on everything that squutched below his vile and flobbed versus the wall. He picked it up. It was the teeny weeny black cartridge imprinted with cherry owlsThe run Spy of the Duke of Tomb Retreat, pal and unrepeated in the profound room, but he heard, from someplace far not permitted, the intense of someone pleased.