Witch Ended by Female Abigail
Innovation candles for healing and spellwork is something I smack very rudely. I storage space been making candles on or after I was a child and reckon that every herb, crystal and oil further a lot be directed to the magick mind of the candle and spellwork.
This Banishing Candle is through to Overwhelm Damaging Impetus from your home, office or personal. Whichever candle has add just the reasonable crystals and herbs further to trim working and the removal of the unsolicited and critical energies that can sometimes merge with out life's. This candle is 3 inches by 4 inches.
We storage space moreover included a carafe of Candle Prayer Oil, beyond blended by Female Abigail with essential oils and fragrances this Candle Prayer Oil is hypothetical for supplement energy and blessings to any candle or candles for spell work.