Top figure of us bring into being had Jehovah's Witnesses come means of access to means of access teaching that they are the selected 144,000 Witnesses of "Revelation". I motivation be honest. Jehovah's Witnesses, on a scriptural foundation, are dishonorable in clear ways. Ahead of schedule, they do not bring into being a bare likelihood of link. Jehovah's Witnesses faraway loathe calumny and all true Christians.
Routinely, the teach that others cannot be saved aside from their group, and that they are the 144,000 mentioned in "Revelation". They do not accept in the eternal penalty of relations who bring into being rejected the Dramatist, to Hell. At the outset, they do not try to put aside others, but send to prison other denominations and other groups of Christians. As put by Dr. Rice, God rest his excitement,
"Jehovah's Witnesses spin and pervert the Scripture. I bring into being artificial very precisely some of Judge Rutherford's books, which they increase in intensity around the world; they misquote Scripture and pervert it and deceive not up to scratch and ill-mannered workforce. I longing that you motivation not read any of their literature, nor chill out to their award, equally you motivation be misled and it may perceive sorrowfulness and custody."
Now if you are a enthusiast of Jehovah's Facts, and you manipulate attacked, I get you that the image is not to focus on you, immediately to store light on inconsistencies and specific out what the Bible exactly says, not steal it from distortion. So who are the 144,000 Jews, really?
"Revelation 7:3-4" says, "'Do not harm the land or sea or the plants until we put a soak on the foreheads of the servants of our God.' In addition to I heard the book of relations who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel." Next to I go any recover, I wish to specific two gear out. One, Jehovah's Witnesses has reached excellent 144,000 in book of members. Two, limit members are not "from all the tribes of Israel." They are not Jewish. How can we know for cool this is what it means? Swish at the neighboring channel.
"From the people of Judah 12,000 were sealed, from the people of Reuben 12,000, from the people of Gad 12,000, from the people of Asher 12,000, from the people of Naphtali 12,000, from the people of Manasseh 12,000, from the people of Simeon 12,000, from the people of Levi 12,000, from the people of Issachar 12,000, from the people of Zebulun 12,000, from the people of Joseph 12,000, from the people of Benjamin 12,000." ("Revelation 7:5-8")
Now, state is beyond. "Revelation 14:1-5". "In addition to I looked, and state or else me was the Veal, standing on Swell Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name in black and white on their fore heads. And I heard a greeting from fantasy behind the clap of stepping up waters and behind a colorful musical sound of roar. The greeting I heard was behind that of harpists playing their harps. And they sang a new publicize or else the throne and or else the four living creatures and the elders."
"No one could learn the publicize block the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. These are relations who did not spoil themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They be successful the Veal everyplace he goes, They were purchased from plus the secular band and offered as firstfruits to God and the Veal. No lie was found in their mouths; they are mild."
While termination can we draw? We see from "Revelation 7:4" that the 144,000 are Jews, all virgins. These witnesses motivation be changed While the Test begins. The Seven-Year Test has not yet began. But position in pocket watch that this is not the book of Jews who motivation be saved in the Religious Age, which we are at once in. It is also not the book of relations who motivation be saved featuring in the Millennial Government. In "Revelation 7:9-14", we see that state motivation be a "immeasurable throng of workforce" who motivation be saved featuring in the Test.
Hypothesize having 144,000 Apostle Pauls on the earth. The 144,000 motivation be part of the Immersed Center Bring together Equation, as pointy out by Dr. Tim LaHaye, a leading Biblical Mental picture Scholar. Here's the husky organize. "Property of the Delight on the world + 144,000 witnesses behind Paul + Saintly Exit behind on the day of Pentecost ("Joel 2:28-30") + Cluttered provisos hypothetical by God to whisk humanity's wrong ache of collateral + World's Major State = Terminated workforce changed than in the full amount Christian freedom."
So who are the 144,000? They are Jews who motivation become Test Saints. Can they be personified today? Yes, but they motivation not know who they are until the Seven Living begins. If someone tells you that they are a part of the 144,000 or else the correct time, do not accept, for it is not the truth. It is not my suspicion in this, it's what God told us, he told us that the 144,000 would be Jews from each people, and simply, no group claiming to be the 144,000 is all-Jewish.
I safety that answered the question, "Who are the 144,000," found in Revelation. If you bring into being any questions, remarks, or concerns, manipulate free to mention, email, stop the facebook page, and I would ask that we all survive well-mannered in our pondering. May God bless you, assume hope, classy reader. "Troy Hillman"