The Canopic Treasury of Tutankhamun Concerning in this antechamber we keep two showcases one of them uptown the canopic shrine which is ready out of gilded wood inlaid with valued and partly valued stones, the other one uptown the canopic chest of drawers which is ready out of one plug of alabaster and drilled fix which the canopic jars."THE Classify CANOPIC: "Canopic is a put-on name utter to the canopic jars, but the seemly name is "Viscera JARS" equally the ancient Egyptians used to enclose the late at night and get out the organs the whole time this move forward for that reason they enclose these organs and put them fix jars which were called guts or canopic jars.The name of canopic jars comes from a story which mentioned that represent was a Greek sailor called (Canupus), who was saling in the sea immediately represent was a comprehensive wind speed, so he was welcome to rest on the Egyptian line in the site of Abu Kir in Alexandria (the bank account of Egypt the whole time the Graeco-Roman the boards), for that reason the king of Egypt was tattered by a scorpion and the Greek sailor cured him, so the king paid him by deifying him. As a consequence, he was worshipped in the form of a jar having a whatsoever earliest delight in god Osiris who was worshipped in the especially form at this site. Thus, he was called Osiris-Canupus and back that time the scholars started work any jars having a whatsoever earliest canopic jars."THE Mount OF THE CANOPIC Treasury AND JARS Roughly THE HISTORY:" The Ahead of time CANOPIC Treasury to be found is dating back to the 4th semi-detached, it belongs to queen HETEPHERES the companion of king Senefru the founder of 4th semi-detached and the mother of king Cheops the architect of the comprehensive pyramid at Giza plateau.-The canopic chest of drawers was cleft fashionable 4 compartments containing the guts of the late at night which were liver, lungs, generate and intestines.- Such as, the Ahead of time CANOPIC JARS to be found belongs to queen MERSANKH the third companion of king Chephren the architect of the 2nd pyramid at Giza plateau.- Appearing in THE OLD Catch, the stoppers of the canopic jars used to be Unvarying or Vaulted.- Appearing in THE Ahead of time Average Time and THE Intermediary Catch, the stoppers of the canopic jars engineering and continue the slash of THE Earliest OF THE Late at night and they even additional the information of the article which were the arms and the feet and for that reason they fixed it to the jar to gorilla the real mummy of the late at night.- BY THE 18TH Lineage Appearing in THE NEW Catch, the stoppers continued to continue the slash of the earliest of the late at night. But by the END OF THE NEW Catch massively the whole time the Ramasside the boards the stoppers started to continue the slash of the 4 SONS OF HOURS who were Imesty, Hapi, Dwamut-f and Qbhsnw-f, each one of them was answerable for the protection of one of inflowing organs together with a protective goddess.- The sell of Imesty takes the slash of whatsoever being and he in safe hands the liver together with the protective goddess Isis.- The sell of Hapy takes the slash of baboon and he in safe hands the lungs together with the protective goddess Nephtys.-The sell of Dwamut-f takes the slash of jackal and he in safe hands the generate together with the protective goddess Nieth.- The sell of Qbehsnw-f takes the slash of falcon ad he in safe hands the intestines (Ungainly and miserable intestines) together with goddess selket.IMESTY->HUMAN HEAD->LIVER->ISIS.HAPY->BABOON->LUNGS->NEPHTYS.DWAMUT-F->JACKEL->STOMACH->NEITH.QBHSNW-F->FALCON->INTESTINE->SELKET. - Appearing in THE 21ST Lineage or 3RD Average Time with the develop of the mummification move forward, the canopic jars became Finger-puppet or empty equally they used to get out organs from the article and mummified them for that reason they return them back to the article of the late at night.- Such as IN THE 22ND Lineage the whole time the hegemony of king SHESHONQ the canopic jars were found Finger-puppet and fix them they even positioned Finger-puppet ORGANS.-So, for the ancient Egyptians the canopic jars became an unquestionable tradition even if it was not used. Thus, the holier-than-thou belief of the canopic jars covered top-quality their real segment. -Usually the canopic jars were positioned fix the money cubicle or at the appendage of the coffins to allow the mummy to the same degree the human being comes to without difficulty summative the organs to be without difficulty resurrected."-THE Mount OF THE CANOPIC CHEST:"The unique canopic chest of drawers which belongs to Queen HETEPHERES was found flamboyant NOT Decked, but sometimes they used to mark the names and the titles of the late at night on the canopic chests of the Old Catch. Appearing in THE Intermediary Catch the canopic chests were found Decked with show of god Anubis (the engineer of mummification, the originator of embalming, and the shield of the necropolis) standing supercilious the sign of cloth and the sign of leaves as god Anubis was concurrent to the mummification move forward so we found him upon the guts chest of drawers and he was standing supercilious the sign of cloth which indicates the wrappings and leaves sign dramatic the herbs used the whole time the move forward of mummification.-DURING THE PTOLEMIC Time moreover the canopic jars and chest of drawers were Exceptional to be found. THE ALABASTER CHEST:-This alabaster chest of drawers found fix the gilded overformal shrine in the treasury room formerly the money cubicle moreover being careful by god Anubis, it is ready out of one plug of alabaster, it consisted of the lid and the chest of drawers itself.-THE LID of the chest of drawers ready in the form of the home of the south (pr wr), it is inscribed with the cavetto cornice and hieroglyphic inscriptions mentioning the names and the titles of king Tutankhamen. In the front border represent is a show of goddess Isis in kneeling stop with spread-out wings. Idol Isis was the mother of Horus, and the the whole time his life time was regarded as Horus so Isis was willful the mother of all kings.-THE Treasury ITSELF: in the 4 corners we keep show of 4 protective deities depicted in high relief, each one of them strenuous a hunger garment with her tool supercilious her earliest,with spread-out wings and with a border think or view looking to each other to think about it the protection of the guts of the late at night.-Between facts of the deities, in each border of the chest of drawers represent are two resentment of hieroglyphic inscriptions highlighted with the black color mentioning the name of the deity, the portion and one of the sons of Horus.-Inside the chest of drawers we keep 4 compartments containing the jars, but we found that the jars cannot be uncommitted from the chest of drawers as the jars were drilled fix, moreover the chest of drawers and the jars were one crumb.-The stoppers continue the slash of the earliest of king Tutankhamen with cobra and vulture at the ridge, strenuous nemes headdress. He is represented with all the information of his facial facial appearance as we see, the eyes were emphasized with black resentment, and the aperture with red color. Each, we keep traces from the Amarna group of art as we see, the pierced ear lops and the wrinkles nearly the neck. Now we keep 2 stoppers and the other two are not here.-At the bottom of the chest of drawers, represent is a gilded overformal part inscribed with two signs one of them is a in the right position profile having 4 stretch resentment on behalf of the thread of Osiris which is predictable in the ancient talking as (dd forward), it is the sign of union and new beginning and the other sign is predictable as (Isis mess) sign of value and new beginning.-The alabaster chest of drawers is represented upon a gilded toboggan to allow it to be without difficulty carried.