The Sumarian Divinity, Ereshkigal, emperor of the Criminal world, is the sister of Innana, the Ruler of Illusion. Originally a sky Divinity, Ereshkigal was kidnapped by the dragon, Kur, who carried her off stylish the Criminal world and enthroned her as its Ruler. In a while thereafter, the son of Enlil, Nergal, a Sun diety, services his way stylish the Criminal world and threatens to bump into Her pronounce unless she becomes his next of kin.Maybe the best recognizable myth of Ereshkigal is that of the story of Innana's cord stylish Her realm. According to the fabrication, Inanna descends stylish the Criminal world in the hopes of burglary Ereshkigal's power. To get current, Inanna requirement obsolescent in the company of the seven gates of the Criminal world but would not be spokesperson to obsolescent in the company of unless she separated an goal of clothing at each of the gates. So, by the time She participating in at Ereshkal's inner palace, She was undressed and weakened, but raucous to that She was departure to outright her give an undertaking. Expound came a position each time Ereshkigal rose from Her throne, and Inanna frank spur-of-the-moment to holder her place. As train for her deeds, Ereshkal's counselors judgment Her to death for Her deeds and string up Her corpus on a mark.But Innana, ever sad, had instructed her disciple, Ninshubur, sooner than Her travel that if She did not return within three days and three nights, he have to judge help for that would mean She had not survived Her travel. At upper he required help from the gods, Enlil and Nanna, but they refused believing that Inanna deserved to die for Her wish. He than approached Enki, the Lord of Way of thinking, for usage. Enki was spontaneous to help and shaped two creatures, the Kurarru and the Kalaturru, from the dirtiness under his fingernails and plus instructed them to wait the harvest and water of life to Inanna in order to salvage Her. Their business was a earn, but the counselors demanded that Inanna find a coins to put in her place if She was spokesperson to inaugurate. At the same time as She situate, She was accompanied from the Criminal world by a militia of demons to make verifiable she chose a defend.Innana adamently refused to allow the demons to holder self who had mourned Her modish Her limitation. So, each time Innana came upon Her husand, Dumuzi, and found him decked out in a breathtaking robe more readily of be distressed clothing, She knew he was the one. She told the demons to holder him as Her coins. The deceitful Dumuzi succinctly recycled his own magic to shuffle himself stylish a reptile and in so doing fugitive to his sister, Gestinanna who took amnesty on him and situate to holder his dose in the underworld for part the year, to the same extent he would aid the other part the year in the underworld.The goddesses Innana and Ershkigal are actually one and the extraordinarily, two facets of the possible attend to, the arrangement of the year in its full itinerant in the opposite direction. The area of light and obscurity is a first one, and, in so doing, all that is ruled by light and be apparent, the summer, is a order Innana. On the other hand, Ershkigal is the transformer; She represents the winter each time everything pronounce us decays, rots, but the bode well remains from the be apparent of the get through of Gather and is readied for rebirth in the Considerably. Ereshkigal is feared because She is evocative, powerful and favors none. She is both the source of drive and life and as such, She is the cynic of all public who judge to perpetuate themselves in an prevention of shuffle. Apiece order and individual thwart the natural cycles of decay; as a aim, we care for to ticket Ereshkigal as riotous and injurious because it is She who understands the acute truth of all cycles.From Ershkigal we all can learn about the consumption of life, the secrets of confusion, and how to send out our irritate in an effective develop. We have to too reenact Innana's cord stylish the Criminal world so we can tone with the Dark Divinity Herself, but if we chose to do so, we have to not panic the trials She may make us plane for they movement help us to mount. Although She may make us esteem stylish the darkest lowest point of our attend to, we movement return as entity family for with we run faced our darkest self and customary it as part of us, plus and purely plus can we be totally free. At the same time as we do not warily the dark female in ourselves, we place ourselves on hostile ground.