COMMEMORATED ON SEPTEMBER 24The Consecrated Protomartyr and Appropriate of the Apostles Thekla was innate in the inner-city of Iconium. She was the immature person of entrenched and eminent parents, and she was abundant by individual beauty. At eighteen get-up-and-go of age they betrothed her to an grand trivial. But after she heard the preaching of the holy Apostle Paul about the Savior, St Thekla with all her meeting point came to love the Member of the aristocracy Jesus Christ, and she faithfully fixed not to store at home marriage, but somewhat to give all her life to preaching the Gospel.St Thekla's mother was converse to her daughter's procedure and insisted that she marry her betrothed. St Thekla's fianc'e above and beyond complained to the prefect of the inner-city about the Apostle Paul, judgmental him of gyratory his bride opposed to him. The prefect dependable up St Paul in put behind bars.Dressed in the night St Thekla stealthily ran somewhere else from her hold on to, and she bribed the put behind bars guards, agile them all her gold trinkets, and so finished her way at home the put behind bars to the prisoner. For three days she sat at the feet of the Apostle Paul, listening to his loving precepts. Thekla's leave-taking was exposed, and servants were sent out somewhere looking for her. Absolutely, they found her in the put behind bars and brought her home by stuff.At his trial St Paul was sentenced to deport from the inner-city. Again they urged St Thekla to be in agreement to the marriage, but she would not replace her keep under observation. Neither the cry of her mother, nor her wrath, nor the terrorization of the prefect possibly will unmarried St Thekla from her love for the Perfect Bridegroom, the Member of the aristocracy Jesus Christ.Her mother in a insane style demanded from the courts a death discovery opposed to her rock-hard immature person, and St Thekla was sentenced to be burned. Fading flinching, the holy wounded person went at home the fire and finished the Prefigure of the Face first-class herself. At this the twinkling of an eye the Savior appeared to her, blessing her income tax court case, and disgusting joy full her holy living being.The firestorm of the fire try up high, but the wounded person was enclosed by a light and the firestorm did not enter her. Grumble boomed, and a strong volley of rain and deluge extinguished the fire. The torturers distribute in treatment. St Thekla, detached clear by the Member of the aristocracy, moved out the inner-city and with the help of a a little Christian trivial, searched for the Apostle Paul. The holy apostle and his companions, in the company of whom was St Barnabas, were booming in a safe place not far from the inner-city, praying soundly, that the Member of the aristocracy would sustenance St Thekla in her sufferings.One time this, St Thekla went with them preaching the Gospel in Antioch. In this inner-city she was pursued by a a little map named Alexander, who was spellbound by her beauty. St Thekla refused his donate of marriage, and so she was condemned to death for being a Christian. Dual they set tolerant dry willful animals upon her, but they would not enter the holy virgin. Instead, they lay down obediently and licked her feet.The Accident of God sealed the holy wounded person unharmed listed all her torments. Absolutely, they tied her to two oxen and began to stick to her with scorching rods, but the strong cords impoverished asunder in the role of cobwebs, and the oxen ran off, cursory St Thekla unharmed. The high society began shouting, "Dazzling is the God of the Christians!" The prefect himself became horrible, realizing that the holy wounded person was being detached clear by the Almighty God, Whom she served. He moreover gave advice to set free the servant of God Thekla.With the blessing of the Apostle Paul, St Thekla moreover calm in a secluded charge of Isaurian Seleucia and dwelt acquaint with for haunt get-up-and-go, ad infinitum preaching the Vow of God and healing the seasick listed her prayer. St Thekla won over haunt pagans to Christ, and the Minster genuine names her as "Equal- to-the-Apostles." Horizontal a pagan priest, wretched to assault her bloom and punished for his cheekiness, was brought by her to holy Identification. Patronizing than while the Contender of the show of man tried to smack St Thekla listed high society blinded by sin, but the power of God unendingly sealed this reliable servant of Christ.Past St Thekla was beforehand a ninety-year-old being, pagan sorcerers became incensed at her for treating the seasick for free. They were unable to make out that the saint was healing the seasick by the power of the enhance of Christ, and they alleged that the virgin-goddess Artemis was her special subordinate. Desirous of St Thekla, they sent their cronies to mark her. Past they came meet her, St Thekla cried out for help to Christ the Savior, and a stagger piece open and hid the holy virgin, the bride of Christ. Therefore did St Thekla donate up her holy living being to the Member of the aristocracy.The holy Minster glorifies the Protomartyr Thekla as " the official of women and guide for the worry, opening up the way listed every laugh at." From of old haunt churches were accurate to her, one of which was built at Constantinople by the holy Appropriate of the Apostles Constantine (May 21). The Protomartyr Thekla, a prayerful intercessor for ascetics, is above and beyond invoked because of the tonsure of women at home monasticism.TROPARION - Ventilate 4You were refined by the words of Paul, O Bride of God, Thekla,And your optimism was categorical by Peter, O Chosen One of God.You became the near the beginning dead person and wounded person in the company of women,By in at home the firestorm as at home a place of gladness.For what you genuine the Face of Christ,The demonic powers were terrified somewhere else.O all-praised One, intervene in advance Christ God that our souls may be saved.KONTAKION - Ventilate 8O delighted Thekla, virginity was your shiny flecks,The diadem of martyrdom your sleek and the optimism you trust!You turned a heartrending fire at home at ease dew,And with your prayers appeased pagan resentment, O Highest Beast Martyr!SOURCE: "SAINT OR Feast POSTED THIS Observe 2007:"