August 1 and August 16, 2008
We usually get 2 sets of 2 eclipses (solar and lunar) every year, and this year our eclipses are occurring in Aquarius and Leo. Eclipses mean changes, so Leo and Aquarius, its your year! Eclipses are about 10 times more powerful than a typical Full or New Moon. If an eclipse lands on your birthday, then you are probably going to be dealing with changes for the full year until your next birthday.
Our first eclipse on August 1st is a solar eclipse in Leo. Solar eclipses usually bring new beginnings, and Leo's love to be noticed. If you are thinking of any kind of public projects like web sites, advertising, entertainment, or even parties, then this is the time to launch. If you have a message that you want to share with the world, then send it up like fireworks on August 1st.
Mercury will be close to the Sun and the Moon on August 1st, but technically it will not be conjunct. So, there will be no other planets aspecting this eclipse. But, Venus and Neptune will be off arguing in another part of the zodiac at the same time, and that could effect our judgments (especially Taurus, Libra, and Pisces). The whole weekend from August 1st through August 3rd should be an excellent time for parties and entertainment. It would also be an excellent time for vacations, so if you have some time available, take it and enjoy!
The lunar eclipse on August 16th will conjunct Neptune presently in Aquarius, and all the major planets except Uranus and Saturn will be making aspects to each other from Friday, August 15th, through Sunday, August 17th. Talk about changes. There will be all kinds of them on this weekend. Neptune touching this eclipse will increase our sensitivity and our worries. Intuitions will be off the scale during this eclipse, so if your are thinking of scheduling a reading with your favorite psychic, this would be the time to get the answers and clarity you desire. It may also help to put some of those worries at ease.
Pluto, the explosive planet, and Mars, energy and sex, will be fighting with one another throughout this ecliptic weekend. We may find ourselves acting on some of those worries and creating fights and arguments. But, Mercury and Venus are going to tag Saturn and then wave at Jupiter at the same time. This means logical and optimistic thoughts and good social relations.
So, basically we are going to have a hodge-podge of energies going on at the same time. There will be worries, but there will also be strong intuitions, if we know how to trust them. There will also be fights erupting and jealousy. And, then there will be situations where people are social and communicative. And then, in the middle of all this energy comes a lunar eclipse.
The picture I am seeing is a party with people talking and socializing, and some really great musicians entertaining us. There is romance over in a few corners where lovers are snuggling and kissing. Outside, the testosterone is raging, and there is a fight in the parking lot. And, then right in the middle of the party, in the middle of the dance floor, an angel manifests... Wow!
Its going to be an active month, and there will be changes in store for all of us, no matter what our sun sign is. We may find its time to take a new look at our hopes, our friends, and our goals. Some of us may decide to take a new look at our spiritual beliefs, and others may pickup a new craft. And, especially with Leo and Aquarius involved, it is very likely we will make some new long-term friends.
Okay, now its time to check your natal charts. You need to look at your major planets and your power points (ascendant, descendant, mid-heaven, and nadir), and see where the eclipses line up with them. Looking at the solar eclipse on August 1st, if you have any major planets/power points from 7 degrees to 11 degrees in Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries, get ready for the time of your life. But, if you have any planets/points from the same degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, or Aquarius, you may find your changes requires a sacrifice of some kind. Looking at the lunar eclipse on August 16th, if you have any planets/points between 22 and 26 degrees in Leo, Sagittarius, or Aries, you may really be fed up with the lack of spirituality in your life and ready to look at life from a deeper perspective. And, planets or power points between the same degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, or Aquarius, could bring a loss. It could turn out to be a lesson in forgiveness. Any aspects with the eclipses to your power points will be the most powerful. Aspects with inner planets (mars and closer) will have a more profound effect than aspects with outer planets. Again, which planet or point these eclipses are aspecting will determine what part of your life will be affected. Also check which of your houses the eclipses will be occurring in to determine how they will affect you.
Janet (Sparrow) Moon is a professional psychic and astrologer. You can visit her web site for more articles about upcoming events in astrology, and to read her daily astrology general tendencies forecast. (This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this bio are included.)