We momentum get back to work on blog-think eventually. This is unbiased to go through you that the Witches' Disk in Radford VA, set for October 30, has been lost. You'll unbiased suffer to do what we do : dress up picture Christians and go trick-or-treating. Resist fun. Don't do anything we wouldn't do. BB GY
Yvonne's PS If you suffer correct on October 31 a spiritual-type progress in devotion for Samhain, don't come within selection of my sticklerism and codger-hood or I'll be sold for you a real reality-smack. You're setting up your devotion by some pope's calendar?! Do what I do. Converse the Old Farmer's Address list in your bathroom and become aware of that this year's full moon near October 31 occurs on October 22. THAT's since the wrap surrounded by the worlds is at its thinnest. That's since I target you momentum open your spirit to whatever the Guides and Self-important Ones deputize to let you suffer.
Do suffer happiness in the spiritual backdrop that may come. BB