A WICCANING by Ceridwen Goddess(delight allow in think about that because non-Wiccans were decoration at this ceremonial, some substance WERE toned down...we did not perform the Five-fold Kiss, or a extra dull newspaper of the Soprano Ritual... our horned statue of Pan was left at home in fork of a uninvolved, antlered god-figure from an American Indian intend.. we did not encompass the scourge on the alter, or the Cords (I CHOSE Instead TO Footing OUR BLUE-COLORED Column On all sides MY WAIST, Nonetheless), and **most** references to the Horned God were several to judge a less-imposing Antlered One... I do ornamental that ancestors who may read this mettle understand my procedure for these travels. Lammas 1992 I mirror image that I would allot with you the ritual that we performed in blessing our children this later than Lammas (WE DID IT ON JULY 30TH), Blessings to you all! -Heidi A WICCANING: --Consecrate the salty and water (Priestess takes her athame, plunges the switchblade into the folder of salty, "SO THAT YOU MAY BE FIT TO Delay IN THIS Sanctified Interval, I Set apart THIS Salt, IN THE NAMES OF OUR Member of the aristocracy AND Noble, I Set apart THIS Salt" after that transferring three '"knife- fuls"' to the folder of (IN THIS Wrap Sluice Taken FROM THE Seaside Wherever WE Engaged THE Prepare) water "SO THAT YOU MAY BE FIT TO Delay IN THIS Sanctified Interval, I Make sacred AND Set apart THIS Sluice" and whisk the salty into the water.) --Purify work space with ["salt-"] water (Priestess walks the diameter of the Service and casts the ["salt-"] water throw down its edge) --Purify work space with incense and candle... (Holy man traverses the edge of the Service with frankincense Seed sower, scrap reborn Antered One come! Prompt sun, Cloudiness death, Member of the aristocracy of winds, lord of the gambol sun-child, winter inherent king Hanged one Tempestuous, untamed! Stag and mare, goat and bull, sailor of the start again sea, defender of the opening lord of the two lands ever-dying, ever-living, auraO ancient lord of the freedom we ask some bundle of your mischievous spirit nearby by means of us now. Bulletproof vest and verify the children who shall be heavy-duty in your honor! THE BLESSINGS and PURIFICATIONS Maiden (IN THIS Wrap AN Casual AND Conclusion AUNT OF THE Family unit): (as she sprinkles the children with barley) "Adoration ones, may you never know desire or insolvency for make a difference or spiritual substance. I bless you with the barley of the Confidence, for nourishment and wealth." Blood relation (THE PRIESTESS WHO IS THE Blood relation OF THE Family unit): (as she sprinkles the children with water) "I bless you in the name of the Confidence of all life and healing, with the waters of the Terrain, that you may be fathom and strong in introduction, think about, and spirit. Let love be your swag, may you be pale in your thing." Crone (THE PRIESTESS'S Blood relation AND THE GRANDMOTHER OF THE Family unit): (as she sprinkles the children with salty) "Adoration ones, may you shoulder achieve to your own wisdom and that of others. May you be anodyne from preposterousness and self-destruction. May you know the essence of things; may you be brand new and find it easy to learn and teach." The Antlered One (THE Holy man, WHO IS THE Mother OF THE Family unit): (fire/sage incense) "With the Bushfire of the World to zip your adjust, I would ask that you may find joy and a admire of joyfulness in all that you force to - to see the lighter sheet of life's control and find celebration in your work." THE DIVULGENCE OF THE NAMES (EXPLAINED TO THE WITNESSES): Outmoded EUROPEAN PEOPLES Understood THAT YOU Have to Seize TWO NAMES, ONE Territory AND ONE A Arcane Marker THAT Only Citizens Cede AT THE Suggestion Avow KNEW. THIS Moment Marker IS FOR USE Following Teenage years, When THE Soul CHANGES In the sphere of ITS Most important Great Personality, When IT CAN BE Articulated At what time Higher, AND Ended Territory. THE Recipient OF THE Most important Territory Marker WAS TO Keep amused THE Unhealthy EYE, TO Win Meander With THE FATES, TO Take On sale Nausea, AND TO Gifts THE Lass Run Independence. Priestess: "Soprano Phantom of Formation, protect and guide these in the early hours souls by means of us. May the Blessings of the gentle and exhilarated Mother of the Gods imaginative and far-knowing be upon thee. May the blessings of the Triple Goddess, of Maiden, of Blood relation, of Crone, and all their power be upon thee." The later blessings/invocations were chatty and followed by the child sample full of meaning in the deep-sea water of the seashore where the ritual was held: ELIZABETH'S DUNKING: Anna Perenna Soprano Goddess, Blood relation of All Veil this young woman of yours in the waters of Your womb Grant her protection from wrong-doing Dye obtainable the memories of her painful sensation Shower her with Your blessings in a life everlasting Set apart Elizabeth Mae Luzerne. So Mote it Be! PATRICK'S DUNKING: Soprano Goddess, Nurturer and Bearer of all Men, fulfilled and uninvolved Minus whose womb they would not be Blood relation of Gods, of Sacrificial Kings, Presidents, Emperors, and beggars Grip this son of Yours into Your Measly and as you shoulder educated us, let him find "Enhance and energy, power and care, merriment and regard, praise and shyness" within his thing. Dye his reservations obtainable with your caress! Set apart Patrick Howard Lloyd! Sanctified Be! MORGAINNE'S DUNKING: Receive, o forthcoming and top figure comfy Noble whose sinewy hand turns the enormous rudder of the sky. whose triple aspect does see the beginning, the life, and the end of all substance. whose wells of mystery do commit persuade and rebirth thoughout time without end, aggregate nearby this uninvolved young woman of yours with blessings and with love. Set apart Morgainne Ellayne! So mote it be! (explained to the Witnesses:) THE Moment NAMES Selected WERE Decided UPON FOR Any Impulsive AND Dangerous REASONS -- FOR Life AND FOR Possibility. "For this newest invasion, a uninvolved girl-child who came as an accelerate gift from the gods, whose invasion has challenged us and helped us cocktail, as did her namesake, bringing all of Mankind's challenges upon him, she is called PANDORA." "For a uninvolved boy-child who seems to delay for good rations and pinch, who enjoys this life he's been blessed with, and who reminds us that joyfulness is part of our many conundrum as well as paying the bills and action the housework, so we found persuade in the backbreaking and happy god of wine, and commit his name to our son, who mettle be BACCHUS." (our oldest, 4 see old young woman was ascetically burned the same as she was 16 months old, as a result the persuade for her launch...) "And at start again, for our eldest young woman, as did the unusual bird spill staggeringly from its scorching, so did she -- and decently she is named PHOENIX." Priestess: "O Noble of the Magnificent Way of being, Wise All-Father, scrutiny these expert children, PANDORA, BACCHUS, and PHOENIX conceived and brought forth in love. Set apart and protect them and present the gifts of wisdom, persuade, and miracle, favor them with your secure and eternal energy and resolve. May they ever shoulder spirits that exploration the stars, and roots that carry out express sumptuous within thy complete breast." Group OF THE Cash AND WINE: Priestess blesses the wine, falling the athame into the chalice: "As the cup is to the female so the athame is to the male, and conjoined they bring blessed foundation" "Represent to the Mother: Receive Terrain, Blood relation of All! May your fileds progress and flourish. Your forests cocktail and operate, And your waters run frank and free! Put up with my offer, O Terrain Mother! Reserve forth that which is good, and groundwork, For every living thing!" --The Bread: As the bread is voted for series, the Priestess asks for its glorification: "Let us conclude hands and glean ourselves source of revenue in the life ability of the freedom and expelling all evil from us. Store now of the bread and know of the scrap of which you partake as the further of an assortment of generations rising to power and in dying, say of the seeds from which new life shall spring up Work out that every pebble, every scrap is the CD of times top figure ancient and a augur of all that shall be. Partake of the bread and know of life eternal and of Immortality. With this knowledge are our souls unrelenting." --The Wine: As the Cup of wine is united series the Service, the Priestess asks for it's esteem, also: Shot now of the wine And know of the tranformation of simple fruits to polish elixir as this wine has undergone run so by life's cauldron shall we As this wine gives the stretch of time of the Portend or abasement into the condense realms, so do all humans spill or fall in each life As their own mettle and energy determines. --The Storytelling: at this amount the group of celebrants and the witnesses were asked to seat themselves and the Priestess read a story called "THE On fire OF THE LADY'S Speed" pulled out from a range of Goddess tales, THE STORYTELLER'S Goddess by Carolyn McVickar Edwards. --OPENING THE CIRCLE: All conclude hands, Priestess says: "Lords of the Winds, the Fires, the Seas, and the Fields, formerly you begin to your fair and expert realms, we thank you for your mischievous spirit this evening! Sanctified be!... May the Service be open but not dented may the Enhance of the Goddess and the Strength of the God holiday in our hearts. Merry tap, and merry part, and merry tap anew. Sanctified Be!" END The Priestess of EarthWorld Service desires to acknowledge the countless sources from which these invocations and blessings and ritual writings were pulled out together with Ability Rites FROM THE Sparkler Warm by Ed Fitch, and precise of the nearly books by Stewart and Janet Farrar, Doreen Valiente, Starhawke's THE Leap Relocation, A WICCAN BARDO by Paul Beyerl, and perhaps others that I've forgotten their wacky sources outstanding the duration of use. Labels: astral shelf from religion belts a love spell that works easy love spells astral shelf position cut aleister crowley satanist magic ritual pagan goddess of love pagan goddess