THE Rudiments OF MAGICK I. Standards A. The Wiccan Rede B. The Law or Indicate (sometimes called the "Threefold Law") C. Enchanting Affection and Enchanting Possibility (relating cronies in magick)II. The Witches' Pyramid A. Plan in your abilities and powers. B. Originality to dramatically type in your tenderness that which you pining to open. C. Donate to rap your fantasy despite the consequences all obstacles. D. Secrecy to seat your magickal outline lock and straight.III. The four Individuality of the Mage A. To know B. To will C. To suppose D. To seat peace and quietIV. Preliminary Skills (hatha and raja yoga are good aids to emergent these) A. Abstention, commune and stilling B. Training C. Centering d. Concentrating ieving one-pointedness) V. Important the Goal: Conceive vs. Inner self VI. Working with the Command A. Confining it (casting the Chime) B. Raising it C. Approach it (channeling it)... for imediate effect or at home sustain D. Earthing the favoritism (basis it) VII. Systems and Techniques A. Spellcraft B. Lines of Command and affirmations, charms and incantations C. Jump about, postures and mudras D. Consideration, trancework and hypnosis, petition E. Brickwork magick F. Candle magick G. Amulets and talismans; power matter or "psychic batteries" H. Revamp 1. Psychic (visualization, laying on of hands) 2. Herbal 3. Force channeling iwht auras and chakras 4. Imperfection analysis 5. Furthest systems sad abovementioned I. Foresight 1. Scrying 2. Astrology 3. Tarot 4. Runesticks 5. Lithomancy (casting the stones) 6. I Ching 7. Furthest systems 8. Pendulum or radiesthesia J. Through the ceiling travel K. Work forms; wraths, fetches, take-off elementals L. Extra-sensory judgment 1. Clairsentience 2. Clairvoyance 3. Clairaudience 4. Precognition 5. Telepathy 6. Telempathy 7. Psychometry 8. Telekinesis 9. Teleportation M. Pathetic magic (poppets and such) N. Runes O. Mediumship, necromancy, and spirit guides P. Philtres and Poteins Q. Abstention, refining, protection and blessing; esxorcism; ligature, binding R. Command nature, totems and familiars; shapeshifting S. Tree magick T. Dreamcraft U. Exercise tool magick V. Prayer, evocation and separation at home aspect W. Secret language, sigils and images; Tattvic symbols; numerology X. Conjuration or summoning; banishing or exorcism Y. Tribute or connecting Z. Behind life regression or reminisce AA. Pathworking on the Tree of Get-up-and-go BB. Chaos magic VIII. Timing A. The lunar sphere-shaped B. The Controls of the Rendezvous C. Astrological conjunctions D. Huge hours and days E. Undeniable biorhythms IX. Creating your own legitimacy, once your Ordinary Donate On top form by: Amber K Our Lord of the Wooded area Used BY Defer