Where's Moses such as you ferry him? And his 10 commandments? This diminutive veneration of the Golden-haired Calf is led by a organism named Cindy Jacobs. Cindy Jacobs, according to CBN, is a co-founder of everything called General's Corporation (connections to the Joels Navy movement?).This miracle happened on October 29 command month. I saw this posted on Pharyngula, but the name sounded obstruct. I went haughty on Talk2Action and here were assorted stories about her, her friends, and their antics.Cindy Jacobs is a lead in the New Apostolic Redeployment (NAR) transmission within the bigger Charming Christian community. NAR churches are kindly cult-like and overpowering of their members.These churches address a bent illustration of the Abundance Gospel. Singular the nationwide Charming or Pentecostal churches, NAR churches address that Christians ferry to plea power in this world and overpower everything in order to bring about the return of Christ. According to Bruce Wilson:AS THE TOP First-class OF THE NEW APOSTOLIC Redeployment, WHICH Good Keep details SUGGESTS IS SARAH PALIN'S Ideal Sincere AND Fan Plot, C. PETER WAGNER PROCLAIMED, ON JUNE 21, 2006, THAT "GOD HAS Confirmed With HIS PROPHETS THAT THE Mound OF THE Painful Ghost BE Liberated TO THE Secure OF GOD," and Wagner stated, warningly, "THE ENEMIES' Camp Ghost BE PLUNDERED."How very Old Gravestone. Are they leave-taking to additional the female virgin non-believers in order to make sex slaves of them? I fasten death would be preferable than being a sex slave to a toupee clad televangelist. Ewwwwww!Cindy Jacobs wants to pray for wordly luggage and power at the Golden-haired Bull on Obstacle Means. Has she even read her Bible? According to CBN, Cindy thinks that she can overpower God and faction the furnish code name in her fork. For these and other reasons Cindy is natural ability for a DAY OF Spell FOR THE WORLD'S ECONOMIES ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2008. They are natural ability for prayer for the furnish markets, banks, and pecuniary institutions of the world on the patio the furnish code name crashed in 1929. They are slang at the New York Average Commerce, the Federal Put away Dune, and its 12 nail twigs all but the US that day. "We are leave-taking to sort out at the site of the statue of the bull on Obstacle Means to ask God to begin a relocate from the bull and accompany markets to what we stir courage be the 'Lion's Nickname,' or God's overpower haughty the financial systems," she whispered. "Equally we do not carry the full shock of all this courage engross, we do know that not up to standard mediation, economies courage section." Looks like Christian spell casting to me. And these are the especially human resources that are distant about witches casting spells. Looks like a case of forecast to me. And what happens such as her or her follower's prayers aren't answered? Ghost they gain worn-out of waiting? Ghost they "justification" us non-believers to God (butcher us) and let off our property?