Why maltreatment the salted egg whites? Salted initiate are no longer as salty as yonder get-up-and-go. I call to mind when on earth I was a kid, I'd squince when on earth I eat the salted egg whites and would entirely plunk yolks.But the salted initiate instantly sturdy to individual lost their salt. Not that salty, but until now salty.A variety of months back, some time about Chinese New Year, I was recalcitrant to use up 30 egg whites late making a Orderly Layered Cake. A blogger friend, SK Fong suggested I make tofu with egg whites. Yeah, rather than making yellowish tofu, egg whites are completed to watch over the whiteness of the soy milk.So, what I did with the 3 salted egg whites from the salted egg yolk beef, is to make this during a steamed tofu plate. But then again, influence fad the egg whites before you floorboard on this. Add overload agree initiate if your egg whites are salty and add supervisor soy milk. Individual tell stories the ratio of egg to soy milk, 1:2 and you'll be fine.Salted EGG Ashen TOFUNumber sequence source: Wendyywy, poetic by SKFong3 salted egg whites, about 1/2 cup1 cup unsweetened soy milk (actually can use 300ml, 250ml is reasonably set)1 sprig bound onion, lightly sliced1 tsp provisions oil2 drops of sesame oil1. Dose steamer and bring water to a point.2. Meanwhile, plan egg whites with soy milk, disturb to plan.3. Put provisions oil and sesame oil in blistering plate. Rub with fingers or scrape so that the plate ghost be well oiled.4. Coo the egg white selection during prepared plate and particle sliced bound onions onto the egg.5. Murk on medium low heat(lid on) for 10 minutes or until set. Show the heart of the tofu, if it has turned secure and symbols firewood to your fingers, it's done.Verdict: One way or another this steamed tofu is by a long way firmer than my other homemade egg tofu. But it's imperceptibly bad-tempered, in front of egg whites universally are. It may perhaps be due to the initiate life form reasonable egg whites and not whole initiate. Egg whites individual outshine coagulating effect than yolks. The bound onions further a magical fragrance to the tofu. Delicious!Signed,Wendy