This was put place with generously proportioned clarity (and beauty) by Ralph Waldo Emerson: that the upper organism is one who does not order linking good and evil but sees moreover as imperative complements of the whole.
Or impartially, that the solitary crest evil is to cut down the true unity of truth by corporal introducing an erroneous type linking good and evil - such that the wholeness of life and of each worldly life is damaged.
From the monist perspective which sees unity as the crest truth, this obligation be correct; as a result all Christians are revealed as (competent) pluralists (as are record other religions).
And since unrestricted pluralism collapses voguish monism (wonder about about it); the truth of Christianity (and record other religions which carry a limited-pluralism) is as a result put largely upon "shock" - it is shock (and that solitary) which tells us the piece of pluralism.
But it is this deistic spirituality of non-discrimination - with family in the Idealistic bias through the New England Transcendentalists - that underlies the variable concretization and twisting of modern politically-correct 'non-discrimination', and the ethic that the solitary true evil is to order.