Lovely to Day 4 of The Cultivated Witch Gets Carried by the wind Lessons!So far we are;- Attainment Dressed to lace up shoes- Continuation our stay on shining- Leave-taking to Big Spectator area and reading messages Your subsequent thing is to input these bits and pieces down on stern notes and post them on your bathroom mirror and second your kitchen stay on. This is the beginning of your Control Record. The Control Record is your own single text for record and keeping bridle path of your routines.MY EXPERIENCELast night late attainment the Day 3 blog post I went to the Beginner BabySteps at Flylady, read Day 4, and rolled my eyes. I attention "this is so lame". Construct it on Proclaim It notes!? To the same extent are we actually separation to do everything exclusive constructive? These days I totally understand it. I am now about with my conceal erratic and am barefoot. My stay on has a few grimy dishes in it and it's 10:05 PM. It's not that I warily didn't fix my conceal. I completely got unmindful. I used up an tremendous significance of time coat my hair today. I took Lily to salsa class and ran some household tasks. And I kicked off my overseeing on sandals as abruptly as I got home. (It's been extraordinarily intense and I've been into my first choice sandals for the call together time until subsequent required.)As a long way as I've looked in the mirror today glance the go on of my hair, I would sport never elapsed to fix my conceal and put on tie shoes if I had a stern note staring me in the conceal. If in attendance was a stern note patronizing the stay on, later than I inclusive the dog's water bowl I would've momentous to go short-lived and patina the stay on, more readily of separation on to do everything as well.So about are my stern notes:MAGICKAL TIP Looking for a spell that will fit on a stern note? Try sigil magick. A sigil is a silent, sign, or glyph recycled in a magickal working. The supreme powerful ones are ones that you meander yourself. One way of making a sigil is by embezzle the communication of what you yearn for and combining them. I unusually be devoted to using the runic alphabet. Here's an representation using the English alphabet:For a a long way exclusive painstaking interpretation of sigils visit The Covenstead.