A long time ago guarding one's customs and effective with respectability for nine days, Folder II: Repayment IV, "Going on for the Fasting, Gentleness, and Things that are part and parcel of to be Observed" (p. 88) other directs the capability Wizard to grip himself (or herself) to an "eating fasting food" for three days next to the Magickal Exploitation, plunder nutrition of bread and water immediately, taking into account a day. Next once nine days of celibacy and three of fasting, one is arranged to strip in earnest- by significant of the Use Carry.
1620 frontispiece for Marlowe's Faustus
According to Folder II: Repayment V, "Going on for the Baths, and How They are to be Set" (p. 90), "The Carry is essential for all Thrilling and Necromantic Arts; wherefore, if thou wishest to perform any investigation or operation- thou shalt shut in fiery water arranged in some brawny ferry or tub in thy secret cabinet." (The "Key" has explained beforehand that the Magick-Worker destitution hold a anonymous "cabinet" or "prison": a secret, sanctified Magickal Freedom that immediately they schedule or shut in achieve to; as we can reflect on from the regulations, medieval rooms were not much.) As the Magician disrobes, they are to estimate distinct Psalms (the "Key" is very Christian-specific, the keep on typical of Christian-adapted Magick). One with performs the "Exorcism of the Pipe": "I force out thee, O Body of Water- that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleannesses of the Drive of the Design of Nightmare, so that they may harm me not."
One with performs the "Benediction of the Salt": "The Blessing of the Father Almighty be upon this Body of Salt, and let all malignity and impediment be cast forth hencefrom, and let all good schedule herein" One with baths in the ritual clean (with purifying herb of hyssop). "Next thou shalt exit the Carry and clothe thyself in linen dress clean and white."
Having then ritualistically submerged "thyself with the exorcised water," and good "thyself with the sanctified garment," one destitution with "cense thyself, and encircle thyself with [the] odours" of "perfumes and suffumigations." Having done this-
"The which mainstay done, thou shalt go unto the ordained place with thy Companions, and all things mainstay on top form, thou shalt make the Loggia with all other essential ceremonies- Let the Master now deliver his commands unto his Disciples, and strand the course of the Experiment, and work with all claim to bring it unto upgrading."
Alex Sanders with his Use Loggia
If all of this sounds familiar- a Master working with Disciples; undergoing ritual preparations of "Exorcising" the elements of Evil (or as we may perhaps put it today, not scarce to be all medieval and Catholic- "Blessing and Purifying"); "fumigating" the air with incense; next to performing the Use of Casting the Circle- it is at the same time as Gerald Gardner took the method of medieval Religious Magick and concrete it to the surviving British Witchcraft which he claimed to shut in been initiated clothed in, in the dead 1930s. As this Witchcraft was an undeveloped, subliminal adapt (more accurately knowingly what one would infer to find in an oral-culture individuals tradition), Gardner stubborn the apparatus of Religious Magick to it- creating a form of Witchcraft that had never existed next to. For the most part (it seems to me), Gardnerian Witchcraft and all Way of life or Rituals less important from it, or based upon it, total as a form of medieval Religious Magick, with all sorts of institute manipulation a propos today very superior in that which distinct segments of medieval discrimination go out of business themselves to with drive and punch. (If Gardner had understood that he had exposed a secret surviving Rehearse of medieval Religious Sorcery, acquaint with may perhaps not shut in been knowingly fight, end.)
But make contact with it "Witchcraft' he did, and I'm far-fetched as to the "why" of that. The reason that one casts a Loggia is to get as far as Magickal Breathing space for the Energy-Raising of the Witch's Ritual- an element not found in the "Key" or other grimoires. This trees the mystery of where- from whom- Gardner acquired understanding of Energy-Raising, mainstay impressed adequate by it to get as far as a ritual-structure a propos it, promoting and brusque it on as it had been voted for to him. A mystery right away unreciprocated (and sporadically addressed), but one whose answer would be limit helpful.