This is the enchanted set of all 4 of the Ancient Oils. Precise for using in magick and spell work. Use to anoint each fraud and candle. Exploit for Do or magick once upon a time working with a have a high opinion of elemental complete. Mix the oils for Sabbats and blessings.
Completeness, engorgement, money, high flier, wealth, physical healing, health, marriage, sumptuousness, abuse, merger, Stimulates engorgement, healing, financial high flier, good luck, new job, good harvest, heart remembering, love.
Constrain, drive, and break down, health, mission, sex, love, protection, fire, sumptuousness, fast action, break down, might, ache, blood, Creature love and mission, heroism, affection, energy, attraction, touching, desire, action, physical break down, power, long for. Strengthens touching in a ritual, creates Ram and Scorpio energies.
Intelligence, wisdom and kindness, action, change and vision, studying and rumor, concentration, shield, logic, learning, attraction, firmness, Mental powers, common sense, change, concentration, retention of shield, energy, vitality, slender atmosphere, changes, grit, remainder and surety.
Blonde strengthens the imagination and concentration in a ritual. Is used in rituals in which the indict of a revelry is gained or in which one requests to alter someone.
Hint, truth, contract, iced, loosing weight, wisdom, understanding, protection, organize, change, truth, restraint, health and realization, luck, get in touch with, attentiveness, tranquillity, cooling, satisfaction, healing, idealism, organize, devotion and meditation.