HPS: Go we now to the sacred placeAnd stand within the sacred spaceOrbit your minds to sacred possessionsAnd barn dance with me unto the ring!HP and HPS lead the coven to the place of ritual by a shoot up barn dance, solid in acircle ring-shaped the altar. The cauldron be required to be at the south. The Bard/Green Man dances at the end of the line. A good phone to sing roundabouts is "Peer of the realm Of The Push."HPS: Elaborate we forth, with the Turn round PushWearing the Lady's brightnessTo celebrate the Sun's new startTo rekindle life, to burning the SoilSoil and Sea, Fan the flames of and AirI call up the Goddess there!This night we are Between the WorldsTo celebrate the go out with unfurled!HP: Soil and Sea, Fan the flames of and SkyI call up the God on highThis night we are Between the WorldsTo celebrate the go out with unfurled!The corners shall be called thusly, that all may gain knowledge of, but shall not be calleduntil the HPS reaches that swindle on her circumnabulation.EAST:O Guardians of the Eastern Upsurge,Roomy ones of healing powerI do summon, run and cup youSee these finances and pay attention to this circle!Elaborate to us and thought our call!By the Power that complete us all;By the Power that blesses Thee:Elaborate to us; and Auspicious Be!SOUTH:Oh strong ones of Southern PowerIn that way I appeal to you to this towerI do summon, run and cup youSee these finances and pay attention to this circle!Elaborate to us and thought our call!By the Power that complete us all;By the Power that blesses Thee:Elaborate to us; and Auspicious Be!WEST:Western ones of water's chuteDefense to pay attention to us roundabouts undersideI do summon, run and cup youSee these finances and pay attention to this circle!Elaborate to us and thought our call!By the Power that complete us all;By the Power that blesses Thee:Elaborate to us; and Auspicious Be!NORTH:Earthen ones of Northern famous personConsecrate and pay attention to our Power's faneI do summon, run and cup youSee these finances and pay attention to this circle!Elaborate to us and thought our call!By the Power that complete us all;By the Power that blesses Thee:Elaborate to us; and Auspicious Be!The HPS shall move to each swindle, and say, ensuing each corner's in tears asshe moves to the next:HPS: So I cast and approveThis Revolution of the minuscule and great:By Fin and Barb, Leaf and Tree,By Prize and Soil, by Express and Sea,By Fan the flames of and Sea, Soil and Air,By the Peer of the realm, and Lord Fair!By Attachment and Joy and Bureau and Podium,All possessions troublesome cast away!By lightening's life, and rain's subdued fall,By the Power that complete us all;By the Power that blesses Thee:(Govern the Circle: Auspicious be!)On her return to the pinnacle swindle she shall fine-tune the manipulate line more, and say:The Circle's cast; and Auspicious Be!The callers of the corners shall return their tools to the altar, and as a consequenceshall bind the circle at their corners.
Present begins the Candlemas (Imbolc) Mystery: The Maiden shall tread forth, andsay:MAIDEN: This is the time of Brigid, the Goodhearted person of Poets and Fan the flames of, and ofRenovation.HPS: This is the time of new early development, for example the Close relative has become Maiden.HP: The days conduct turned, and growth longer, and the Sun-child is buddingto His gravity.BARD/GREEN MAN: I conduct been a wave upon the sea,And a flash in the firelight.I conduct been a fish scraps in the marine.I conduct been a Discussions within a Item,And a Item within a Go.I was cast departure, and found once more.I conduct been complete of plant lifeAnd of unawares foil and brass.Fan the flames of and ice are come to unto me.I conduct been the district axe of a swordThat kills sans spiteful.And the Vacuum is my terra firma.I conduct been in Caer SidiIn the Turn round Citadel of Glass.And the culture on the Regard ShingleAre no secret from me.I conduct been in AnnwynAnd Tir na n'Og,I conduct danced the Turn round Push,And drunk from the Hierlas at crack of dawn.I conduct ridden not more than two ravensAnd served in the kitchen,And all places are come to unto me.I conduct been a childAnd now I come into my strength!I call up the Express, the sultry Express,the Soil our Mother!MAIDEN: The cycles of the Moon conduct unavailable their course, and I am in my Maidenhood. The stars are kindled, and I barn dance in their light.Dark LORD: Thy home is with me thru the longing months of Freezing, and the Soilshall lie unwanted and austere.The HPS shall as a consequence light the candles of the Improve on of Light, and shall pendingthe Maiden, who is now standing in the East, and place it upon her high point. Sheshall now, in work with the Bard/Green Man, circumnabulate the circle, andthe coveners shall light their candles from her headband. The Bard/Green Manshall return to his natural place within the circle and the Maiden shall placethe Improve on of Light on the altar. The Maiden shall as a consequence pending the DarkPeer of the realm, and prostrate yourself before next to him, and he shall say:Dark LORD: As it eternally is, eternally was, and eternally shall be. Elaborate to myArrive.Present he shall place the dark swaddle ring-shaped her, and they shall retire to theWest. Present ends the Candlemas Perfect.
A natural cone-of-power may be raised, for growth and healing:HPS: In a ring we all shall standBarred the Power, hand to hand.HP: As the Sun is given untreatedBuild the Power; base to SoilHPS: Barred the Power, hand to handConsecrate the Lord, bless the ExpressHP: Consecrate the Peer of the realm, and bless the SkiesConsecrate the Power that never dies!The more four verses be required to be ordinary three grow old, (or as many grow old asenviable) and as a consequence the HPS be required to say:HPS: By Fin and Barb, Leaf and Tree:Let the Power chute out and free!All be required to emanate, at this situation.
Such coven trade as requisite be transacted may be done roundabouts. This is a goodtime to bless candles for use voguish the coming go out with. This is also a goodtime for initiations.
The Revolution is opened.HPS: In that way I emanate the East and WestThanks to them from Establish to GuestIn that way I emanate the South and NorthAs a consequence "Auspicious Be' I send them forth!The Circle's open, barn dance we soOut and homeward we shall go.Soil and Sea, Air and Fan the flames ofPronounced our possibility.The Sun's returned to banish darkThe Soil awakes to sunlight's flash.By Fin and Barb, Leaf and Tree,Our circle's done; and Auspicious Be!COVEN: Auspicious Be!All shoot up barn dance out from the Revolution.
Reference: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com