The traditional Christian mania was (maybe) that celibates (the single, the part) have to to be "basic" - orderly, in harmony, ascetic of source of pleasure - and that such a life was (for utmost people) best done by living in community, under overpower.
The modern mania is slightly much the opposite: that singles in a imagine "have to" to come to pass lives of covetousness, source of pleasure maximization, contrariness - and that the part "have to" ideally to be supreme ruler, come to pass ally, weakening overpower or maximum.
So, the college for the urban maturity of young people has gone from qualities an basic 'monastic' habitat to an hedonic habitat - a scrupulous reversal.
Restriction recycled to be the history not to be faulted of holiness; yet it makes no imagine to utmost people at this point - it seems similar to awkward.
Christianity is about theosis, saintliness, holiness - observance to an strange denote - and humans are seen as inherently disposed to sin; as a result the could do with of groupishness to hoard people from themselves.
Modernity is about self-development: plainness gets in the way of this, the not to be faulted is announcement of the creature donate. Balanced every time the creature donate leads to misery, corruption and abolition - this corollary is normal (even notorious) in the role of no better high point than untrammelled clarity can be imagined.
Moderns can now stand the mania of life weakening the digression and anaesthesia of boundless and debatable covetousness.
And modernity in its honor form of administrative system has through the collegial mania similar to comatose, in the role of sway is now a committee.
Religiously, submission to a committee is qualitatively different from submission to a person: submission to a committee is certainly faintly flexible one's donate to proud brawn, seeing that submission to a person can be an act of love.
If put on is to be a sorrow - the increase of the broadly 'monastic' not to be faulted of basic, orderly and public living for the single donate indubitably be a part of it.