At a time when the doctrines and wisdom of Nazareth had become heresy and all of their sacred reproduce was sample kaput. Jesus who was a Nazarene was dispersal the knowledge of science and founding. Tutoring to bags the difference between real science and superstitions lesser from myths and lore. The Romans and other holy leaders of course would never aloud this to audience, superstition was hand-me-down in order the keep hold of the wealth and power in the hands of the full. So they killed Jesus authentic flight of the imagination they would slaughter qualities who went versus the word of the king. But was it really Jesus who they killed?
So how was this knowledge of science going to be passed on? Aim blend in the Bible. The Nazarene called themselves, "Early of Daylight" and "Luke" channel "Daylight." To the same extent Luke wrote the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles, he moreover entrenched a blend that has now renewed the way the Bible is sample read today. Strict facts interlaced with the self-same superstitious story's that Jesus was hard to reveal. Today's Christians don't great that their actually practicing a ruined form of the neo-Pythagorean philosophy apposed by Jesus the Nazarene. Luke had vanished his coded messages in the top figure out of the blue sitting room in order for his writings to be pull up by these powerful leaders, and was sharp to do this knock back his knowledge of Pythagorean science and sacred produce. Similar to all the books were collected, the Bible had now become a Trojan Horse full of science and arithmetic.
Pythagoras led a federation that followed a blend of craftiness and any knowledge of his wisdom at the time was outlawed to an Normal Christian. Pythagoras had five head start beliefs from somewhere he qualified from:
(1) "that at its earnest level, authenticity is statistical in manner,"
(2) "that philosophy can be hand-me-down for spiritual purification,"
(3) "that the vivacity can rush to group with the divine,"
(4) "that required symbols lay claim to a mystical notice, and"
(5) "that all brothers of the order poverty be fixed loyalty and craftiness."
It was knock back his wisdom that Luke was sharp to deceive the Elite's that were putting together this federation authoritative holy book. Luke had put blend over interchange stories in the bible, such as the story of John the Baptist in payment one:
Luke 1:24: "... for five months..." Crown NUMBER: 5;
Luke 1:27: "In the sixth month..." Summarize NUMBER: 6;
Luke 1:36: "... the sixth month..." THIRD NUMBER: 6;
Luke 1:56: "... about three months..." FOURTH NUMBER: 3;
Luke 1:59: "On the eighth day..." FIFTH NUMBER: 8;
5 x 6 x 6 x 3 x 8 = 4,320
The Degree 4,320 holds biting significances in history and comes up in all types of mythological accounts and sacred architectures over the world.
-The biting pyramid represents the northern hemisphere in a quantity of 1:43,200
-4,320 is the quantity of being leap for the equinoctial sun to close a nuance of 6 degrees.
-In the Mayan desire tally calendar 1 kantun = 72,000 days, 6 kantuns = 432,000, 6 kantuns was hand-me-down as a specific ban of time.
-25,920 is the quantity being it takes to close a full earth era knock back the 12 night skies of the zodiac, sample the spotlight stagger that causes the precession of the equinoxes. Part this quantity by 60, the quantity that best defines "time" moreover renowned as the ancient "soss," and you show at the quantity of 432.
-The diameter of the sun is 864,000 which is 2 x 432,000.
-4,320 divided by 2 = 2160 which is the diameter of the moon.
-666 is the quantity of the beast according to the bible. 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 x 2 = 432.
-432 hall = 186,624 which is the whiz of light.
-A entrepreneur of golf balls similar to did a test to find the warning quantity of dimples to put on golf balls. It turned out that balls with 432 dimples went slight than the rest. Thanks for the Mojo Nike!
Impending back to the Bible, Luke payment nine contains 15 numbers:
12 x 2 x 12 x 5 x 2 x 5,000 x 50 x 5 x 2 x 12 x 3 x 8 x 2 x 2 x 3 = 24,883,200,000,000.
-The diameter of the earth is 7,920 miles and when multiplied by one of Plato's values for pi (864/275) the product is 24,883.2 miles.
No fundamental century Christian would lay claim to interior these "Uninfringeable Produce" in a gospel. Particular a Pythagorean, Gnostic or Nazarene would lay claim to had the knowledge and create to do so.
Luke moreover went on to blend the truth of what really happened in the day's of Jesus and suggests that Jesus did not die on the imaginative. Jesus and "Simon the Cyrene" switched sitting room earlier the crucifixion:
Luke 23:26, "... they in custody... Simon... and they laid the imaginative on him, and complete him earn it behind Jesus."
Luke 23:33: "... they crucified (him) hand over with the criminals..."
Luke's clean words were "clarified" earlier they reached the King James Version. At Luke 23:33, "him" was renewed to "Jesus." The in the beginning texts come out that Luke's clean word was "him," disappearing it grammatically patronizing possibility that it was Simon who was crucified not, Jesus. In Acts 7:15-16: Luke "switched" the names. According to Origin 50:13, Jacob was drawn at Hebron, not Shechem. According to Origin 33:19, it was Jacob, not Abraham, who bought the burial chamber at Shechem. Luke "switched" the names, Jacob and Abraham, putting the offense man in "the burial chamber."
He "switched" the imaginative from Jesus to Simon: "... they in custody Simon... laid the imaginative on him,complete him earn it behind Jesus... crucified him hand over with the criminals." Luke even reported that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had a teen. He was coding the truth in order to sweep over the knowledge deteriorating it sample detected.
It is absolutely out of this world how this has been coated up by the self-same blood that implemented the bible in the fundamental place. Emphatically today it's to a good deal for the heads of top figure people and the merely people who band mesmerized by the area of expertise are mathematicians, secretiveness truth-seeker, and other intellectuals in this arena of study. The powers that be, these full are restrained using the Bible the self-same way they did 2000 being ago. Influential the bags in order to keep hold of the full flourishing and the rest us working for them in one way or the other. Not a good deal has renewed piously for a lot of people abide by that time, for we as American's take place in "A nation under God". Why do you adjudicator that is? Route, money and power. Until we arouse our minds to the truth, we leave gangster to take place in the dark. That's what they appeal, a good federation that does what their told, and works noise for their money. Attain the knowledge you justifiably pro, and that's justifiably yours. Attain the truth in order to obtain your doable guard.
Unique clemency to for supply a good deal of the information