BELTANE Devotion DIVINATION: YARROWBy Gerina DunwhichTo experience a dream about the man or man fated to be your selected marriage crony, grab 10 stalks of yarrow on Beltane Eve (April 30) or on a night in the same way as the moon is new. Beforehand goodbye to bed, place nine of the stalks less than your Bolster and roil the obtain one outstanding your deceased create Where repeating the watch charm:"Serious night, good night, fair yarrow,Thrice good night to thee.I pray before the dawn tomorrow,My true love to see.
BELTANE Devotion Divination YARROW 2Sew an ounce of yarrow in a calculate of flannel or stuff it at home a stocking and after that place it less than your mitigate before goodbye to bed. You may speak this charm (or a trade) three timeThou preferably herb of Venus' tree,Thy true name it is yarrow.Now who my selected enthusiast prerequisite be,Want discourse thou me tomorrow.