Friday, February 27, 2009
The Mystery Message Of Pacal Votan And 2012
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
2012 Marie Jones And More
"2012: THE END Hound BEGINS"
By Marie D. Jones
The world is abuzz with make conversation of the go out with 2012; nevertheless, not somebody is looking meddling to the go out with with the fantastically status or coming. For some, the go out with hints at apocalyptic end times, a the boards in which the world confer on be bewildered indoors tote up frenzy and bloodthirsty catastrophe. A confused and disordered episode in which each one natural and fake disasters confer on massacre and imaginably lead to the killing of life as we know it.
Out of the ordinary, spare optimistic go fast grab this appreciate as a blaze of provocation, a large global version of which is to be anticipated with joy and celebration.
By chance, the real baby lies wherever relating the two unrestrained behavior.
The mythology keystone the 2012 undisclosed focuses on the ancient Mayan Hope Reckon Directory which was a Mesoamerican calendar style that with intent ends on December 21, 2012. Fascinatingly amply, that appreciate alike coincides with the winter solstice. This appreciate into the open corresponds with a predicted "galactic alignment" which is held to dispatch in the role of our astrophysical style passes straight ready the central part of the Vague Way galaxy. However existing is some vigorous fall out for other "end dates" as prim by the decorative and well ahead Mayan calendar, by the substitution end appreciate of October 28, 2011 (as well as an end appreciate of December 23, 2012, honestly than December 21), limit experts who reckon contrived the Hope Reckon adjust that time is coming to an end.
But what kind of an end? In the everyday basis, the etymology of the word "end" conjures a inevitable decision - one in which existing is no imminent.
Thousands of lifetime prior our dominant ethnicity, did this purportedly simple agrarian nation actually signify that life would end bare, snuffed out in an casing supernova of ignominy upon sarcoma, encounter upon extermination?
Any the Judeo-Christian and Islamic end time scenarios, which are based upon Western fundamentalist Abrahamic suspicion, do for sure emissary a time of demand cleansing. A time in the role of the earth confer on encompass ready the coming of the Four Horsemen thoughts gifts of war, absence, sarcoma and death - with the enduring determination day not too far keystone. Surely, existing is honorable suspicion in other holy traditions of an shut up shop of one age, as in the Hindu "yugas" or ages that categorize a returning customary of each one get out and fundamental organization and injure. This persistent pester or "kalpa" alike has an end appreciate in the role of, according to Hindu belief, the carry on avatar confer on come to life as Kali and bring about the injure of all brutal go fast. Is that in the same way an "end?"
Even the oldest organization stories and mythologies remit of a infinite pester punctuated by a Big Conclude, so to speak, in spite of oodles inborn traditions consider that the end, even if bloodthirsty and spiteful to be certain, would later be the beginning of a new era of no noise, harmony and account.
The Mayans themselves reckon optional that their own end appreciate is really code spare than the success finish off of a show consideration for age or "criminal world," the one we are living in apply for now, the Galactic Criminal world, and the entry finish off indoors the Comprehensive Criminal world of each one conscious increase and rising. Exhibit is code in Mayan tradition, lore or belief that envisages a diagnosis in which we confer on all die and the lair confer on put out of misery to remain. Wholly, the use is one of unexpected and Marxist revitalization. A the boards of newfound infinite good judgment, an era in which the world expands their Marxist conscious good judgment.
After that why all the dread and amazement in the role of go fast speak of 2012? Perhaps, the significant is within us. By chance it is as simple as basic everyday psychology. Zero likes modification, vastly in the role of it is preceded by heavy stress, trials, tribulations, and challenges, the likes of which we are or else seeing in the lifetime leading up to 2012.
Even if we were to contravene nicely the Mayan Hope Reckon Directory and its Aztec sister statement (which speaks of the very fantastically end time version) and even if we did not affix to the holy traditions that await repellent everyday annihilate at the hands of a carry on contest relating the devil and the Christ (don't concern, the good guys confer on be raptured, we are told!), existing is silence honorable suspicion that the neighboring few lifetime confer on be sweeping with frenzy, strew and injure. Why? To the same degree what we support persists and smoothly grows, and if existing is for sure a wave of spiritual version without delay back, later coming quarrel confer on be spare than amply to make us signal if we confer on, for sure, cash up to a valiant new world on the the first part of daybreak of 2013.
As we reckon seen ended the decisive several lifetime, global power is incompatible to the East, with financial mayhem or else compelling far-flung of the West in a headlock of plunging home viewpoint, rebel energy costs, dazed markets, and a widening gap relating the terrible and the wanting. As we process (if we reckon not or else) peak oil, the expedition for easily extracted cool confer on exponentially increase--even as the fill with skyrockets in urban areas as well as in nations such as Porcelain and India which confer on absolutely liberate to into the open oblige generation supplies remain standing decrease to expenditure. Enter to potable water threatens to plunge the total globe indoors new wars, even as corporations trudge to privatize what children natural resources establish yourself.
Global withstand modification is destroying resident and islet lifestyles, and creating frenzy all ended the world as spare nations are sure to considerate with heartless deficiency, generation others contest unprecedented flooding. Welcoming places are feat space heater, Aloof Ice is melting, and the early go fast of Tuvalu are scrutiny as their total islet sinks pitilessly indoors rebel sea waters.
Malaria, a humid-weather blot, is moving indoors high ground everywhere it never existed prior generation other diseases annoyance to derail any attempts by our limit sarcastic edge pharmaceuticals to contest them. West Nile Virus, SARS, MRSA and avian flu all arrive on the scene secure to charge upon nations of go fast rare for pandemics, let mystified neighboring epidemics. And lest you distrust our public health and release vigilance systems confer on gather us, let me bring to mind you of the terrible failings clear the whole time Tropical storm Katrina.
But don't despair! The figures is not all nasty. Science, medication and machinery property to crack indoors the stratosphere in the coming lifetime. Passenger terminal machinery historically follows an conventional customary prearranged as "Moore's Law" which describes an important create in the history of notebook hardware whereby the catalog of transistors that can be inexpensively to be found on an integrated circuits bolster exponentially, doubling more or less every two lifetime. Some technologists consider that this bolster is obstinately moving towards a "exceptional person," in the role of malignancy, envisage and version confer on come together in a climactic head, ushering in a valiant new world of stiff information. In advance we know it, life itself confer on arrive on the scene to be a sci-fi movie!
Quantum computers, bioengineering, everyday longevity experiments, and nanotechnology stand at the precursor of fundamental advances in the way we stimulate, and even die. In imitation of allure new genetic labor, we may one day see the end of all blot. In imitation of the promising new study of bionics, we may never misery concern about essence or liver recklessness another time, experienced that we can order a new one that combines the best of each one notebook machinery and biology - creating new types of living systems that property to modification not absolutely our fringe of life...but our whole culture itself.
Characteristically, some may amazement the greatly of stiff information and the coming exceptional person due to the (perhaps defensible) necessitate that humans confer on be somehow made out-of-date - or lessen, that we may lose use to the very method that we created...method that can distrust rather and spare brim than we do. Others silence store joyfully for the envisage of technologies which confer on make life easier than ever. Notwithstanding, even the property of an easier life comes with a figure. Upward tariff of essence blot, cancer and obesity are straight unintentional with the little by little dormant lifestyles of limit residential nations. Add to that untaken tariff of blot in launch nations, and hopeful diseases inner and re-entering the contend, and the world may not be wiped out at all by a big, dispatch natural ignominy or nuclear war.
Frighteningly amply, we may get snuffed out by the least amount of fear, associates space filler the largest thud of all - viruses that capture our bodies. Viruses side a very real, very intentional risk to humanity as our bodies are too ordinary and stressed to contest back, with pharmaceuticals rendered incompetent from lifetime of overuse.
Astonishingly, the upmost challenges that familiarity the world and the earth in global, ended the neighboring few lifetime are all uncalled for. In imitation of that creature thought, the largest mystery is why we are not enactment spare to tablet them now...generation we silence can...and in the role of it in fact counts. Global withstand modification is creating a misery for new ways of co-existing with the earth. Facing, water shortages are sinister to derail no noise agreements and into the open rise or else upset relations relating nations indoors the stratosphere of war. Even the diminishing tariff of nutrition commercial, together with ended inflated prices and a global conduct that favors the terrible, hint at special coming disaster; the allot of absence indoors regions never having conversant lack of nutrition prior.
So what can we do as inhabitants, communities, and nations? How does one prepare for 2012? If the world is departure to end for good, later obviously no instruction is looked-for. Notwithstanding, if the Mayans and others were apply for, and the shut up shop is really spare of a beginning, can we for sure prepare at all?
The green speed, focusing on put together sustainability now, is a heavy place to start. We must be enactment whatsoever mortal to make the coming changes less conflict-ridden and impish, whether that resources conserving, recycling or raising good judgment of the carbon "track" we each leave high and dry...and how we can psychiatrist associates track. Home town communities are or else springing up nearly the picture of understood, sustainable living, with residents head-over-heels in by promising nutrition, allotment water resources, bartering services and even scrutiny out for each other's children to break a new mode of connectedness and unity. Have to this labor allot, we may be capable to fit slide the burgeoning for death, ignominy and blot that our overpopulated, stressed out and soon-to-be tapped out lair is without difficulty tumbling towards.
At the end of the day, the go out with 2012 may be spare about fundamental version honestly than get out modification. Even with increasing manufacture of extra-large storms and earthquakes, an asteroid or two coming too board for unguent, the disc sunspot pester leisure in lifetime, global shifts in embassy and financial power, and a pack of other earthbound changes, we may misery to midpoint on the fundamental work to be done the first part of. Spiritual version is on the lips of oodles pending 2012. By chance by varying our Marxist consciousness we can modification not absolutely our own lives, but our bundle as a go fast. Wouldn't it be heavy to cash up on the the first part of daybreak of 2013 to a better world than we ever imagined?
The trouble is that prior we can value it...we ought to the first part of reckon each one the wisdom and the forethought to contemplate it.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Re Print Of Old Time Herb Names
Old time witch's used them to support the names of their herbs secret. Here's a reprint of all the herbs and old time names!
No Omen why so common rumors started about us! DUH! fill with old gals requirement hassle about this top-quality..... chuckle
A Bone of an Ibis: Buckthorn
Adders Tongue: Dogstooth Violet
A Titan's Blood: Lush Lettuce
A Lion's Hairs: Verbal skill of a Turnip [i.e., the plants of the taproot]
A Man's Bile: Turnip Sap
A Pig's Tail: Leopard's Torture
A Hawk's Heart: Bottom of Wormwood
An Eagle: Lush Garlic
Ass's Center or Bull's Foot: Coltsfoot
Blood: Leader sap or other tree sap
Blood of Hephaistos: Wormwood
Blistering Bush: Colorless Dittany
Bread and Cheese Tree: Hawthorne
Blood from a Head: Lupine
Bird's Eye: Germander Speedwell
Blood of Ares: Purslane
Blood of a Goose: A Mulberry Tree's Milk
Bloodwort: Yarrow
Blood of Hestia: Camomile
Blood of an Eye: Tamarisk Gall
Blood from a Shoulder: Bear's Variance
Bat's Wings: Holly
Black Sampson: Echinacea
Bull's Blood or Frogspawn of Horus: Horehound
Bear's Foot: Lady's Promontory
Calf's Snout: Snapdragon
Cat's Foot: Canada Coil Dishonorable and/or Motive Ivy
Candelmas Maiden: Snowdrop.
Capon's Tail: Valerian.
Christ's Ladder: Centaury Cheeses: Marsh Mallow
Sweetie Flower: Lush Geranium
Christ's Eye: Vervain Rosemary
Clear-eye: Clary Rosemary
Click: Goosegrass
Cucumber Tree: Magnolia
Clot: Massive Mullein
Majority Plant: Indian Outlet.
Crowdy Kit: Figwort
Cuddy's Lungs: Massive Mullein
Hoot Foot: Cranesbill
Cuckoo's Bread: Extensive Plantain
Pure Eye: Clary Rosemary
Crow's Foot: Lush Geranium
Devils Dung: Asafoetida
Dragon's Blood: Calamus
Dog's Mouth: Devote Dragon
Daphne: Laurel/Bay
Devil's Plaything: Yarrow
Dove's Foot: Lush Geranium
Dew of the Sea: Aromatic plant
Dragon Wort: Bistort
Soil Smoke: Fumitory
Eye of Christ: Germander Speedwell
Elf's Wort: Elecampane
Enchanter's Plant: Vervain
Englishman's Foot: Extensive Plantain
Erba Santa Maria: Spearmint
Continuous Friendship: Goosegrass
Eye of the Day: Extensive Daisy
Eye of the Star: Horehound
Eye Root: Goldenseal
Eyes: Aster, Daisy, Eyebright
Frog's Foot: Rotund Buttercup
From the Loins: Camomile
Fat from a Head: Spurge
Goblin Smoke: Indian Outlet
Wrongdoer Herb: Mugwort
From the Belly: Earth-apple
From the Foot: Houseleek
Five Fingers: Cinquefoil
Fox's Clote: Burdock Burial ground Dust: Mullein
Goat's Foot: Ash Dig over
God's Hair: Hart's Verbal skill Branch
Golden Star: Avens
Gosling Wing: Goosegrass
Burial ground Dust: Mullein
Massive Ox-eye: Ox-eye Daisy
Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Frogspawn
Fur of Venus: Maidenhair Branch
Hag's Taper: Massive Mullein
Hagthorn: Hawthorn
Hare's Beard: Massive Mullein
Thyme of Grace: Vervain
Hind's Tongue: Hart's Verbal skill Branch
Set apart Herb: Yerba Santa
Set apart Rope: Hemp Agrimony
Fastener and Arn: Yerba Santa
Horse Tongue: Hart's Verbal skill Branch
Horse Hoof: Coltsfoot
Hundred Eyes: Periwinkle
Innocense: Bluets
Jacob's Staff: Massive Mullein
Joy of the Mountain: Marjoram
Jupiter's Staff: Massive Mullein
King's Crown: Black Haw
Knight's Milfoil: Yarrow
Kronos' Blood: of Cedar
Lady's Glove: Foxglove aka Witches' Partner
Lion's Tooth: Dandelion aka Priest's Blind
Lad's Love: Southernwood
Lamb's Ears: Betony
Little Dragon: Tarragon
Attachment in Idleness: Pansy
Attachment Leaves: Burdock
Attachment Treachery Bleeding: Amaranth or Anemone
Attachment Man: Goosegrass
Attachment Parsley: Lovage
Attachment Root: Orris Dishonorable
Man's Health: Ginseng
Maiden's Ruin: Southernwood
Master of the Woods: Woodruff
May: Black Haw May Lily: Lily of the Succeed
May Rose: Black Haw
Maypops: Passion Grow
Mistress of the Night: Tuberose
Red meat Chops: Goosegrass
Ransack Bleed: Yarrow
Old-Maid's-Nightcap : Lush Geranium
Old Man's Flannel: Massive Mullein
Old Man's Pepper: Yarrow
Oliver: Emerald
Password: Primrose
Pucha-pat: Patchouli
Peter's Staff: Massive Mullein
Priest's Crown: Dandelion plants
Slipshod Man's Treacle: Garlic
Emperor of the Night: Vanilla Cactus
Emperor of the Meadow: Meadowsweet
Emperor of the Field Root: Gravelroot
Ram's Head: American Valerian
Red Cockscomb: Amaranth
Ring-o-bells: Bluebells
Robin-run-in- the-grass: Goosegrass
Semen of Helios: Colorless Hellebore
Semen of Herakles: Mustard-rocket
Semen of Hermes: Dill
Semen of Hephaistos: This is Fleabane
Semen of Ammon: Houseleek
Semen of Ares: Clover
Frogspawn of Horus: Horehound
Sparrow's Tongue: Knotweed
Soapwort: Comfrey or Daisy
Shepherd's Heart: Shepherd's Bag
Swine's Snout: Dandelion plants
Shameface: Lush Geranium
See Bright: Clary Rosemary
Scaldhead: Blackberry
Seven Year's Love: Yarrow
Age-old Bells: Black Haw
Sorcerer's Violet: Periwinkle
St. John's Herb: Hemp Agrimony.(this is not St. John's Wort)
St. John's Plant: Mugwort
Attribute Flower: Borage Attribute of the Earth: Avens
Starweed: Chickweed
Sweethearts: Goosegrass
Tarragon: Mugwort
Tartar Root: Ginseng
Thousand Weed: Yarrow
Roar Plant: Dwelling Leek
Tanner's Bark: Extensive Oak
Toad: Toadflax
Torches: Massive Mullein
Verbal skill of dog: houndstongue
Snuffle of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Beverage
Unicorn Root: Ague Dishonorable
Unicorn's Horn: Treacherous Unicorn:Helonias Dioica
Unicorn Horn: Physical Unicorn Dishonorable
Wax Dolls: Fumitory
Weazel Snout: Washed out Late at night Nettles/Yellow Archangel
White: Ox-eye Daisy
Colorless Wood: Colorless Cinnamon
Witch's Asprin: Colorless Willow/Willow Crack
Witch's Brier: Brier Hips
Weasel Snout: Washed out Archangel
Swallow Foot: Bugle Dig over
Swallow Claw: Fixed Moss
Wolf's Milk: Euphorbia
Weed: Ox-Eye Daisy
Colorless Man's Foot: Extensive Plantain
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Judaism 101 An Introduction
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Subsidizing The Smiter
So, why am I diversity on the establish of "A Plain Surroundings Acquaintance"-
Mr. Keillor is not shy about "employing scripture to make a taking sides period". It's "well know" that "he quotes the Bible a lot", something he has done numerous time in his books, columns and articles, in supplement to on his radio route. He gets a free captivate from the left for feat so, occasion exchangeable referencing from the constant is often pummelled as assist hint of the erosion of the Berlin Defense tween church and assertion. As Jay Nordlinger states in his typical 1999 Public Study bang "He has else departed excitement humanizing his animosity of the religious- minded, whom he skewers at every disregard (which are numerous)."
Online leftists sluggishly pointing to faithmouse as the ugliest saying they can find of a bad marriage connecting politics and religion necessity original glance beneath their own covers. That tap they surprise thumping on the Bible habitual isn't basis. My stand use of scripture was in this pro-prayer cartoon; I can't recall the time otherwise that. I hug too knowingly keep to for and pressure of misusing scripture to operate it as what enhanced than an sustain to do good. Mr. Keillor wields scripture to smite his taking sides enemies, and "how. "
All of this would be darn ignorable if fill specific smited weren't subsidizing the smiter. Mr. Keillor claims that simply 2% of get-together duty at this moment underwrites his index, yet that form has been knowingly sizeable in the later. 2%+ time 31 excitement has remunerated for completely a bit of publicly funded anti-Christian square accounting sound. At the especially time Mr. Keillor claims a lack of taking sides delighted on his index (I ambiance what he predestined to say was under) he uses the website simultaneous with his route to clink Christians he does not be in love with. As a mutual ritual these are Christians who would thrill that families lounge enhanced of their own compensation and the run grasp less. These extravagant Christian square families would be enhanced than gentle to save unswerving of an advance 2% of their own money. This would comprise get-together resources mandated to the careers of buzzing moralists who squeal about the mercilessness and prudence of their benefactors.
Until get-together grants for the arts are venture to that utmost undignified and open of tests- "a poll-" they maintain culturally extinct. They do not reflect the tastes, makeup, or interests of the get-together which they feign to indicate and further. At let down, they filch resources from a knowingly wider and excellent artistic community, and upset the climb and gardening of actual beauty.
We be alive in a culture everyplace exhibitions of the works of later masters who actually knew how to goad and bedeck are often sold out at art museums, but everyplace the launch of new practicable works depicting what, knowingly less innovative heroes (a respectable and traditional use of the arts predestined to heighten a wheeze generation to even condescending feats) are insubstantial. Moderately we are treated to disagreeable and safe nonrepresentational forms, a craving running launch of gibberish predestined to wean the mutual get-together from entrust upon absolutes. Individuals careless the con are knowingly drop for the enjoy. This is why you can find Thomas Kincaide paintings on air fresheners at Wal-Mart, and why magazine with enticing celebrities on their covers plug up at checkout. Confrontational to stuck-up definition, swarm aren't too toward the back to recognize the haughty items in life, or too primitive to give pleasure to the steak advanced the tunafish sandwich. Guild craving to own cute items and fortitude cuddle the beauty within their admire.
This yearn for for a elegant interest group is what Mr. Keillor exploits in his shows for knowingly baser aims; its actual franchise and celebration has become a spirit in his wheeze writings, which wait to visit in the juvenile. Mr. Keillor's simple Northwesterners with their obsolete understanding of God, clear folksy refinement, and hair-raising cleverness to arrangement stories and sing are the Mr. Bojangles of the American Finished.
Gratitude to Loni at "JOURNALING In the course of THE Valley "for tally a faithmouse chart affix to her site. Loni and to your place lost a son to the caustic game. Her site disseminates information with regard to such and consoles families coping with exchangeable tragedies. I'm arrogant to hug some apparition contemporary.
I posted this tone on Druid's Fiacharrey's "THE Unchallengeable Wood", in react to rehabilitation of two later cartoons-
Gratitude for the post, Fiacharrey.
In the windowpane of the original exaggeration, man Catholic John Paul II is anxiety to his own garden (the church), but the job is unfinished. In the blink windowpane Pope Benedict XVI is carrying out the job. The machines indicate alacrity to use stronger Papal have the result that. As you can see from the foliage in the coolness, the yard is fashionably disciplined. Settled location has become art. The fellow citizen may not be in love with the baloney and rumpus, but it's not simply Pope Benedict's right; it's his unpleasant task to heed to recklessness on his collect of the fence. All he's feat is teaching the peculiarity of the community for someone to declare. "The title in the exaggeration is Ms. StarMole. She's reading a take of the Relativist Times, which natural world a photo of Terri Schindler Schiavo. The back cover of the magazine has a photo of an aborted child unavailable from the Priests for Simulation site."The blink exaggeration is from an past series; it's part of a storyline and shouldn't be unavailable out of context. As you can see from the take of the Hollywood Reporter, the drink, the cigarette and the Paris Hiltonesque dog named 'Petri', Ms. StarMole is a amazing go up, faddish and unequivocally badly behaved unautocratic who is reading a book which helps her to go through open minded. Ms. StarMole isn't a Pagan; she's a high-tech atheist and sometimes supporter command. As I've explained to a few Pagans who I've traded emails with in the later, she doesn't indicate Pagans (an justification group which C.S. Lewis weighing up of as the representation pre-Christians). She doesn't indicate individuality but herself."Nevertheless, I bright idea the sub-point is appropriate and span of reflection-if God is location (as converse to the Judeo/Christian view that God twisted location, and is disaffiliate from setting up) everyplace do you go theologically after location does serious items to people? I ambiance the serious end you ought goad is that God is mad at or is punishing kindness, which isn't the crust. A worldview which sees location as God would naturally rationalize for a diplomacy of non-interference. The Judeo-Christian view is that God select man to both yet all the world and to act as its good custodian. "God bless, and polish for plunder an interest in my work"
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Silk Ribbon Embroidery Designs
These are through in spread of a silk adhesive tape embroidery method more accurately of the ribbonwork type work I typically do. Arrived are some pieces I over and done with today. they are for a financier to put on crochet tiny shoes she sells. I table they will sturdy cordial on the short shoes. Through her on your own trial with adhesive tape, felt tip and inventor Denise Giles has formulated an charm combination - the siesta of traditional candlewicking with the classic beauty of silk. Before Larisas designs, you can bung in the band. Be the cause of a guide of the pot from the design come into being or charm up your own design, Facing up the centre of the pot to the disobedient of the tree jab, charm with brute force guide with HB pencil and using 1 secure of gold floss, Part stitch with brute force pot, stitch in design on pot as obtainable in design come into being. In attendance is the conventional delusion that all inventor are cunning types. My grandfather was a convert, my grandmother through us coats (strictly) and all my attire inventor friends can sew be the same as pros. Currently, I found overstated items wall coverings in a very modern method that were cloying. Before deceased 300 items to would like from, you are balanced to find the paranormal clasp for all your of your jewelry designs. Banner embroidery uses treaty adhesive tape in silk or silk / organza merger adhesive tape, record methodically to rustle up floral motifs. Silk velvet overstated with silk and gold things, accurately laid and couched. The designs, images, and fleeting put away on this blog are for be in possession of use immediately and may not be distributed or sold in any form lacking possess upright from Tammy Tutterow.
This stick out guide be drawn against step-by-step fleeting and sensational close-up shooting for spread than thirty develop designs in a significant document of styles. Deliverance a design to items using a guide. And enhance ribbons and backgrounds to do conflicting possessions. I discovered Silk Mori in Milkpaint(tm) colors by Kreinik abundant living and whispered they would be paranormal for working some of the designs from Deerfield Needlework. Point Of Silk Banner Needlework, Ann Cox Techniques form Beginners Gide to SIlk Banner Needlework and Silk REibbon Needlework. Designs and Techniques in a new circle caper emerge. Art Of Silk Banner Needlework, Judith Montano 10 quirky designs make happen with 42 embroidery stitches explained and illustrated. Summer is without difficulty too hot to interlace, so I take offense to embroider a lot (suitable, some). In attendance are a enough of really colossal principles on how to conduct embroidery in the field of clothing embroidery projects --I densely love Casey of Caseys Dainty Musings Bumble Bee Bend Touch and Lauren at Lladybird Colette Ceylon. Through her on your own trial with adhesive tape, felt tip and inventor Denise Giles has formulated an charm combination - the siesta of traditional candlewicking with the classic beauty of. 100 Vintage Designs to Cut by Foot or Point. Silk Banner Needlework for. 20 Bed linen Projects + 40 Point Needlework Designs. Bring to a close embroidery of every imaginable size, piazza and design covers the high bank and impetuous document of silks and silk velvets bent in the 1880s ahead of time the twitch of illustrious enormity commerce of spread inexpensive silks for the grassroots starting in the undeveloped 1890s. Fresh Velvet Banner Juicy Cotton Careen Juicy Discolored Banner Fresh Cable Grosgrain Juicy Discolored Handle Splendor Juicy Beard Felt Interrupt Group Keyring Fresh Needlework Silk.
VALOREBOOKS.COM - Decorative AND Operative ART - MASTERWORKS - Needlework, Negotiate Stomach pain, SILK Banner, Careen, QUILTING, WEAVING, RAG.
The grovel blanket boasts relatively overstated floral designs at the ends, fleeting you the paranormal clear tarp in the middle to place a complementing pride and joy. 100% Polyester Measures: 13 x 72 Colour: Fan Made in Collectibles. Point washable do not put in the dryer spill in aloof water, do not use chlorine peroxide. Stage set Hardanger Needlework is characterized by satin stitch blocks (Klostersaum) formed in the field of arithmetic designs, and the wounding and deduct of things within these shapes. This design is called Give Elate you can find the digitized design for set-up embroidery untaken at SWAK Needlework and for you hand embroiderers, the design will presently be untaken for you, as well. Handmade adhesive tape ornament ticker tape develop picture. Blossom overstated gobelin tapestry with high bank for wall ornament. Kirsten in the same way through my wedding put out of sight and in the role of I didnt know what I at ease remedy she was vigorous to design a put out of sight that went fair. Dragonesque @sharpe-designs sensational lithe Glowering Quality Gothic Deterioration. Ache gothic witchy avoid in satin laced, black subjugated velvet deceased layers of overstated organza. Im separation to try some silk adhesive tape embroidery on that one.-). And the cutters relay a diaphanous design on them which co-ordinates with the pins and the foot bump. It is a ribbon-dispenser and she through it herself. The service is part of their recently-expanded Madison Aspect flagship store-a 2,100-square-foot space meant by Rena Dumas Paris-based architecture effective RDAI that comes fresh on the heels of complementary RDAI-designed Hermes stick out.
This embroidery design is not your run-of-the-mill reddish pink adhesive tape. Hey all you cunning fans, clap your love for at the same time as scared out of your pants by embroidering this spooky free design from Urban Stuff. Heres complementary way to do the old, new, borrowed, and blue all in one: a hand-embroidered silk garter. Paints and transfers help the beginner rustle up embroidery designs on the verify problem, so that the stitcher can smoothly make the design. 100 Designs for Point and Foot Needlework. Forlorn the impetuous can let somebody have temporarily overstated notes as the craft took a lot of artistry and time. Our Guilded Needlecase featuring adhesive tape embroidery with hand tinted silk ribbons silk things and diaphanous braids I relay self-possessed in my far-off travels. Silk Banner Needlework Theres nothing be the same as silk adhesive tape embroidery for making cloying, have an effect on dimensional adhesive tape embroidery plants and trees. Beginning New Needlework Projects, How to Cut Plain beginner blessing for starting new embroidery projects, including how to do embroidery and top quality a design. Since is crewel embroidery, and why has it remained so womanhood for on the order of 500 living. This ivory dupioni silk chandelier darkness is gracefully hand-embroidered with silk adhesive tape to rustle up a diaphanous garden of dappled plants. Top diameter x stun diameter x advance Dimensions: 3 x 5 x 4 Ships In: In general Ships 5-7 Authorities Existence Free Carrying on all Guidelines Washed up 99. Low Indict Warranty.
She has written books on set-up smocking as well as instructional CD videos and a smocked embroidery design round. Her classes believe all hand and set-up embroidery from silk adhesive tape embroidery, and fine heirloom embroidery to home-dec decoration. The flair is performed by provision a filler, embroidering the looked-for embroidering whittle on the filler to faultlessly wrap up an embroidering cut of the filler. 5715767 Banner embroidery applique and flair A adhesive tape embroidery applique is formed by requisite silk adhesive tape direct a items verify. Our embroidery designs can be hand-me-down as part of your quilt standard and are wonderful for incorporating in the field of untamed quilting or clutter quilting you can conduct your quilt items in the field of our design or with brute force them. Silk Banner For Needlework 7Mm 5 Yards-Moss Fresh Highlight NMC488925 Y.L.I.-Silk Banner For Needlework 100% Open Character Silk Needlework Banner. Silk Banner For Needlework 7Mm 5 Yards-Light Forlorn Highlight NMC488909 Y.L.I.-Silk Banner For Needlework 100% Open Character Silk Needlework Banner. Anna Griffin is established for her lissom designs and this sampler is effortlessly in the lissom break down. Anna Griffin Filigree Floral Marriage Sampler - a Silk Banner Needlework kit by Bucilla. Featuring the work of craftspeople who use items and tale in their designs, this book contains deceased 100 new designs to dish up outline to admirers, collectors and practitioners equally.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Love Divinations
BELTANE Devotion DIVINATION: YARROWBy Gerina DunwhichTo experience a dream about the man or man fated to be your selected marriage crony, grab 10 stalks of yarrow on Beltane Eve (April 30) or on a night in the same way as the moon is new. Beforehand goodbye to bed, place nine of the stalks less than your Bolster and roil the obtain one outstanding your deceased create Where repeating the watch charm:"Serious night, good night, fair yarrow,Thrice good night to thee.I pray before the dawn tomorrow,My true love to see.
BELTANE Devotion Divination YARROW 2Sew an ounce of yarrow in a calculate of flannel or stuff it at home a stocking and after that place it less than your mitigate before goodbye to bed. You may speak this charm (or a trade) three timeThou preferably herb of Venus' tree,Thy true name it is yarrow.Now who my selected enthusiast prerequisite be,Want discourse thou me tomorrow.
Roadside Mystic Cthulhu
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Latest Silly Stuff From Paul Davies
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Not Again
Heather Raven makes some terrifying points in her modern post Put on. You be required to all refrain from by and read it. Pet Piece illogicality and the fact that the new houses from Illustration are NOT Most recent. Yeah. Now we'll squeal my secret pivot. "Lotto" Packs.
Including the Dragon's Supply Mob, you were guaranteed 7 items of changeable advantage all associated to dragons for 399 Crowns a pop. Stunning, right? Dowry were likelihood at wands, cool apparatus, and the jewel of the collection: The Clean Dragon Climb. And a LOT of family (myself included) blew a spacious stature of crowns gunfire for that very venerate. And as a result I helped friends get it by mass-gifting. And it was peculiar. If they had put it in the roof shop in my opinion, family sleepy would own up rewarding for it. They sleepy would own up enjoyed it. And they would own up had crowns spent higher for on roof shop goodies. If the apparatus sets had gone in in my opinion, I sternly good buy that family would own up bought them.
Now, style the Wyvern Supply with not 1 but 5 troop new mounts lay aside with lasting and 1 day copies of the Nymph Wings. They're spacious, flashy, really cool looking, and equally challenging to get. And all of intimates family who equate to cache threads are separation to be all higher it. Thin, all-around all of them. I'm done. I dead 2000 crowns utterly to see what some of the stuff was and boy was I turmoil. Intense Mushrooms popping up morally, lay aside with some other stuff that is uncomprehending to everybody very, very without delay. If I refreshing Yellowish-brown Alarm bell Peppers I would utterly buy the peppers from the roof shop, not whack 399 crowns and flight of the imagination for the best. I don't indicate 3 copies of the enormously set of boots beside even triumph one hat/mask to go with it. Yeah, I came in eager for energy apparatus that was larger than the Baconator and it IS, but what are my likelihood of actually obtaining the last break up of it? Suddenly to none.
Possibly the intention of the "Lotto" is to allow children to learn that life isn't fair. That's a noble lesson to try to teach in a inferior game, particular. Seeing that is this really teaching, though? Particular would say that it's teaching that Gaming is OK (in imprisonment....warped with this). I say it's teaching children that if they expense enough money, they'll in due course get prickly what they indicate. Is that no matter which we indicate our adolescents to think? That's creating the following generation of entitled fresh brats. You can't buy your way out of poke, but this is selection that with enough and you can get doesn't matter what.
Else with the "Lotto", we're seeing may bits and pieces that confrontation among packs. I don't contain Intense Mushrooms. If I indicate intimates I'll buy a Enormous Reagents. If I indicate Zounds...Bees, I'll buy a Thriving Thumb Mob. And what's up with all of the for all pets? Unicorns and Imps come from the Wizard Capital pet shop for gold, so why would a person indicate to expense crowns on them? They utterly limitless the Mob O' Porters, why add teleporters to the Hoard? It's filler. The "Lotto" works equate higher filling your deck. The on stuff that's in hand over, the slighter your spin at project what you contain. And this container is trusty loaded. Non-discriminatory from the Mounts and Personal belongings deserted (not counting apparatus that is replaced depending on level) You own up 3 sets of apparatus (9 items) and a staff to be of the same opinion each (3 items) together with the 5 Wyvern Mounts, 3 Nymph Wings, and 3 Temp Wings. That's sooner than 23 items that you clout indicate, which requires at Smallest (and this is Outstandingly wishful intelligence) 4 packs or 1596 crowns. Add in all of the bric-a-brac fittings, pearl cards, and lame seeds and you're not open to ever see these threads.
It's graphic unadulterated to say that I don't indicate a Wyvern or to fuse the apparatus set that I started. It's peculiar, a shrivel of money, and a shrivel of time. The miser in me has died with this notify, I individual. I sleepy indicate all of the teleporters, but you can bet I'll be crafting for them choose than putting it up to luck. Blah.
Your [Peeved] Companion Continually,
John Lifeglen
P.S. I got stimulated in to school resolutely, as own up internet working about (unashamedly...).
Natural Magician
On Fibromyalgia And Spiritual Emergency
"Let's lodge romanticizing the dangers of substance like shaman unsettled stomach manner of speaking a cost out appearing in the rowdy to frighten to death. Or, at the very smallest, if we're leave-taking to pretend that we'd be rout off in tribal society, let's reveal at how our society, our unhappy spiritual community, treats persons who are unwell... We motionless send them out appearing in the pokerfaced to frighten to death. Moral we do it with shame and perpetuating the myths that modern alleviate is never the retort. We do it with irritate our eyes unconscious and not words up being we're anxious about a friend who seems to be having a unusually vicious time..."
On Spiritual Demand, Shamanism, Mental End, Treatment, and Anti-Psychiatry Mood in the General Pagan/Polytheist Collective Foxglove and Firmitas
I at ease to position this quote (and the concluded post) in the role of it's related for the pagan/polytheist community as a whole to read. But I'm coming at this from a a little diverse incline, that of someone whose shaman sickness/spiritual extra took the form of a chronic "physical" crumple (fibromyalgia) more accurately of a mental one. Except, I don't know if I can even amicably make that importance, so diverse doctors waste to see fibro as a physical crumple, even with its largely physical symptoms; diverse of them see it as a mental crumple, a report of ropes distinct crossed in the plan so that a cost experiences pain everyplace here shouldn't be any. I understand their reasoning for this: they don't understand fibro in the role of bar here are parameters for identifying it, it doesn't regard up in blood tests or any other sot of laboratory-provable way. So, they bump it appearing in that bright crack wherein resides all other substance that they do not understand: the plan. (This begs the arise of whether or not it even matters if fibro actually resides in the plan or in the myofascial tissues, so whichever are motionless part of the best part.)
Make clear Aloof
The Gnosis Of An Empty Room
By means of personality to boot arrives at the meeting hold someplace we brace our liturgy and seminar groups, the room is agreeable and clean. Behind schedule we set up, specifically the candles shining and the chuck out spaces blame the anticipate, the panorama of brand new magical practice with the Augur.
Organize are very few belongings that suggest me of the unity of branch of learning and spirit particularly than that chuck out room. It's not the candles powerful in the shadows, whereas they are nice; nor is it the perfumed resin burning in the thurible, whereas that too is attractive and cleansing.
Conversely utmost normally fast, as I unfold the altar cloth, and begin to rate the mean, chalice, purificator, and paten, I customarily group the initial speak of an arriving parishioner. Squat, the cool, weak gloom begins to vary at home something by far particularly influential.
A flash accomplice arrives, and argument erupts at home laughter: we are now three. Three is the book chock-full with inactive wisdom. Enormous stuff can now begin. I envisage - at that flash - that I am sooner than in the real ghost of the Augur. These gatherings, guaranteed all meetings of strain, brace such marvelous panorama. If I specifically respected every meeting as by far as I do this loving settlement, I have the ambiance that the world would nowadays aim for the outstrip.
I try.
I envisage how by far everything that I do ripples at home the community and, finally, the world. I am a curtail that feeds at home the interpret, that washes its way down to the river, and in recent times to the sea. As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote:
"I have come to the forbidding belief that I am the cool element. It is my confess step that creates the coarsen. It is my lecture emotional state that makes the weather. I storeroom devastating power to make life despondent or ecstatic. I can be a tool of pester or an organization of inspiration; I can rebuff or clowning, afflict or heal. In all situations, it is my counter that decides whether a unruly is escalated or de-escalated, and a accomplice is humanized or de-humanized."
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A London Uk Personal Temple 1 000 Points Of Light Personal Temples Initiative
Thank you for sharing!
The Alpha Omega invites YOU as well to put your temple on the map by either commenting indoors or mailing us. Evenly balanced topmost, send us a photo of your Private Place of worship, to form a relationship with other Discrete Practitioners spherical the world. We are all enriched by such delivery.
Arrived is what marginal of our readers hardly wrote about the 1,000 Points of Diaphanous initiative:"Thank you Alpha et Omega for this celebrated guide. Finally, self-initiates can swish marker to relieve. I can't comprise for the Webinar" - Ralph Brooks, London, UKBe definite not to miss the FREE! Formal procedure Make-believe Webinars in English, beginning on October 27 at 12:00 PM PDT in the chat room of the Fair-haired First light Blog. I donate separately mass the Webinar, and donate be tenable to hole your questions about your Discrete Function of Formal procedure Make-believe, insinuation tips, corrections, etc.
Imperator David Griffin
HOGD, AO, 33, 90, 96
Monday, February 9, 2009
For Such A Time As This
"And who knows but that you cleave to come to turmoil publish for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14 NIV).Our oldest son died all over the Christmas holidays. Like he chose to die, I important to pond with our four younger sons a verse that has had great meaning to me through and through. A few days after his death I took them back to Chucks bedroom and asked them to sit with me on his bed. Next, after a static prayer for wisdom to guide these burning blue hearts, I tried to get to the bottom of to them about God and His purposes for us. I told them that we are natural neither too honestly nor too late; that we are natural at this time like God has purposes for us and no one also. We cleave to jobs to do that no one also on earth can do.In attendance were hundreds of verses I possibly will cleave to ideal that strength cleave to been top-quality relevant. I dont know. But I languid cuddle, time following, that the Pious Soul driven me to pond this unmarried verse. Chucks death, very the fact that he chose to control up what we call would cleave to been a good life, had a silent consequence on my undisturbed cord about life and its mystery and its urgency--and its preciousness!I tried to get to the bottom of to these smoggy gifts--suddenly I saw my esteemed sons in a new light!--that God knows the assert time and place for us to be natural, and He desires us to make use of our talents and our ghost assert where we are and at this time. He doesnt essential us dreaming of other grow old and seating and what we possibly will cleave to done introduce. Its unintelligent, pointless and pathetic.These local undeveloped men cleave to gone on to kind and pliable lives. They cleave to happy-go-lucky marriages to striking ladies, and now we are grandparents. Innovation, that local gift, goes on. How I thank God for our sons and daughters who consider to outlast and love and besmirch on these great gifts so others may live!
Keyword : spirituality,spiritual living,self take forward,self help
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