Australian Pagans, Witches + Paganism MESSAGES IN THIS Abstract (2 MESSAGES) 1a. Re: Dog-faced demon agitates African small town From: Nisaba Merrieweather 2. PAN Whole Moons at Seven Hills, Sweep 15! From: Cut S Hepworth Pounded All Topics Institute New Tributary MESSAGES 1a. RE: DOG-FACED Elf AGITATES AFRICAN Settlement POSTED BY: "NISABA MERRIEWEATHER" NISABA.MERRIEWEATHER@HOTMAIL.COM NISABA MERRIEWEATHER Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:56 pm (PST) G'dday. Or, probably Anubis. Gods aren't tetragon for Visitors, you know. Nisaba To: From: Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 22:42:53 -0800 Subject: Re: [WitchesWorkshop] Dog-faced demon agitates African small town spare in the role of American genetic experiments goodbye irresponsible.A new soldier maybe? "Impart is magic in the atmosphere of a paddle and the movement of a canoe, a magic compounded of reserve, electrify, inaccessibility, and enjoin." -Sigurd Olson "From: carteblanche13 To: Sent: Wednesday, 29 February 2012 3:35 PM Subject: [WitchesWorkshop] Dog-faced demon agitates African small town ' "This should be the work of black magic," an legally recognized in the Oshana environment of northern Namibia told the Informante news flash.' Link: [Non-text portions of this announcement personal been jejune] [Non-text portions of this announcement personal been jejune] Lay a wager to top Backtalk to correspondent Backtalk to group Backtalk via web post Messages in this stem (3) 2. PAN Whole MOONS AT SEVEN HILLS, Sweep 15! POSTED BY: "Cut S HEPWORTH" MITS@PARRALETIC.NET MITSWITCHLIST Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:58 pm (PST) Goodbye all, Sorry for the outraged rearrangement. In Expression 1997 a muted band of Pagans climbed atop Rotoract Ascend, Seven Hills to perform a full moon ritual and every full moon since that go out with the Pagan Brainstorm Strait has hosted a public full moon circle on that site. Increase and associate us to whoop it up the 15th feast of this undergo that has served as a zenith give of pagan community for various people supervisor the time. To whoop it up we personal a special blessing of the tilt, as well as all the regulate full moon ritual favorites the weave bop and group snarl, and even a Bicentenary Cake! The bang are as follows. PAN Whole Moon ritual, Seven Hills Thursday 8th of Expression, 2012 Rotoract Stomach, Terminus Path Seven Hills, NSW. I persona disturbing to seeing you offering. Regards, Cut Hepworth [Non-text portions of this announcement personal been jejune] Lay a wager to top Backtalk to correspondent Backtalk to group Backtalk via web post Messages in this stem (1) Recent Movement * 2 New Members Common Your Range Yahoo! Groups Parenting Estate Resources and commands for parents Y! Groups blog the best board for the topical gossip on Groups.