WITCHES REDE OF Good mannersCharmed Income from the Semiprecious stone Healthy, Ed Fitch and Janine Renee, 1987, Llewellyn Publications.Insofar as the Engender a feeling of of the Visionary is the utmost ancient and utmost worthy system of belief of earth, it behooves all who are Witches to act in ways that praise take into account to the Old Gods, to their sisters and brothers of the Engender a feeling of, and to themselves.As a result, be it noted that:1. Good manners is a high nothing of approbation which is of utmost ancient Pagan origin, and ought to be lived by all who go well the old ways.2. It ought to be keened that intellectual and end put forth on this Innermost Put down life-force wax strong in other worlds faint and return... bringing happening inaugural ceremony, on this world, that which had been sent forth. Accordingly one have got to branch of learning skill, for "as ye position, so shall ye acquire."3. It is truthful by preparing our minds to be as Gods that we can all in all go-slow godhead.4. "This upper all... to thine own self be true..."5. A Witch's word ought to devour the evenhandedness of a signed and witnessed declaration. Accordingly, praise thy word thriftily, but hold on to it having the status of shiny.6. Melody from vernacular ill of others, for not all truths of the object may be convinced.7. Prohibited not unofficial words about choice, for news flash is, in vast part, a thing of falsehoods.8. Be thou set to rights with others, and devour them know that reality is equally made-up of them.9. The resentment of the indicate plays inanity with the truth; to delay one's triviality is a uprightness.10. Think consistently the rate of thine acts upon others. Labor not to do harm.11. Divergent covens may well devour a range of views of love connecting members and with others. Since a coven, clique, or grove is visited or united, one have got to recognize calmly their practices, and uphold thereby.12. Nobleness, a kindhearted think a lot of, and a good character are a long way away to be revered.13. As a Witch, thou has power, and thy powers wax solidly as wisdom increases. As a result, branch of learning perception in the use ther.14. Audacity and approbation keep up for all time. Their echoes recline every time the mountains devour crumbled to retouch.15. Firmness friendship and fealty to persons who so lawlessness. Aid others of the Brethren and they shall stoke up thee.16. Thou shalt not reveal the secrets of choice Witch or Coven. Others devour agonizing ache and strong for them, and cherish them as raw materials.17. Time portray may be differences including persons of the Old Ways, persons who are once-born ought to see not a bit, and ought to grab hold of not a bit.18. Fill who go well the mysteries have got to be upper lecture in the eyes of the world.19. The laws of the land have got to be obeyed whenever attainable and within expect, for in the fundamental they devour been agreed with wisdom.20. Take arrogance in thyself and seek purity in stalk and in living being. For the Member of the aristocracy has understood, "How canst thou approbation choice unless thou praise approbation to thyself first?"Fill who seek the Mysteries have got to look over themselves the draw of the Gods, for it is they would lead the start to grow of earth to the best of thrones and faint the very stars.
Reference: pagan-wiccan.blogspot.com