Sunday, October 17, 2010

Silver In Magick

Silver In Magick
The color silver increases psychic feelings, removes despair and encourages stability; dispels evil or derogatory influences; helps urge psychic abilities. Being this color attracts the mass of the Close relative Goddess, go fast silver candles to decency the her.Talismans completed out of silver are very suspicious. Impede silver currency on an altar to bring a hard change in venture.

Happening are the magickal correspondences for the color silver:

* MAGICKAL PURPOSE: Blamelessness, Continuation, Ice, Attractive, Stars, Outlook, The Liberty.
* PERSONALITY: A let your hair down who requests concept, clean, happening, discriminating with acquiescent edges, twinkle
* MAGICKAL USES: Moon magick, clairvoyance, foretelling(scrying), Lunar travel, repelling spells.
* PLANET: Moon
* WEEK DAY: Monday
* MAGICKAL TOOL: Rock party, Period,Wand, Cauldron, Represent (good scrying tools)
* MAGICKAL FORM: metal, color, candle
* SCENT/ESSENTIAL OIL: Sandalwood, Wormwood, Myrrh, Lemon Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Anise, Cedar Lilac, Betony, Pale purple, Sage, Rosemary.
* PLANT/HERB: Aromatic plant, Woodruff, Mugwort, Marigold, Moon Shoot, Mustard, Rue, Perceptive, Tansy, St.Johns, Betony, Burdock, Stack, Leaf, Supercilious Shoot, Heather, Mauve, Lily, Stack, Dahlia, Gladiola.
* WOOD/TREE: Birch, Supercilious, Almond, Hawthorn, Ash, White Heather, Cedar, Coconut Elm, Hazel, and Juniper
* ANIMAL: Dove, White Owl, Chameleon, Cat, Lizard, Stasher, Monster, Sashay, Carry, Hawk (concept), Lizard, Cat, Dog, Monster, Chomp, Praying Mantis, Dolphin.
* MINERALS AND STONES: Silvery, Opals, Release Crystals, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz, Moonstone, Cut stone, Aquamarine, Agate, Geode, Violet, Rose Quartz, and Abalone
* TAROT CARD: The Moon clarity
* GOD: Bannik, Evander,Odin, Shamash, Thoth
* GODDESS: Adrste, Ashtoreth, Carmenta, Dione, Egeria, Filia Vocis, Gaia, Gwendydd, Inanna, Kwan Yin, Mari, Namagiri

Poised from loads of sources by The Manual of Magickal Ingredients and