Saturday, December 12, 2009

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord And The Captain Of The Host Army

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord And The Captain Of The Host Army
The birth and history of the angels and the delightful hosts grasp been a basic of point and of intruge. Stylish the primeval history of religion, extrasensory knowledge was at length get taller and agreed. Exhibit were even numerous forms of angel and occultic deify. In the New Memorial, on numerous occasions, Jesus would cast out demons. On one account Jesus cast a band of demons out of a man, the demons were appalling and therefore Jesus allowed them to come out of the man and go stylish a group of idol sacrificial stock. The stock dove off a peninsula and plunged to their death, up till now jews do not eat ham, so some historians piece these stock as pagan sacrifices hand-me-down in deify to the greek god zeus which was uncontrolled trendy this time. We can see that Jesus not definitely grants the posessed man issue from the demons but he also destroys the stock hand-me-down in idol deify, doig not permitted with what's more. In numerous other biblical and non biblical accounts expound are mysteries that are shrouded with clues that help us see the stuck-up picture. In unusual demon posession story Jesus makes figure to highest achievement of Solomon's life in which Solomon summoned demons with the power of the Swarm. The Memorial of Solomon, is not imperative but pseudepigraphical. This answer it was authored with the detainee of physical from Solomans account but was in fact in black and white by someone excessively, universally a surface learner, apprentice, or native soil partner. Now even with it is not poetic scripture the account of the story may personal some truth and vigor. Loads of ancient jewish sources and ancient jewish traditional tradition actual the Memorial of Solomon. In this book, Solomon is potrayed as a unqualified sorcerer that wielded a ring feature to him by Cherub Michael. Emperor Solomon was feature this ring which was called The Ring of Sabaoth (Sabaoth translates to Swarm or Legion) Between this ring Solomon provoke the Beginning Fallen Guardian angel Beelzebub. Between this ring, it gives him power and dominion frozen this Beginning Fallen Guardian angel and with it he puts him and his demon subjects to work accommodate the Lovely temple. Dispel in this account these demons spirits make excerpt of their responsibilities, assignments and even the names of the angels that they are appalling of and that can subjugate them. To understand how this relates to Jesus we ought initial aura at guaranteed passages.In the new shrine book of Matthew, the Pharisees censure Jesus of profound out demons by the power of the Beginning of the demons, Beelzebub. "Plus was brought unto him one frenzied with a devil, shade, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the shade and dumb what's more spake and saw. And all the residents were bowled over, and alleged, Is not this the son of David? But previouslythe Pharisees heard it, they alleged, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.But previously the Pharisees heard this, they alleged, "It is definitely by Beelzebub,[d] the prince of demons, that this fellow drives outdemons." Matthew 12:22-24Now according to the Memorial of Solomon, the name of the demon prince is revealed and it would follow that the Pharisees as well as Jesus had compact knowledge of these accounts of Solomon."Plus I summoned Beelzeboul to show up before me another time. Taking into consideration he was seated, I point it appropriate to ask him, 'Why are you colleague Prince of the Demons?' He replied, equally I am the definitely one missing of the delightful angels (who slash). I was the highest-ranking angel in illusion, the one called Beelzeboul. Exhibit isalso accompanied me unusual impudent (angel) whom God cut off and now, attentive hip, he holds in his power the string of nation boundary by me in Tartarus. He is physical nurtured in the Red Sea; previously he is park, he will come in elation."Ialleged to him, because are your activities?' He replied, 'I bring abolition by answer of tyrants; I core the demons to be worshiped flat as a pancake men; and I stir desire in holy men and choose by ballot priests. I bring about jealousies and murders in a property, and I commence wars." - Memorial of Solomon 6:1-4The sermon together with Jesus the push around and Pharisees deposit. Taking sides Jesus' reply to the Pharisees that a win on bad terms v itself would chop up, he says the instant in equal together with Solomon and Himself. The queen of the south shall rise up in the savor with this period, andshall disapprove of it: for she came from the furthest away parts of the earth to greet the wisdom of Solomon; and, look at, a disdainful than Solomon is hip. Matthew 12:42In this equal Jesus predominantly rebukes the Pharisees but also asserts that He is exclusive Solomon, who is deliberate one of the greatest extent great and glorious kings of all time. This enraged the Pharisees amid numerous other pack but it also tells us the spiritual belief and knowledge context in which they lived in, trendy their time. As a occasion this helps earn some track record relating to guaranteed mysterious appearances of an angel referred to as The Guardian angel of the Noble and the Boss of the Swarm in the Bible. In the Memorial of Solomon, numerous of the demon spirits reveal that they turbulence and escape at the clang and hegemony of an angel which has the sum of 664 in his name. Taking into consideration these references are compared to scripture verses in the bible they begin to reveal condescending about this element agreed as the Boss of the Swarm. In Exodus it is in black and white, "Point of view, I send an Guardian angel before thee, to hold back thee in the way, and to bring theestylish the place which I grasp setting. Observe of him, and appreciate his put into words, encouragehim not; for he will not pretext your transgressions: for my name is in him."Exodus 23:20-21On one instance in Bench, the angel of the lord appears to Samson's mother and gives rumor that she will enclose a son even still she has been infertile and not entitled to initiate. They ask the angel his name so that they can give standing but the angel says why do you try to know my name for it is a secret. "And the angel of the Noble appeared unto the being, and alleged unto her,Point of view now, thou art infertile, and bearest not: but thou shalt initiate, and enclose a son."Bench 13:3"...And the angel of the Noble alleged unto him, Why askest thou in so doing while my name, seeing it is secret?"Bench 13:17 In the Memorial of Solomon expound are demonic and angelic names revealed, the account highest achievement the sermon together with Solomon and the demons that are summoned. In each design Solomon asks by what Guardian angel thou art frustrated? And the demons responses are charming as follows. "Recommend me by what angel thou art infuriated." And he answered: "By the holy and hilarious name of the Almighty God, called by the Hebrews by a row of evict,of which the sum is 644, and amid the Greeks it is Emmanuel."Memorial of Solomon 29"So I alleged to him: "I adjure thee in the name of the God Sabaoth, to count again me by what name thou art infuriated lengthways with thy numerous." And the spirit answered me: "The unqualified amid men,' who is to congregate numerous pack at the hands of men, whose name is the outline 644, which is Emmanuel; he it is who has boundary us, and who will subsequently come and plunge us from the high under water."Memorial of Solomon 52 Now the word hand-me-down in the bible for secret in Bench 13 translates to one found in Isaiah 9:6. The Guardian angel of the Noble or Boss of the Swarm in the Memorial of Solomon and the Bible reduce to a heated Guardian angel whom numerous of the demons are appalling of, the Guardian angel is alleged to even boundary up demons and cast them stylish the abyss. The word hand-me-down in Bench is translated in ancient hebrew to the identical meaning in Isaiah which would clarify to Out of this world. The Boss of the Swarm is none other than Jesus. He is Emmanuel, whose name in Greek is the sum of 644. He is the scriptwriter of recovery who suffered numerous pack at the hands of men but had it and dominated death. "...his name shall be called Out of this world, Counsellor, The heated God, The everlasting Plus, The Prince of Stillness."Isaiah 9:6All Verses in the Bible = Sum of 644Numeric Treatment of Emmanuel (92x7) = Sum of 644