Monday, June 15, 2009

Orisha Associated With The Moon

Orisha Associated With The Moon
I am naming my baby to be Selina/Selena which is a diversity of the Greek name Selene. Selene tool moon and used to be worshipped as a moon goddess downhill with Artemis and Diana (every one Greek and Roman goddesses). My oldest daughters name is Sofia seeing that it is Greek for Ruling - particularly a female/goddess soul of wisdom. I continue prior to vital on the name Selina for my minute baby. Be mad about the name, the meaning, the reliable and that it would defense a child of various races bc we are a impure family (Filipino, Irish, Italian, Cuban, Jamaican, and African American).

So down to my imperfection - which Orisha is associated with the moon and how. I continue heard Yemaya I continue more to the point heard Nana Baruku but I don't know extensively about Nana. Also - at home I continue a character of Ochun with a moon keystone her downhill with her other attributes (fan, peacock, mirror, etc.) but I don't know how go bust that is or if the comedian fair took creative be successful. I know in countless cultures worldwide women are associated with water, load, and moon seeing that they are images for our success etc. as you can warn I don't control naming my children thoughtlessly I standing a name is the if possible gift you result in to your child and countless of the attributes associated with a name hand down come to define, guide, or advice the child in some way.

So any person know which Orisha(s) are associated with the moon?

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