Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Art Of Shamanic Recapitulation

The Art Of Shamanic Recapitulation
Recapitulation BPC/PC. A quartz PC and bioparticle care 120 inc Take care and Protective material.

The art of Recapitulation was trade by Shamans to break all links with your fellow Man, created by encounters in your life that jab you to the Matrix by energy bonds. To use entirely deposit the BPC in your disappeared hand and PC in your wearing clothes and review your looking back from outer to forward-thinking to allow the Psychotronic Crystals to cut all the energy ties with a person you bring about met to free your Impression. See Carlos Castaneda's: The Eagles' Bestow and 'The Encouragement from Wearing for advanced work use the Specialised PCs/BPCs in the Overmatrix Burner PC/BPCs; the 24 Set on this site ( to free you from links created by Demons, Greys to the ADR and OverMatrix and Archon details. The Recapitulation BPC/PC as well works entirely by putting under your pad the PC and BPC in disappeared bedsock to break all these energy entanglements as you dream of the Archon Suggest Realm as you sleep. The PC/BPC shreds introduce somebody to an area links as you pleat the genus you remember in your thoughts entirely by latent - the easy way for the busy appointment reckon.

The BPC/PC burns the engrams that mould your energy control happening the ADR by shameful it with exotic energy. The engram functions burns these engrams entirely by holding PC in your disappeared hand, BPC in disappeared reach and visualise the genus progress sin your life to dash all the entanglements for PF (energy) see L Ron Hubbards: Scientology.

The Remind BPC/PC is Anti-Engram (unknown word) is a spotless Psychotronic Generator to boost all Scientology functions to superboost your education by ridding you of all Engrams at a superfast cost with or lacking plane help. The Engrams give PF for your PC/BPc to boost your Impression for Psi-function.