Saturday, April 26, 2008

The 21 Mayan Prophecies Of 2012

The 21 Mayan Prophecies Of 2012
1. Prophecies of the coming Foreigners ">The mental picture of the Emergence of Tide Mayan Masters and Teachers: Spring Protester Mayan masters reincarnating in miscellaneous formsand the new originate of ancient mayan/Toltee Civilization

This one is with has come to tender and is enduring

3. The mental picture of the return to the mayan sacred Sites: Reactivation and progress use of mayan and other indigeous Sanctified sites universal to benefit in astral healing and healing/awakening for mortal beings

This is occuring now

4. The Image of the Make up for of the supremem being: Make up for of the keen ascended/world class teachers planetwide such as Quetzalcoatl and excitement of Christed Human being in all mortal beings

5. The prophecies of pacal votan: Stimulation of new faculties and spiritual powers in all fill with. That includes Telepathy, Telekinesis, levitation, Seer abilities, isolated presentation, Teleportation, very good healing, Bigger energy, Bigger Rigidity and robustness, creative powers, and so numerous arrogant

6. The mental picture of Galactic Alignment: The earth and the astral notion come inside physical and luminous alignment with the galactic establish, consequently heralding a new age of growth, quiet, and justification.

7. Image allied to the Milky way: The galactic Alignment of 12/21/2012 impulse see the winter solstice sun resolved with the Gray partition (or black hole) at the Galactic establish bringing in and grounding new high commonness energies.

8. Image allied to the moon: Moon energy relates to man's intoxication with greed and says the central flooding impulse draw closer all over this flood, but that a arrogant cheerful and spiritual age impulse follw.

Lands impulse let down and lands impulse all right, meaning floods in all areas. Deserts impulse turn to mountain for an exemplary. The seats where desires the greatest extent cleansing impulse get the floods.

9. Image allied to Venus: an age of misuse, restlessness, lawsuit gives way to the return of vanguard given love and hand-outs.

This one is feel capable now

10. The Image of Transition to a New age: The Resurgence of ancient Sharpness, Soul administrative center, and a time of rejuvenation for kindness and mother earth.

11. The Image of the Structure of Mankind: Worldly Beings begin to look their essential unity in order to engender a arrogant uninterrupted and saner world and sever their tribulations.

12. The Image of a New Enlightenment: A unbiased Jump happens in our place and understanding in regards to our Connection with whittle and the plot.

Which is occuring capable now

13. The Image of Huge Consciousness: An initiation inside Huge Sharpness and the understanding that everything is really energy.

14. The Image of Enhance Memory: We impulse recuperate our looking back of the real history of mother earth and evoke that we are all one.

15. The mental picture of the Destruction of the Mother earth: Disruption and ruin in all kingdoms of nature: floods, earthquakes, etc. But not the end of the world, Genuine the "end of the world as we know it"

16. The Prophecies of earth changes, conservationism ">The Image of changes to the Earth's Persuasive field: Would-be rhythmic transport of poles and Planetary Persuasive sway leading to some weather conditions changes but with new perceptions and energies for mortal strut.

18. Prophecies of Series ">The Image of Transcending Technology: We impulse evoke and recuperate our true potentional psychic and spiritual abilities and government department gulp down the old ac/dc based Machinery for a new one that is psychotronic based and related to mortal contemplation and extensive energies.

20. The mental picture of Time: A new Awareness of time as energy and place and the panache to degree up fair and square outside of linear time trace.

21. The Image that we are The Prophecy: WE are the ones we bring been waiting for. We look that we can prevent Affair to engender a new world or go under as a keep score of spiritual Blindness.