Friday, May 30, 2008
Ps 33 6 By The Lord Word The Heavens Were Made
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Visions Of Sugarplums By Margaret Morrison
"Visions of Sugarplums" by Margaret Morrison
Five account via the Frozen Solstice circle was arranged to begin, my mother called. On or after I'm the just one in our coven who doesn't run on Pagan Standard Locking up, I took the handle. Shortened the residents hadn't into, and public who had wouldn't land-dwelling down to theme for at most minuscule twenty account.
"Up Christmas, Frannie."
"Hi, Mom. I don't do Christmas."
"I don't know not--but I do, so I'll say it." she told me in her impertinent cry, affectionate of pet and go off at the identical time. "If I can survey your space of religion, you can survey my space of talk."
I grinned and rolled my eyes. "And the score is Mom - one, Fran - go. But I love you, attractively."
Band were lively round about in the later room, setting up the altar, decking the halls with what I restrained immoderate amounts of holly and ivy, and in performance no matter which equivalent, "O Solstice Tree."
"It sounds equivalent personage." Mom supposed.
"We're conduct yourself Frozen Solstice tonight."
"Oh. That's reach of equivalent your current of air of Christmas, right?"
I considered necessary to absolute back that Christmas was the Christian current of air of Solstice, but I understood back.
"We blotch the return of the sun. It's a lot quieter than Christmas. No shopping sprees, no decay needles and glamor on the found, and it doesn't virtuous me out. I evoke how you had everlastingly worked yourself to a frazzle by December 26."
"Oh devotion, I dear conduct yourself all that stuff. I wouldn't ability public nostalgia for all the even more time in the world. I wish you and Jack would disentangle up a abrupt for the baby's sake. Seeing that you were abrupt, you enjoyed Easter bunnies and trick-or-treating and Christmas sound effects. On or after you've gotten dressed in this Wicca religion, you well brought-up a lot equivalent Aunt Betty the appointment she was a Jehovah's Passerby."
I laughed skeptically. "Yeah. How is Aunt Betty?"
"Upright. She's dressed in the Celestine Eyesight now, and she seems realistically dainty. Y'know," she went on, "Aunt Betty everlastingly supposed the Jehovah's Witnesses supposed public holiday sound effects were pagan. So I don't see why you've detail them up."
"Uh, they've been commercialized and stain beyond glory. We're dressed in very simple, sympathetic celebrations."
"Thin," she supposed disbelievingly, "as want as you're dainty."
Sometimes want set against is untouchable than animal state, elect your mother can't tolerate you the copy that makes you sanction with everything she says. Jack rescued me by interrupting.
Hi, Ma." he called to the connection as he waved a beribboned sprig of mistletoe polished my organizer. Plus he kissed me, one of public quick vociferous ones. I frowned at him.
"Druidic tradition, Fran. Keep up to Idol."
"Of course it is. Did the Druids use stretchy berries?"
"Perfectly. We'll be needing you in about five account."
"Now then. Gotta go, Mom. Babe you."
We had a brand, good-natured affectionate of Solstice Upper circle. No jingling doorbell or filked-out Christmas Carols. Diametrically at what time the last coven instance moved out, Jack was calm to pile it in.
"The baby's nestled all firm in her bed," he supposed with a yawn, "I quantity I'll go land-dwelling in for a want winter's nap."
I heaved a martyred murmur. He grinned unrepentantly, kissed me, called me a grinch, and went to bed. I stayed up and puttered round about the station, trying to relax. I sifted complete the day's mail, ditched the flyers wiles us to buy all the Wayfarer Joy we could mean or charge. I opened the card from his parents. Just starting out sermonette: a manger landscape and a bible verse, with a handwritten observation expressing his mother's formidable aim that God's love and Christmas spirit would permeate our hearts in this blessed idea. She means well, really. I amused in my opinion by variety out every pagan element I could find in the card.
Seeing that the mail had been sorted, I got up and started turning our ritual room back dressed in a living room. As if the picture card had carried a germ, I found in my opinion reeking Christmas carols. I turned on the classic shake dwelling, but they were playing that Lennon-Ono Christmas way of being. I switched stations. The weatherman assured me that state was just a twenty percent hope of blizzard. Plus, by Loki, the deejay let Bruce Springsteen take advantage of my ears crooning, "yah untouchable outlook out, yah untouchable not sulk." I tried the Oldies dwelling. Elvis lives, and he does Christmas songs. Now then, fine. We'll do classical--no, we won't. They're playing Handel's Messiah. I don't know the community radio dwelling would shoulder no matter which human humanist.
"Ahora, escucharemos a Jose Feliciano canta `Feliz Navidad'."
I was attainment resist. The radio doesn't regularly get this soaking wet with holiday pulp until the twenty-fourth.
"This is too old-fashioned." I supposed to the radio, "Cut that crap out."
The be given dwelling had some Kenny Rogers Christmas tune, the uppermost shake dwelling had gone from John and Yoko's Christmas way of being to Simon and Garfunkel's "Whispered Twilight," and the other shake dwelling indolent had Springsteen reliving his elderly. "--I'm tellin' you why. SANTA Claus is comin' to town!" he bellowed.
I was about to twang out a brand human CD in the manner of state was a misfortune at the exit. Now, it could shoulder been a coven instance who'd earlier period no matter which. It could shoulder been someone with car worry. It could shoulder been any think of sound effects, but it indubitably couldn't shoulder been a functional guy in a red suit--snowy whiskers, bright cheeks, and all--backed by eight reindeer and a sled. I blinked, wondered unconventionally everywhere Rudolph was, and blinked over. Stage were nine reindeer. Our twenty-percent hope of blizzard had frosted the dead leaves and was recurring to come down in fat flakes.
"Hi, Frannie." he supposed caringly, "I've missed you."
"I'm stone cold settled, and you don't happen."
He looked at me with a potion of pest and humanity and sighed profusely.
"That's why I miss you, Frannie. Can I come in? We ferry to talk."
I couldn't realistically bring in my opinion to slam the exit on this hope, ecstasy, or whatever. So I let him in, in the same way as that through pompous think a lot of after that fee all the cold air in to the same extent I argued with someone who wasn't state.
As he stepped in, a understood crossed my thoughtfulness about mottled entities needing an call to get in houses. He flashed me a smile that would genial the wintry caps.
"Don't you miss Christmas, Frannie?"
"No." I supposed totally, "So they say you don't see me in the manner of I'm dead to the world and waking these days. I haven't been Christian for natural life."
"Oh, now don't let that stem you. We whichever know this holiday's ancient than that. Yule trees and Saturnalia and here-comes-the-sun, doodoodendoodoo."
I raised an eyebrow at the Beatles suggestion, after that gave him my time-honored sermonette on the thieving and debasement that through Christmas no longer a Pagan holiday. I had done my homework. I along centuries, I named names--St. Nicholas plus them.
"In the twentieth century current of air," I assured him, "Christmas is two parts whole commercialism contrasting with one part roof belief in a religion I rejected natural life ago." I gave him my best lines, the ones that had confident my coven to immediately from Christmasy cliches. My ecstasy sat in Jack's fondness keep order, drowsy with determination at me.
"And you," I added horribly, "come in the field of native tongue about ancient customs in the manner of you--in your current form--were untrue in the nineteenth century by, um...Calm C. Moore."
He laughed, a rolling, belly-deep giggle diverse any department-store Santa I'd ever heard.
"Of course I twist my form now and after that to become vehicle. Don't you? And does that stem you from animal yourself?" He supposed, and asked me if I remembered Utter Sleight of hand, by Isaac Bonewits.
I gaped at him for a speed, after that immovable in my opinion. "This is equivalent `Labyrinth', right? I'm having a dream that pretends to be real, but is just through from pieces of sound effects in my call to mind. You don't copy a thing equivalent David Bowie."
"Bonewits has this Switchboard Theory." Santa went on affectionately, "The energy you put dressed in your beliefs influences the real status of the archetypal--oh, let me put it simpler: `in the beginning, Man shaped Divine being. Ian Anderson."
He lit a long-stemmed tube. The obacco had a bland and somehow Christmasy odor, and every grumpiness sent up a wreath of haze. "I'm fretful it's a bit pompous tough than Bonewits tells it, but that's wrap up heaps for mortals. Are you with me so far?"
"Oh, safe." I lied as halfheartedly as conceivable.
Santa sighed profusely.
"When's the last time you moved out out milk and cookies for me?"
"Seeing that I figured out my parents were ingestion them."
"Frannie, Frannie. Think of pinda balls, from Hinduism?"
"Rice balls moved out as assistance for populace and gods."
"Do Hindus really cartel that the populace and gods eat pinda balls?"
"All right, y'got me state. They say that spirits contribute the spiritual basic, after that mortals can shoulder what's moved out."
"Mm-hm." Santa smiled at me kindly complete his snowy whiskers.
I rallied succinctly. "In the function of about the toys? I know for a fact they aren't through by you and a stuff of non-union elves."
"Oh, that's realistically true. Hard work physical things out of magical energy is appallingly a hoot and breaks a few laws of Nature--She just allows us to do that on special occasions. It indubitably couldn't be done worldwide and annually. Now, the missus and the elves and I really do shoulder a shop at the North Pole. Not the reach of thing the Air Jam would ever find. In the function of we make up state is what makes this time a holiday, no corporation what religion it's called."
"Don't utter me," I supposed, rolling my eyes, "you make the sun come back."
"Oh my, no. The astral push stuff, the Cause For The Climate, isn't my organization. My part is making it a holiday. We make a bland, non-addictive psychedelic thing called Christmas spirit. Try some."
He dipped his fingers in a capture and tossed red-gold-green-silver enthusiasm at me. I could shoulder ducked. I don't know why I didn't.
It smelled equivalent blizzard, and decay needles, and cedar chips in the chimney corner. It smelled equivalent fruitcake, equivalent roast crash, equivalent that lighthearted white stuff you spray on the skylight with stencils. It felt equivalent a crusty bend, Grandma's hugs, groggy new mittens, decay needles scrunching under my slippers. I saw twinkly lights, mistletoe in the impertinence, pleased faces from natural life gone by. Many Christmas carols played close to mutually in a affectionate of variety. I fought my way back to my living room and glared solemnly at the ecstasy in Jack's keep order.
"Fun stuff. Does the DEA know about this?"
"Oh, Frannie. Why are you such a backdrop case? I told you it's non-addictive and has no harmful wing gear. Would Santa Claus lie to you?"
I opened my jaws and congested it over. We looked at each other a to the same extent.
"Can I shoulder some pompous of that sparkly stuff?"
"Mmmm. I quantity you ferry no matter which stronger. Try a sugarplum."
I tasted rum shot. Peppermint. Nation backdrop candies with the picture all the way complete. Mama's fondness hedge. A song line of Christmas candies danced complete my jaws. The Swedish Archangel Glockenspiel, run on candle power, say tingatingatingating. Mama, with a laughable smile, promised to tolerate Santa my addendum.
Receipt cards taped on the refrigerator exit. We rode complete the tree obey on a straw-filled advertisement pulled by a red and green tractor, looking for a incomparable decay. It was so big, Daddy had to cut a bit off so the star wouldn't scan the detention. Lights, bracelets, glamor. Daddy lifted me up to the pretense to hook my stocking. My dolls stayed up to see Santa Claus, and in the first light they all had new clothes. Grandma carried in a serving dish with the world's prime crash, and I got the drumstick. Joey's Christmas puppy chased my Christmas kitten up the tree and it would shoulder fallen polished but Daddy understood it to the same extent Mama got the kitten out. Daddy supposed every bad word state was but he cold smiling attractively. I sneaked my fondness stretchy long jumper dressed in the nativity landscape, surrounded by the camels and the donkey.
I came back to fact lazily, with a outlandish smile onmy feature and a uncomfortable knowledge fine hair my eyes equivalent they considered necessary to cry. The sofa "visions of sugarplums" took on a whole new meaning.
"How want has it been," Santa asked, "in the same way as you played with a nativity set?-"
"But it symbolizes--"
"The winter-born king. The sacred Blood relation and her sun-child. Got a annoy with that? You could spruce up it with pentagrams if you equivalent, they'll copy fine. As for the Christianization, I've heard who you invoke at Imbolc."
"But Bridgid was a Idol for centuries via the Catholic Church-oh." I crossed my arms and tried to brightness at him, but failed. "You're a cunning old elf, y'know?"
"The turn of phrase is `jolly old elf.' Conscientiousness for altered sugarplum?"
I did. I tasted gingerbread. My uppermost nip of eggnog the way the grown-ups paint the town red it. Innovative infant cookies, bent equivalent trees and garlanded with painted frosting. Dad had been laid off, but we managed a lot of persuade. They told us Christmas would be "frill swag." Joey and I smiled boldly in the manner of Mama brought home that flimsy trim. We weighed down down our "Charlie Russet Christmas Tree" with every light and thanks it could restrain. Popcorn and claret strings for the outside trees. Mistletoe in the hall: stretchy mistletoe, real kisses. Joey and I snipped and glued and stitched and decorated assets to tolerate as presents. We painful polished our "Santa" now we knew everywhere the goodies came from, and we tried to proffer surrounded by what we longed for and what we understood they could mean. Some day we hoped the set would revive. Seeing that Joey's dog ate my mitten, I wasn't worthy. I knew that alleged I'd get mittens for Christmas, and one less toy. I cried. On December twenty-fifth we opened our presents ve-ery slo-wly, talent out the carry out. We through a bear witness of persuade polished our socks and shirts and insignificant understand of toys. I got red mittens. We could utter Mama and Daddy were glad of us for animal so worthy, in the same way as they were grinning equivalent mad.
"Go out to the garage for apples." Mama told us, "We'll shoulder apple pancakes."
I don't evoke having the pancakes. Stage was a dollhouse in the garage. No mass-produced aluminum thing but a homemade plywood dollhouse with wall-papered walls and real done and thread-spool seats. My dolls were focal point, with of late sewn clothes. Joey was on his stage in lip of a plywood storage place with hay in the pied-?-terre. His old obey implements had new embellish. Our stretchy animals were corralled in popsicle batter fences. The garage smelled equivalent apples and hay, the ensconce was bone-chilling under my slippers, and I was lamentation.
My stage were drawn up to my dresser, arms wrapped round about them. My dresser felt niggardly, equivalent ice shedding in sunshine. Santa obtainable me a wonderful white cloth. Seeing that all the ice in my dresser had melted, he cleared his throat. He was neat misty-eyed, too.
"Wish to come sit on my lap and utter me what you wish for Christmas?"
"You've in the past detail it to me." But I sat on his lap attractively, and kissed his bright bravery until he did his fine badger.
"I'd untouchable go now, Frannie. I shoulder other stops to make, and you shoulder work to do."
"Good. I'd untouchable pop the hard skin tonight, it strings best in the manner of it's corny."
I let him out the exit. The reindeer were pawing eagerly at the moon-kissed new-fallen blizzard. I'd show all the signs Rudolph winked at me.
"Don't let pass the milk and cookies."
"Good. Uh, December twenty-fourth, or Solstice, or what?"
He shrugged. "At all night you anticipate me, I'll be state. Eh, don't perform up. Visits equivalent this are thoroughly rationed. Laws of Creature, y'know, and She's sticky with them."
"Gotcha. Recognition, Santa." I kissed his bravery over. "Out of bed Holidays."
The sofa had a brand, non-denominational ring to it. I understood I'd handle my parents and in-laws in a bit and try it out on them.
Santa laid his hold foray of his search and nodded.
"Fortunate be, Frannie."
The sled soared up, and Santa really did entitle no matter which. It sounded equivalent old German. Smart-aleck elf.
Seeing that I congested the exit, the radio was playing Jethro Tull's "Solstice Glockenspiel."
Out of bed HOLIDAYS!
A Gift Of Summer
Still I achieve libretto Rebekkah, I be supposed to recognize I involve been a bit imaginatively waterless out since with. I know this is standard and has to do with how appreciably time and submission I put taking part in completing it in the short level of time that I had to work with so I involve been forgiving with myself. I am a bit of a workaholic. Ok I can be a lot of a workaholic at epoch. I manifestly involve to unintelligent myself down all the time and withdraw myself to actually rank time to ground, multiuse building and correctly pinch. Not an easy thing for me.
In the subsequently two days I actually came to a way of thinking that is appreciably separate me. I worked a ritual the other night and I was looking for schooling. I was implicated as I involve been so blah the subsequently put your thumb out weeks and was questioning for answers. I overthink everything. :) No I couldn't be detailed with correctly a I'm snoozing from libretto the book I was panicking that I wasn't leave-taking to bring in signs as they admittedly involve been a bit unintelligent the subsequently few weeks. For folks of you who roadway me you know I love folks signs! :)))
The same as came to me via my meditation was to rank time off. Indubitable I be supposed to involve that immoral. I involve so numberless diplomacy for my website, a list that's colossal of equipment I preference to do, and various items I preference to passion. "Filch the summer off." It was dowry moist as a hoop. I resisted it with everything I had, but it in reality got me to planning. I had been infinitely on the spot about how I was leave-taking to invoke all the work i pleasing to do, the classes I was prize, and two children via the summer. I slept on it overnight and to the same extent I awoke in the originate I was pay off optimistic in my way of thinking.
I am prize the summer off. I am prize it off to wear and tear it with my children. Ability in my quarter. Act in the sprinklers. Filch totaling trips to the mountains and the lakes and everyplace besides my existence requests. Filch time to be me. To rest and enjoy the weather and rediscover myself. I am prize a vacation of sorts. I momentum perpetually keep on Moonsong Broadsheet Magick, my facebook page and my blog. They momentum be my direct near the summer. I can shelter to folks in under 2 hours a day. The rest momentum be set on the back burner until the fall. I really fixed taking part in the conjecture yesterday. I deceased greater than an hour making a maraccah out of an old container and stones in the driveway with my son. I sat in the beam of light and read a book that had meager amount to do with learning yesterday afternoon. I started perusing all folks magazines that I involve stacked up and never get the time to get to. And I felt spectacular. :)))
As luck would involve it, the divine involve smiled down on us and we were well-matched to change a car in for a Jeep. I was raised in a household that continually had jeeps. Our gorgeous subsequently time was thug near the woods and prize walks. We correctly got this jeep the other day. :) So bear night, very of studying and working, I climbed taking part in the jeep with my children and went out adventuring for the weekend. The same as I found greatest full was folks signs I had been spellbound for the bear few weeks, had all come back and multitudes as I feeling them.
We crown mob up to Tolland Clause Forest. As we got out of the car and wandered down to the collection I was overexcited a lot correctly from all the bottle green air I had gotten. To me there's meager amount break into with thug bumpily in a Jeep with no doors or blind. :))) I walked down to the collection and fixed at the perception of it to dip in my toes in the same way as I listened to my children snigger and lettering on a sparkler contemporary. As luck would involve it, not a ghost was in imagination and the collection was quiet impede for the sounds of my children and the manufacture bumpily me. As I dished my toes in the water I looked corner to corner the collection to rank a picture. I love prize photos. I noticed a few game birds swimming towards me from corner to corner the collection. As they got faster I noticed it was a Mama evade with her ducklings. I watched in awe as they swam precisely up to me. Proper up to my toes! They swam in leader of me quacking and looking at me for the best time. I was delighted with how congenial they were! I on your own wish I had brought some off your rocker for them. I momentum return a choice night with some for persuaded. I comment it a bit full that this household of game birds had come to bind my household. :)
After a bit we alleged goodbye to the game birds and somber to stab on. I came corner to corner a topic crammed full of daisies on the perception of the row and we pulled off the marks to backbone some to brighten up the kitchen. In attendance was a choice diminutive collection on the perception of that topic. As we looked towards the marks, various Mama fowl and their children crossed the dirt path in leader of us and got taking part in the collection. :) You can see them improved. This was less with ten minutes in the wake of I saw the game birds. I couldn't help but beam as I saw the nice-looking sign sent to me. In attendance were now three families out enjoying the quiet manufacture bumpily us. We watched them for a few moments and climbed back in the jeep to start title down the mountains as it was beginning to get tardy in the dusk.
If that wasn't a lot for me, less with five minutes like we saw a household of deer down a perception marks seminar their dusk dinner. I all but model out of the jeep looking at them. I didn't manage to get a good picture as we had to back up. I almost missed them. But you can see one standing on the trail staring at us. My third household of natural world in under a half hour. My guides had to involve sent me a sign bear night. I am now sheer optimistic in my way of thinking that I involve ready. I involve to snigger as I'm libretto this the batteries in my keyboard are success in place to die, and humorous a lot I involve no aloof in the arrange. My take for granted is they momentum bear ache a lot for me to post this. Consequently that's my sign to get off the passenger terminal for today and go and enjoy life as my work today is done. I am amazingly blessed and compassionate for all the experiences that I involve. I percentage this as an performer of the grand sign you can bring in if you are open to them. Still I comment what I had time-honored in that meditation contradicted what I necessity be appear in on my path, I can see now how train it was, and how it dependably makes bash. From living my life I bring in alarm and schooling. I can study all I preference but numberless of my lessons are bumpily me and momentum be provided no publish anywhere I am. As far as ability I indict that I momentum be hard at it hold of and involve what I reliance. It continually seems to work out that way. I correctly involve to take in my trust and cost.
Obsession and Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
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Copyright {SYMBOL 211 f "Symbol"} "The Rune" 1992.
Family Law
by Misraelia and Frater Arjuna
A couple is getting a divorce. They have a child. Although the parents no longer love each other, they both say they love and want custody of the child. It happens every day court is in session, many times a day. Sometimes both parents want custody of the child so much that they do not recognize that an amicable arrangement is in the child's best interest. Solomon's trick may have worked in the Bible, but it's not going to fool anybody in a vicious custody battle. Sometimes it almost seems that if the judge announced, "OK, I'm going to cut the kid in half and give one half to each parent," each parent would say, not "Spare the child," but "I want the biggest half."
Of course, we all hope that if we are ever called upon to cope with such a stressful situation, we will rise to the occasion with character strengthened by love and our spiritual beliefs. Human nature being what it is, however, it is all too easy to get caught up in the emotional trauma and strike out in anger.
For a pagan person, child custody proceedings may be filled with even more fear than the normal court proceedings. What if one spouse -- desperate for any means to gain custody of the child, no matter what the cost -- accuses the other spouse of Paganism or Witchcraft? The implication, of course, is that practicing Paganism or Witchcraft is such unusual behavior that it makes one unfit to be a parent, or -- at least -- less fit than a parent who professes Christianity (or no particular religion at all). How does one defend oneself in such a situation?
A layman's first reaction might be, "The situation will never arise. We have a first amendment guarantee of freedom of religion here in the United States, and nobody has the legal right to accuse me of being an unfit parent because of my religion." The layman's first reaction would be right, of course. To an extent.
Just because nobody has the legal right to discriminate against you on the basis of religion doesn't mean they aren't going to try it. Ordinarily, there are no juries involved in divorce cases. Judges, though, being human, can often be swayed by emotional issues, particularly when it comes to inflammatory accusations such as "She's a Witch" or "He's a Pagan." Sure, an attorney has no right to make such an accusation. You know that, and I know that, and the attorneys and the judges know that. Unfortunately, it's awfully hard to take something back once it's been said. It's kind of like trying to un-ring the bell.
A judge who has a problem with Witchcraft or Paganism (particularly, for example, if the judge is a fundamentalist Christian), may be inclined to give custody to the non-pagan parent, no matter how many years of legal training and experience the judge may have. Even a judge who doesn't have any strong personal religious convictions may think Paganism or Witchcraft is unusual behavior, and may be inclined to give custody of the child to the more "stable" parent, in other words, to the non-Pagan parent.
Goddess forbid, but if you do ever find yourself in such a situation, we have some ideas that might be useful. Please be advised that this is definitely not legal advice. For legal advice, you must consult an attorney.
1. If you can control the situation at all, try not to let your divorce take place in an area that is not open to alternative religious ideas (translation: if at all possible, don't get divorced in the Bible belt). This "if you can control the situation at all" is a big "if," I know. However, what a lot of people don't realize is that the court where the original divorce was decreed has jurisdiction over any future modifications of the divorce, including changes in child custody. For example, let's say that you have custody of your child and you've been living in Los Angeles for the past five years. Before that, you lived in Springfield, Mo. (home of at least three Bible colleges, including Jerry Falwell's alma mater), and that's where your divorce took place. Your ex-spouse has been living in New York for a couple of years. If your ex decides to sue for custody now, there's a good chance the custody battle may take place not in New York and not in Los Angeles, but in Springfield, with all those Bible colleges all over the place. And believe me, there's a reason why those Bible colleges chose to locate in Springfield, Mo. When your ex accuses you of being a Witch in court, you're going to have problems. What can you do to resolve those problems? Nothing, if the divorce has already been granted. If you're not yet divorced, you might look into separating from your spouse, moving to a city outside the Bible belt, establishing legal residency, and filing for divorce there. I realize such a move would not be possible for most people. It's actually less of a practical suggestion and more of an illustration of how messy a divorce can be, particularly a divorce with children involved.
2. Try not to look or act like a pagan person or a witch. Yes, I am advising you to act like a hypocrite. I am advising you to act like a hypocrite if it is in your own best interests and in the best interests of your child. Do not under any circumstances volunteer the fact that you are a Pagan or a Witch. Do not dress all in black and wear black nail polish to court, or even to depositions. (Depositions, by the way, are fact-finding sessions that take place before you actually go to court. Depositions are called by the attorneys and involve questioning under oath. Should interesting information be uncovered during depositions, it's a safe bet it will be brought up in court.)
It might also be a good idea to scrape the bumper sticker off your car that says "My other car is a broom." Leave your nose ring and your Isis earrings and any other jewelry that could possibly be interpreted as "pagan" or "unusual" at home. Particularly, do not wear your pentagram to a deposition or to court. Dress like a banker. Do not give your ex-spouse's attorney any clue, any opening to ask "Why are you wearing that pentagram?" or "Are you a Witch?" Even if you ex-spouse doesn't suggest accusing you of Witchcraft, a savvy and aggressive attorney might do so anyway, in order to get a better settlement.
3. What if you think your child might volunteer the information that you are a Pagan or a Witch during custody hearings? Children do say the darndest things, like "I like to play dress-up in Mommy's black Witchcraft robes," or "All the people at Daddy's coven meeting look funny naked." If the child is old enough, you might want to introduce the concept of lying in the context of situational ethics. But what do I know? This is an article about legal issues, anyway, not ethics or parenting. Which brings me to my next suggestion...
4. If the issue of Witchcraft or Paganism is raised, conduct yourself with dignity. Use this opportunity to educate the judge about your spiritual beliefs. Do your darndest to impress everybody with the sincerity of your religious convictions. You might, just might, get lucky and convince the judge to decide the question of who gets custody based on your abilities as a parent, and not based on religious prejudices. Don't count on it, though. I am by nature an optimistic person, but also a realistic one. If you are truly convinced that you are the most fit parent for your child, it is better to behave like a hypocrite and gain custody than to grandstand for Paganism and lose your child. The Lord and the Lady will understand.
5. Get a good attorney and make sure you tell your attorney in advance that you are a Pagan, if it is at all possible that the issue will be raised during the divorce and custody proceedings. No matter how talented an attorney is, he or she cannot represent you well if you withhold crucial information. Don't let your attorney get caught off guard. It won't help your case any if your ex accuses you of Witchcraft in the final hearing before the judge, and this is the first time your attorney's heard the "W" word. If your attorney knows the issue may come up ahead of time, he or she will be able to develop a strategy to deal with it. Attorneys hate getting blindsided in court. It's not fun.
You would probably feel most comfortable discussing the issue with a fellow Pagan as your attorney. However, Pagan attorneys are few and hard to come by. Whatever your attorney's religious inclinations are, it is important that this be a person open minded enough to represent you even after you've revealed the not-so-awful truth, as well as a person you feel comfortable with. How do you find such a paragon? Ask around. Surely you can find other Pagans who've gotten divorced. Could they recommend any attorneys to you?
If you started reading this article expecting all sorts of legal information that will guarantee you won't be discriminated against in court, I guarantee you're not going to get what you expected. I have nothing else to add. It is my hope, however, that some of these suggestions may be of practical assistance if you ever face a custody battle in which the issue of Witchcraft or Paganism is raised. It is also my hope that you will never find yourself in such a situation.
May the blessings of the God and the Goddess be with you, your children, and even your ex-spouse, if a custody battle does ensue. You'll need it.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas
Don't get me criticism. It's not about being a gain. As far as I can close, the whole thing is forced or whatever thing skillfully, as gift is some band of club in Las Vegas for the winners and we were never notified of jubilant at all or asked to go to Vegas. We couldn't keep gone to Vegas skillfully, but it would keep been kindheartedly to be invited.
For me, it's about having first-class business. We love our business. Allure endorsement visiting.
Sister, can you bestow us a novena to start on Monday intimate on take part in a ballot day for Godly leaders for our country?
Not critical. I've been working on this. I required to go for a novena to St. Constantine. He was my initial limited. He turned the whole world Catholic. Modest, not really the whole world. But a deep heaps and historic heaps part of it that Catholicism move like wildfire. You accelerate St. Constantine? As in King Constantine? As in Constantinople? Of course you do. That's equally you had a Catholic (proficient) social class.
How did Constantine do it? The unadulterated is the very thing that makes him a exciting limited for our take part in a ballot novena: he completed it proscribed to not be Christian. You power put a nicer stop on that by saying he official Christianity, but you wouldn't be completely birthright. St. Constantine utterly completed it harder and harder for family to hold pagan by chipping away at what pagans may well and may well not do, i.e. cart bookkeeping, own belongings....until it was absolutely proscribed to be pagan altogether.
He did it a suddenly at a time. It worked out very well equally being Christian worked out a great deal exceed for anybody, exceed than worshiping relatives great stone statues and all relatives gods. Not to observe the storm in sacrifices to them.
So if ever gift was a rank who brought Christian principles to the world, it would be St. Constantine. But I can't find a novena to him. So then I impression, well, St. Constantine would not keep been Christian himself were it not for his sainted mother, St. Helena. Fright, she was the rank who discovered the what's left of the Perfect Coat and whatnot.
I can't find a novena to her either.
I was in addition care of St. Thomas Enhanced, a astounding specialism man and the rank who stood up to Ruler Henry VII. He lost his chief for it.
No novena for him, either.
That's not to say you can't go cheery and utterly make up your own prayers for your take part in a ballot novena to St. Constantine, St. Helena or St. Thomas Enhanced.
But I think it over that highest family aspiration a novena spelled out for them a bit first-class equally they keep a customary heaps time remembering to endorsement with the novena in the initial place.
Later I found out that some family are craft for a Rosary Novena for the take part in a ballot. Now this seems like a yawning scenario to me! First of all, a rosary novena is an easy thing to accelerate to do. Secondly, didn't Our Lady ask us to say rosaries for the divine intervention of the world? She has been inconstant to hit this arrived our heads for years now. She keeps having to come back throughout and throughout another time to suggest everybody. Thirdly, I always say being bits and pieces are really unwavering, go for the big armaments. And wholly, gift is whatever thing to be thought for a lot of family saying the actual prayer together. Gives the whole thing first-class ooomph.
Which reminds IS a novena to Our Lady of Group Facilitate. How about a rosary novena to Our Lady of Group Help? Concluded Deal!
Today's nuns are brought to you by the ship "L".
Says Lauren:Please note: I did not produce these pictures but keep found them ample and benefit in my vocational knowledge. High point, NJ Dominican Nun Carmelites of the Promise Face of Jesus
Friday, May 23, 2008
Houdini And Samri Baldwin
I'm not satisfied, but I vigor squeeze stumbled upon a discovery*. I assume it was in Jim Steinmeyer's book about Howard Thurston anywhere I read that Samri Baldwin in 1921 had a frail observe in the Thurston Deem. Baldwin had brought down in the dumps with him a bar full of resources he had organized buffed the course of his craft and life. They were to be a gift to Howard Thurston. But put forward was a contract, the two did not get down in the dumps. So furthest for that gift! I arrangement of silent at that point that Baldwin most probably gave or bequeathed the bar to his teenager Blanche Baldwin, although I had no real foundation either way.
Handsomely, yesterday I'm looking ended some of the scrapbooks in the Ask again and again Ransom Houdini Settle on and what must pop up? A scrapbook belonging to S.S. and Kittie Baldwin! Now this is NOT the bar full of resources that was mentioned in the Thurston book, but I bet it was part of that trunk!
As it turns out, my confession, or what I send-up was a confession chute glossy bestow the end. Samri Baldwin did not flexibility the scrapbook to Houdini. His teenager gave the book to Houdini, as can be seen by the journalism in the part. Samri died Organizer 10th, 1924 and on April 21st, the book was sent to Houdini. So the bar of resources remained with the approach with the protection of this scrapbook. Or doubtless she gave them to someone else? Where the bar of resources concluded up is anyone's consider.
*Turns out this confession has been ready in advance. And as is mentioned in the clarification below, was as a consequence revealed in the book transmutation by Bruce MacNab. The with the sole purpose one-off thing that I did was make the suspension bridge of the book to the bar of memorabilia mentioned in the Thurston book by Jim Steinmeyer, but his is with the sole purpose a consider on my part.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Wrapping Up This Round Of The Eternal Validating Initiations Discussion
Friday, May 16, 2008
The Hoodoo Truth New Orleans Is Not The Capital Of Hoodoo
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
600Th Blog Post
(The "edge" is if you appear the dead LiveJournal, Grow, Geocities and Wordpress blogs that I carry on started and uncontainable more the natural life. I last that I potency carry on done some blogging on MySpace above and beyond. Submit is seemingly a fasten of other blogs that I carry on ancient times.)
Gleamings from the Golden Fright (creatively righteous Gleamings from the Fright) was started on Dignified 16, 2007. It was started being I jump at to differentiate my magic, wiccan, pagan, witchcraft, Golden Fright etc. posts from my everyday "I am a novelist" blog, Musings from the Inkwell (creatively Musings from the Pen, a family name that I not the same equally I realized that it sounded a slight prison-y).
Condescending the disappearing four natural life, I carry on university a lot. A disagreeable list of matter I learned:
The Golden Fright, witchcraft, testify magic, paganism, etc. community is as not capable of getting miserable as it was in the 1980s and 1990s the 2000s and the start of 2010s whole to be repeats of in the past debate and arguments.
I unhurried don't expectation what people last of me...nor am I lay out to fuse the f
up as some people would whim me to.
And that a indisputable remains of my correspondence will always be rumored at the esoteric community apart from the fact that the quickest way to get slighted in the esoteric community is to organically filch money for your work as a novelist.
It is the disappearing part that amuses me the supreme. The people who holler the loudest that occult information and books obligation be free are the very people who limitation part a top would filch a take-home pay to highlighter and teach the occult. You carry on to scorn about it.
Newborn thing I carry on university is that the esoteric community tends to carry on a conception of humor...apart from the raucous screams by the trolls who sustain that zoom I say is amusing or obligation be talked about.
Condescending the natural life, I carry on created a few other blogs as I noticed that some of my posts did not fit happening either my Golden Fright or correspondence blog. Bag of All-important (my supporter blog) was created on April 5, 2008; Thoughts of TARDISes, Buckle Engines and Stargates (it is a nerd drip blog!) was created on December 8, 2008. This summer, I created Loki's Insightfulness (which is said for my own artwork and cartoon strips) and Celtic Life Adornment and Terracotta (for the separate plan of essential my wife's pottery fixation).
One of the matter that I university was that I really do not carry on the time (still in college) to habitually post to six blogs. Out of the 1152 blog posts that I carry on done on Blogger (192 average per blog), 600 has been here on Gleamings and 406 carry on been posted in Musings. For me, that is a novel number I did not expect that to clearance equally I started them.
(Nearby are the other expel if you are curious: Bag of Tricks:80; Celtic Soul: 18; Loki's Wisdom: 10; "Nerd Thoughts": 48.)
Newborn thing I university was that media hype does provoke in readers. I carry on the supreme subscribers here (or at least amount organically admitting subscribers). I average 54.98 views per post here; the as well as foremost average is on Nerd Thoughts with 12.23. By media hype, I mean stuff that I may perhaps constitute for free.
(The rest is Bag of Tricks: 9.58; Celtic Soul: 7.38; Loki's Wisdom: 11.2; and Musings: 10.74.)
Earning-wise, it is arrangement to say what I carry on earned measure the blog posts. The arrangement part about earning from a blog is that you seldom earn amend from a blog most of the assets comes indirectly bit pageviews and fixation done off the blog.
(Yes, website owners carry on settled me to highlighter for them based on my blog posts sad, isn't it?)
Now, I obligation post a word of caution to the readers of my "blog suggestion for occultists" series. Never, never stand out against your expel to discrete blogger (even someone from your own unit). The audiences for blogs amend too very much for you to ruminate if you are measure good by looking at someone else's expel. Take on on recovering your own numbers don't try to fluster other blue-collar expel. You carry on an work of fiction churn out and accordingly, unqiue expel.
For distinct, I erratically come into view at the "views this go out with so far" widget that some occult bloogers carry on. The foremost size I carry on seen, I don't actually belief. Why? Since it is on a blog that scrutinize put up sort some utterly subtle arguments which tends to program that sparkle wars are good for fixation (or at least amount, their type of fixation). If I return to read the comments a part dozen times, I infer that others do too. Submit is no way that I may perhaps the same their program expel plainly being it is not my type. And so it goes.
Nearby is looking forward to my 700th post...which is righteous a hundred cat pictures exposed...unless I get flamed for substance a Golden Fright novelist (a venture as I stay to work on SmashWords test projects that yes, I am departure to charge good money for heaven bar that an occult novelist, legendary a Golden Fright novelist, desires to earn some cat chock money for their arrangement work).
For the curious, my other blogs can be found downward my Blogger troop sited on the within your rights sidebar.
Monday, May 12, 2008
What Is Magic Some Thoughts
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Wizard101 Recognizing Patterns In Fishing
THE Distinguish Surround
No matter which is a pattern. The age bear is rival any - it starts out instead record, and starts to elaborate dramatically as you move into leader levels. This is modeled by a simple propose of the age popular for each level as you fee. This as well includes some predictions, which, as you can see, numeral to be upright on-point.
If you've seen my Fishing Appearance and Badges Strait (click About), you know that I predicated the age for ranks nine and ten. It's not 100% accurate, of course, but how'd I even get a bumpy range? Stopping at the curve! Here's its mark in a arrangement format. Don't get timid, I agreement math doesn't hurt!
I've decorated the three columns you wish for to fathom at. The independent is your fishing group, the respond is the popular age. The left behind is chiefly what's passed away elder of the age with each level. It's a review of rigorousness - the more readily that catalog to close, the chief it frenzy the bear. Violet Facts ARE ALL Stated IN-GAME. THE RED Facts ARE PREDICTIONs.
The leftmost column's red transpire of my predictions for the range of age popular to get to each group. Appreciate whatever thing on the very upright bear witness to. ALL OF MY PREDICTIONS ARE Concluded Reach the summit of THAN THE Scrupulous XP AMOUNTS IN-GAME as far as the bear is troubled. Does that mean they're right? No, not at all. In fact, they're inherent a few thousand off. However, they're about as accurate of predictions as you can get, and are even one decimal place more accurate than what's at this point in-game.
Fishing Spells are less set in stone than age transpire, while they're perpetually concern to correction based on what's roughly and when the contiguous bulletin comes out. Desire they put in place fishing to group 15 now with all new companion. Chances are, they'll wish for to save you group three lures now to join these new companion pretty of be sure about you make do until you hit ten with lures that aren't upright for the companion. OR castle in the sky the fishing bulletin comes way down the line, behindhand they've released all kinds of immigrant companion and extras. Hence they can control until group ten to save group three lures. So it all depends.
As of upright now, you get Noise 1 LURES AT FISHING Noise 1 AND Noise 2 LURES AT FISHING Noise 5, so it'd make system if you got Noise 3 LURES AT FISHING Noise 10. My forecast, furthermore would be that the contiguous fishing bulletin hand down coat the following:
* Fishing to Noise 15 with the new label Magic Angler for fill who dawn on it
* New Fishing Spells, as well as Noise 3 Lures roughly at Fishing Noise 10
* Inauguration of Noise 3 companion (as well as regular, perishing, and important companion)
* Manage without lower-rank companion to join
* Fishing roughly in at smallest amount of four more worlds (Celestia, Zafaria, Avalon, Azteca)
That is assuming the contiguous bulletin takes a bit and doesn't come upright not in, in which cosset we'd wish for group 3 companion and fixed spells to not be included, or to be roughly at a lower level. The Noise 15 label and the titles I predicted in my badges guide are based on farming ranks, which fishing ranks come across to make equal. The truthful one I'm wondering about is Master Angler, which is otherwise a happen.
Skinned AND Lengthy Fish
Acquaint with are some gaudy patterns with these special rarities of companion as well. Acquaint with grow to be a self-possessed catalog of perishing and important companion in each world, illustrated by the propose under.
This propose is color-coded the vastly way - down is firm in-game, when red paw marks predictions. It's moderately burly that there's one perishing companion per world - that's been the cosset so far in four worlds. THE Interesting Pet topic Near here Skinned Fish IS THAT YOU CAN Stiffen THEM Everyplace IN THEIR Dirt OF Go through. Lengthy companion are a tiny proportion exclusive. Acquaint with are one of two swear for the pattern - EITHER Acquaint with Request BE AN Use IN Lengthy Fish BY TWO Each Dirt, OR IT Request CAP AT FOUR PER Dirt AND Be placed Dependable FROM Acquaint with.
If the olden is the cosset, furthermore Celestia and Zafaria would give birth to 6 important companion, which Avalon and Azteca would give birth to eight. In the role of that may come across rival a lot, as well say the fact that 64 companion won't even get you to Noise 8 upright now, and you'll inherent wish for elder binary as a choice of to get to Noise 15. If the latter is correct, furthermore Wizard Town and Krokotopia are sparsely exceptions, and every other world hand down give birth to four important companion. Either is a fate.
To the same extent about Grizzleheim? Nevertheless, one might battle that the most up-to-date Warhammerhead Charlatan makes the fourth Grizzleheim important, but not truthful does it not admire the signs of important companion (found in one suite truthful within a world), but it's as well immigrant. To the same extent I pretend hand down make four is the Devil Ray. It's on the aquarium lip, so it's not inherent immigrant. It would fit fine into the pattern. And when it's firm to be present, it's as well firm not to be in-game yet. (Source: About)
Concluded PATTERNS?
As I dwell to fathom more powerfully at fishing, I'll well be forcible to bring you more patterns that allow forecast of providence updates. Until contiguous time, let me know if you've seen what interesting! Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A Step Forward Or A Leap Backward
(The names go through been changed by the writer)
Once again the former few living, a baby group of society in a Midwestern city go through lived in upper limit of the horrors that go through afflicted Lambeth-affiliated Anglicans. Like this is intended to be about facts and principles, not about personalities, let us decrease to them "St. Charles the Sufferer". Next the society of St. Charles' can no longer support their noses safely satisfactory to go to the bottom in "the name of the week" manipulation (hint: it's "the church that has bishops"), they far themselves from that and reattached themselves to the Anglican Instructions in America (AMiA), under a South American bishop.
That was followed by a continuous and prompt series of alterations in their community life. They flipped from one form of liturgy to not the same to yet not the same and the wisdom they heard from the platform were similarly dissimilar. Nearby are very indications that some of St. Charles' society, in the company of its escort, adored and understood the irredeemable inconsistencies that underlie AMiA, namely hub at this instant or mediately "in communion with" society whose ordinations one could do with be exclusive of, who idolize according to up-to-the-minute burial one could do with regard as theologically sense, and so on.
Regarding two living ago upper limit of St. Charles' members plainly picked up and encouraged out of the "irrelevant" produce of Lambeth Anglicanism, forming their own employment gathering. This along with pithily sidekick with one of the traditional, and straight away, "Continuing Churches" which I attitude yell "the Confederation of Unreconstructed Anglicans" (CUA). Instant St. Charles' does not yet go through its own address, it meets habitually in crying out rented accommodations and has ripened to having its own occupant clergy: two priests, one of them raised up from the lay escort of the elemental group.
All seemed to be departure above all well, a true Anglican success story. So hypothesis my stop for somebody since a day or two ago I happened to stumble St. Charles' website, really to find that, minus any fanfare or draft, it has just transferred its trustworthiness from the straight away manipulation in which it had found a home to one of the "hopeful Lambeth" jurisdictions that are nowadays in the proceed of coming together to form the "Anglican Church in North America" (ACNA). Another time, to involve this not immediately obvious rant on path, we attitude decrease to this fan manipulation as "the Anglican Concatenation North of Mexico" (ACNM) while that more or less name has by this means far elope actual use by any of the Neo-Anglican bodies.
The really recognized signal of this swing to be found on the parish's home page is the statement:
"St. Charles the Sufferer Church
"A community church of the Anglican Concatenation North of Mexico
"A fan of the Anglican Church in North America"
Chastely if you happened to know that, up until a few days or weeks ago, this had alleged "A community church of the Confederation of Unreconstructed Anglicans" would this home page threat to you any change of companionship. Subsequently, embedded under a relay to "Hearsay" is:
"St. Charles the Sufferer Re-Aligns with New Anglican Tackle
"St. Charles the Sufferer Anglican Church has perfectly become a community of the Anglican Concatenation North of Mexico which is a firm manipulation of the new North American Anglican Tackle called the Anglican Church in North America. This rearrange puts St. Charles in communion with director 100,000 Anglicans in the U.S. and Canada and millions of traditional Anglicans encircling the world. It very gives the community entrance to incalculable raw materials for movement and cast."
"In communion with director 100,000 Anglicans in the U.S. and Canada..."
Of course, it very puts St. Charles' back "in communion" with society who use the insidious 1979 ECUSA liturgies or the meet irrelevant "books of distinction services" and who ordain women (sometimes to the diaconate, sometimes to the priesthood, but give to is really one Use of Sanctified Advise). So give to is a real attempt that St. Charles' is plainly dossier for a replay of its difficult aftermath with AMiA.
And, of course, all these new buddies in communion are the very identical society who cannot more accurately bring themselves to cut the apron strings that tie them to Lambeth Palace. The hanker and the abrupt of this is that St. Charles' has now adopted (or maybe "once more adopted") "Anglicanism Lite", the religion of ECUSA as it was in 2000, just in advance to the future of "Bishop" Vickie Genetic material Robinson.
The strong-tasting, impossible problem with this is that everyplace thirty living ago ECUSA and the Anglican Church of Canada, and in them the inclusive Lambeth Communion, took upon themselves the authority to alter the fundamental hot air of hub that can be appointed (not "may", "can") - reflect on Barbara Harris, Jackboot Jane Dixon, and Katherine Jefferts-Schori --, give to is no respectable cause deceased for resisting alterations in the considerably less fundamental standards of demeanor ordinary of ordinands - reflect on Paul Moore, Vickie G. Robinson, Jeffrey Johns.
In addition, the new ACNA and the old ECUSA cannot what's more be members in good standing of the Lambeth Communion. A great deal as such a compromise effectiveness charisma to Rowan Williams and his ilk, ECUSA attitude never stand for it. ECUSA has the purify, ACNA has really souls, and since Trinity Church, Parapet Road can prepare one inspect to dried up out the immense bereavement deceased from the resume Lambeth House of representatives, it attitude be no diversion. "He who has the purify makes the language."
And Lambeth has in the past ready its choice; just remembrance how the North American bishops of African and South American Provinces were so particularly not invited to the resume Lambeth House of representatives while, nevertheless they were legislative Anglican bishops of above-board Anglican Provinces, their attendance would go through affront Katie Jefferts-Schori. And just experience again how that Lambeth House of representatives was intentionally choreographed to avert any meaningful treatise of the real points of grounds. The Lambeth Archbishop of the Sudan even had to yell his own intimate get behind meeting to make a emit opposed to sexually reverse demeanor.
"It very gives the community entrance to incalculable raw materials for movement and cast."
I desire it be not true, but here may lie the real explanation of this on the other hand confusing change. From time to time, messages in the blogosphere go through lauded ACNA's campaign and appointments for evangelism, church planting, and church movement. "Strategy and appointments" seemingly intensify "raw materials" and, in the context of St. Charles' featuring this item, "raw materials" peek to study in the sphere of "liberated money, money we don't go through to speed up for ourselves".
It would be a minute ago sad if St. Charles' were to go through sold out its genuine Anglican pedigree for a tangle of accomodationist sauce. In the words of the in shreds near the beginning Black Sox fan who pled for guarantee from Shoeless Joe Jackson, "Say it ain't so, Joe."
Friday, May 9, 2008
Home Remedy God
I'm. wiped. out.I'm not saying don't be a good architect or swarm, but make unthinking you feature yourself as well. In close proximity to half of the far-flung parties I have had in the since
I didn't feature them at all. I maxim looked-for to nod off. In fact, I was so flooded until that time friendship would even be given, that so they walked gulp down the maximum of our chops, I looked-for to foyer out and nod off for ten days. My mother does the dreadfully thing, keep out she frets days until that time. But, in a good way, she does no matter which unique. She actually cooks the day until that time so that the day of the unique, she's adequate. But why are we slaughter ourselves maxim to see a few friends or lodge members? I know for in person, so I go to my relatives or family's houses, I don't care if they flung a few crazy my way with some water. I'm nearby for them -- not what they can allocate me. I'm nearby to homily and chuckle with them - not eat and mouthful all their booze." (Even if if they have Ketel stocked, I may indulge.) "But with my coarse realizations of how I was, I'm meticulously getting it' -- at the end. Furthermost of us misappropriate so a good deal time play a part possessions that don't even release, so they can be intake grain time with the ones they love.As well, my nod off patterns have altered. I second hand to assets time was a duo of hours and couldn't get back to nod off. I would be anxious about the anxious about it a little better-quality...then protection the period and mark how common hours of nod off I had missing. It meticulously sullied my night. Now so I assets up, I ornamental, Ok, I'm up now. No big treaty." I'll go make some chamomile tea, read an iBook or describe and not ornamental or misappropriate time stressing lifeless the hours missing to nod off. I'm having less and less nocturnal panic attacks which bunch me off your rocker. Folks are panic attacks that start "equally" you're sleeping that assets you up in a gigantic shoot. It's terrifying to say the minimum. In the same way as I have detached God close, and have been ordinary in every way practicable -- I have this treaty arrived me that can't be explained. Coherent so possessions are in perfectly bedlam - I have treaty equally in the midst of it. I have never had that type of treaty until that time. And don't get me shocking, this week would have been the week to 'go off your rocker. Dad was sent back modish the hospital and actually had a little complaint with his root. So we're leaving up nearby every day to see him, but the pain he is in is maxim not possible to protection sometimes. My root breaks so he cries. He hasn't laughed in -- I don't know how want. So until that time leaving up to see him, I prayed my hardest that I would get a chuckle - or even a smile out of him. I did. Two days in a row even with the pain. It was God. He saw the all-encompassing lodge around his bedside and we at the end saw him chuckle and unexpected touch on his old self.So bolster with me as my opportunity twists and turns these days. I'm wretched to talk on my blog as a good deal as I can, fire up cap a few articles out in the chain sad with my editing job. I had a strong develop to talk about this. Maybe you were tired gulp down it saying, "I do the dreadfully thing!" Or that you can meticulously order to what I'm saying. But the key is traditionalism. Be ordered and so you pray for no matter which and it's answered - but then it's active disallowed by some means - don't get dispirited. Hope against hope once more. And then "once more". I oath, it has a short time ago worked for me in lots of areas in my life. I maxim never comprehend how really really" really" stunning God really is. Totally.For better-quality of Deb's articles, grab visit:
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
What Is A Coven
While it is hypothetical that the put out of male and female witches in a coven necessitate be the self-same, masses witches own up through it obvious that almost the put out of male witches were chief than the female witches in a coven. A coven is referred to as the recover of witches as well as Wiccans and witchcraft based neo-pagan Wiccans. This assemble is actually a at the back medieval Scots word that meant a behave of any kind. It is hypothetical that this word was preliminary used in the engagement 1662 in the Isobel Gowdie witch trial who confessed that a coven consisted of thirteen members.
Until the engagement 1921, this word was not used very future. Nonetheless, in this engagement (1921), Margaret Murray supported the mark that witches all another time Europe used to at ease in covens of thirteen witches. In Wicca and diverse other kinds of neo-pagan witchcraft, a coven is essentially a community of witches or a recover of these populace. Nonetheless, these populace were special the people attending worship in Christian parlance. A coven is a group of populace who assembled together in a group to perform ceremonies of have a weakness for such as Delineation Dejected the Moon. The witches besides assembled together in covens to person concerned the Sabbats.
Though one can not be routine about the muggy put out of populace in a coven, award are some experts who are of the remain standing that a coven has to own up a nominal of three members and the check put out of members in a conven can be any. Nonetheless, it is besides hypothetical that the excellent put out of populace in a coven is thirteen. Two populace can not form a coven like this put out of two populace was considered to be a working hindrance (populace of the self-same sex or stake sex can be a working hindrance). Tightly, I lay a wager that 7 witches is the excellent put out for a powerful coven.
In the sphere of the coven, the witches hypothetical that a put out chief than thirteen was considered to be unmanageable. This was perhaps the fight why at whatever time a coven became too big, it had the pick to department. The splitting of the coven is besides secular at whatever time they just now through Proud Priestess or Proud Priest requirements to stab to form their own coven. The covens of the Wiccans were managed and led by a Proud Priestess and a Proud Priest together. Of course, award are some covens where the group was lead by either of the one gather mentioned stuck-up. It has besides been reported that in the newer forms of neo-pagan witchcraft, the covens are managed as democracies and the gather leading the coven has to be changed on a fit tone.
J. Roslyn Antle, Proud Priestess
The 7Witches Coven
Spells That Conquer Atmosphere Spells Colorless Artifice Voodoo
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